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Tracer Bullet

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Posts posted by Tracer Bullet

  1. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    If you did and you still can't beat him, it's just a power level issue. Sorry. Change the difficulty to something lower, or start over and make seven Vlish ^_^

    I'll look again, but seriously, I found nothing. Plus, I got so fed up with that jerk that I waited and came back with a drakon and gazer, and they cornered him while my PC ransacked his back room. I got his artifacts, but I still didn't kill him.
  2. Originally Posted By: dopeydave
    Either peple are getting dumber at way to high of a rate. or people are way to lazy, these games are way easy on normal difficulty, i always paly on hard or one up, the only thing i can see that needs improvement is quest tracking and management (maybe by area). if your to stupid to figure out this game then try it on easy or go play some crappy streamline game that requires no skill.

    Whoa! What gives? Is someone poking you over there?
  3. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    The cover you show Slarty looks more like Minas Ithil (Tower of the Moon) on the left and Mians Anor (Tower of the Sun) on the right, the original names of Minas Morgul and Minas Tirith before Sauron's forces captured Minas Ithil. That makes the figures of the moon and sun over the two towers.

    And explain the key of Orthanc and the staff of Saruman in the drawing, then--If that's Minas Morgul.
  4. Which ranks worst (as in worst place to wake up one morning and find yourself) out of the following:


    Click to reveal..
    Pit of the Titan shocked

    Annuvin sick

    Chained to an iron wheel in the bottom of a fire-pit. frown

    Gazak-Uss crazy

    Gorgoroth mad

    Angband tongue

    The Matrix laugh

    Islington at 4000000 BC madmad


    There's a million more, so feel free to suggest some. tongue

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