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Everything posted by *i

  1. Am I the only one to think it sort of sucks?
  2. I'm about ready for the final fight and my party has luck primarily centered around my two front line fighters. I gave them about 4-5 a piece in addition to the added bonus of luck items such as the Charmed Plate and the Clover Boots. I mainly like it because it increases my mind effect resistance (albeit slowly), which is pretty low on my fighters. I know there are items, but I cannot justify them when confronted with more combat bonus items. One combination that I like is holding on to the quicksilver items (and putrified gauntlets) on my priest and then using the Necklace(?) of Might (strength +4!!) to offset the strength penalty.
  3. If you don't have a thief-mage combo, I would say a good level to get it to would be 22 and then add on a Tinker's Bauble and Tinker's Gloves. All but a few rooms will be open to you throughout the game.
  4. Yes, but you are not his target audience of hyperactive eight year olds and septugenerian eskimos.
  5. TM, I'm getting sick of you quoting me by editing my posts. Your opinions are not god, so please stop acting like it.
  6. That is good...hopefully it will take the good elements of Geneforge and add some new stuff to them. I remain both hopeful and skeptical.
  7. If you want to read what happens, A4 lets you read it all in the scripts. You don't even need to register!
  8. Jeff does not care what you think.
  9. I think this topic getting posted every month or two is due to some sort of spacetime anomoly where this topic gets stuck in some loop of the continuum. Thoughts?
  10. Interestingly enough, he shorthand version of assassination is assass.
  11. Doston is really a state of being or way of life more than a continent if you know what I mean.
  12. True, but at least Synergy and Spring wrote in complete sentences when they were new.
  13. You need to go back around to the south, through the area with all the Vahnatai, find the shrine, go north of it. There should be a small room with a lever.
  14. The green orb, probably releases acid or some other nastiness if you don't kill him fast enough and he uses it.
  15. Quote: Originally written by arghhhhhhhhh: i tried the kill the black shade of ice by cheating and used divine fire and got it down the lowest and it simply didn't die Told you so...
  16. I'm not sure I understand the part about the A3 graphics having more variety.
  17. Couldn't have said it better. Beware, spoilers ahead. My main issue with A4 is that it has utter predictability in plotline. Yes, it follows logically from A3, but too logically. At least in A3 we didn't know the Vahnatai did it until later in the game. This was the "big surprise" in the game. A4 has no mistery. By the time we reach Formello, we have a pretty good idea what is going on and who is behind it all. Motrax's Lair pretty much confirms it and seeing that good old Rentar is behind everything is not a leap of imagination at all. Ironically, when I said this to Jeff he reacted quite offensively to any challenge in his paradigm. Pity, because there were so many avenues to persue such as the Slith Wars with real motivations other than they are evil and savage. The Darkside Loyalists worked quite well and had more focus been on them all the better. Betrayal by a powerful wizard, unconstrained ancient Vahnatai magic, some new ominous threat, etc. could have been potential avenues. However, Jeff picks 'Kill Rentar' which is the most obvious and storyline that has been the butt of so many joke BoE scenarios. Not to say A4 is all bad; there are good parts, but plot is not one of them.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Kasumetoru Sai: ...you can't kill it in the demo. I mean it- you quite literally can't kill it. You can try, but you will fail.
  19. I'd be fine with that. Lighting is a nice tool to set the atmosphere and can be used very effectively, but having the player cast a bunch of light spells all the time is a bit annoying. So I agree, in certain restricted areas, using light would be wonderful.
  20. Really now, light sources are for the pedantic. I personally prefer having things that do not add much subtracted.
  21. Perhaps, but still horribly weak and lazy on Jeff's part.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: Sheesh, people. In a game with all kinds of outright magic, it seems to me that there is bound to be enough wiggle room for rationalizing things like this. Work with the man a bit. Yeah, if this were the ONLY thing he rationalized. Unfortunately, Jeff has a tired and predictable pattern that he's fallen into. At least he provided a paper thin explanation, but still, I felt the pylon is sheer laziness. Rather than making a real means of escape, Jeff resorts to authorial magic to do his dirty work...same complaint I have in A3.
  23. Luck is always nice, saves you from pesky death.
  24. Please post in the Avernum Trilogy forum with questions related to A3, thank you.
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