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Posts posted by llloyd

  1. that...is...aw-some

    i'm seeing that, and yeah it's awsome, i'm pretty good at being sneaky in real life also, i am quite a good thief actually, though i don't actually use my good dexterity for thieving even though i could.

  2. You can argue with it's math, but not it's logic or ability to create said convoluted math that is based on nothing but the little internet stuff to math converter guy on it's shoulder that is a manafistation of it's brains need to convert stuff on the internet to loony(crazy(stupid)) math problems. thats the product of crazy and stupid times the loony factor, the end result showing how convoluted and whacky the math problems are.


    My shoulder thing is about getting convoluted and longer than needed explanations that are completely ridiculous, example being like what i just wrote and probobly somewhere else in some other post of mine, but maybe not.

  3. THAT...is...awsome



    i think, uh.....yeah it is, combination of two sounds to make an eye sound, much different than the sound made when your eye sound gets poked. that would be very bad, leaving you with pronunciation problems having to do with any word containing the letter eye. also what might happen is someone screeming "Ow, my eye sound, now i can never say lainei"


    very bad, never poke or otherwise jab somebodies eye sound because it could result in the inability to say lainei, or any other words with a and i combined.

  4. Man, i wish i was here for whatever was debated about with geneforge and the conclusion stuff. i shall live on, yet partly dead, and will come out to me living about 3 years less than i would have, but i am prepared to make the call with the rest of you that geneforge should be given a good grave, and a peaceful one. for what is 3 years to the rest of all our memories of such a compelling tale. end.

  5. so basically going off topic is a very slippery slope type thing, and something about most points on the intersecting line having only few points of obvious off topicness. thus confirming our already proven notion that it is very hard to not go off topic after just a short amount of posts.


    so in conclusion, none of us are fit to be the conductor of the topic train without injuring many lurking passengers. yay for analogy talk

  6. The only thing i know really is that the correct symbol is as described previously, so you are correct pretty much, but i am pretty sure that is the correct symbol when coupled with the a, the ai is one symbol and makes an eye sound. if i'm wrong correct me.

  7. Actually people who consider themselves conservative in morals would say this is ethically wrong, my english teacher recently informed me and rest of philosophy club of a study that shows an accuracte representation of the difference between conservative and liberal peoples thinking, both valuing fairness and nothing harmed. but conservative thinking people would ussually also factor in purity, if it disgusts them, authority, if it is disrespectful to something in some way, and group, if they can relate to whatever it is.


    what we are discussing would most likely violate purity and probobly also group. when informed half of the very few members burst into laughter claiming they are liberals, me being one of those. i also do agree that if nobody is hurt by this and nothing unfair happens it should be at the very least allowed.

  8. i never said something not extremely pressing is not a problem, just people would most of the time not really recognize it enough as such to go and make a good effort to fix. a problem with people that has kept alternative fuel technology from advancing until recently, that being one example.

  9. it's not there being no problems, but people don't really register anything that isn't extremely pressing as something that needs fixing. and anything that works o.k. would noy be seen as something that could be better or replaceable

  10. I've been posting like less than a week now and have this being my 60th, i do not see alorael doing anything skeesy or shady that would be swindling or bamboozling the system. if he did it was in moderation enough not to be obvious

  11. before sucia island it is true no srvile in their sane mind would rebel, it was not all good and perfect. the shapers treated serviles as things basically, and the only reason no rebellion was because any servile that said no was killed on the spot. so though no rebellion obvious need for reform still, but because of the way humans are, the shapers would definetly never do any sort of reforming without a major crises that is actually a threat as a wake up call. actually everything was fine if you are okay with a pretty sentient species being treated as disposable(yes) things(not) who should be lucky they were ever created. just asking for a rebellion really

  12. Ah cool already my first big debate, but i now don't have that much too say except control stuff, first machines would not go rogue, they can not, especially since the shapers would be smart enough to have a emergency shut down override, at least they should. Also i did not say the shapers were not at some fault, but it would be pretty bold of you to say that the regular people tried very hard to understand the shapers side. what i am saying is both sides are at fault because the shapers did not explicate, therefore being distant and tyranical seeming, and the people did not try to see it from the shapers point of view.

    also, by no mind i mean no commen sense, reasoning ability, not a blank zombie mind that goes uhhh.... and then obeys what you say and eats brains. i actually can't really understand why serviles can't be made as obedient as the servant minds, maybe having something to do with outsiders then not being able to control them, but was never said. also you can not say the serviles were okay before because like on gull island the good shaper made serviles were itching to rebel with little influence, so the design does need improvement. though this problem could be solved by being nicer that seems even more unlikely for the shapers, and even some people.


    anything we are not in accordance with?

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