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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Phlegm is one of the four bodily "humors" along with blood, black bile, yellow bile, and, well, phlegm. In classical medicine illnesses were caused by an imbalance in there, which would need to be corrected to cure the patient- like via leeching! I can't believe I didn't get that one before.
  2. 280. Psychosnow Emanation might be Jinx, or maybe Mallow- both of which are characters in Super Mario RPG who are made of sort of white fluffballs- like snow. One of them, Mallow, possesses a spell called Psychopath that lets you see opponent's HP counts, and occasionally their thoughts.
  3. 282. Deixistential Angst could be When Depeche Mode Questions Everything- Depeche Mode is an electronic band that released the albums A Question of Time and A Question of Lust, so all that questioning must lead to some existential angst ==> depeche existential ==> depechistental ==> deistential angst. QED.
  4. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S if you find math jokes hilarious, anyway I am an engineer, y'know .
  5. 255. Metric Electric Lover is PBS anthem about a champion fighter, in reference to a actual PBS video about the metric system casting the Metric and Imperial systems as boxers.
  6. For the record, the updated list I'm working with is: Code: 244. Liminal Term, Terminal Limb Deepest ends245. THIS!!!!???!!! Freud follows Life During Wartime248. Pentacle Crepe Earthy preparation254. ...and its discontheques Humorous victim255. Metric Electric Lover I did not FTT, I recorded its beauty258. Sometimes, only sometimes Jinx, or maybe Mallow280. Psychosnow Emanation PBS anthem about a champion fighter282. Deixistential Angst Referential dilemma284. Phleg-o-matic When Depeche Mode questions everything Just thought everybody might appreciate it without driving Slarty mad by demanding updates every five seconds.
  7. 244. Liminal Term, Terminal Limb might be Referential Dilemma- at a liminal point, it might be tricky figuring out what to same something, since it's changing at that point.
  8. 265. Zo Logick could be Syra's postulate fizzles and dies! because postulates are used in formal logic and reasoning, and faulty logick could create faulty postulates...
  9. That's like twice the English as a regular academic! How could he hold it all in one body?
  10. 258. Sometimes, only sometimes could be Freud follows Life During Wartime in reference to Freud's quote about cigars sometimes being just cigars?
  11. 274. Otherside could be Like the strange land created by the Mani Mani statue, in reference to the statue in EarthBound that changes Fourside into Moonside.
  12. 266. Recursive Script could be Timeless Monk Pastime: Monks were famous for their illuminated manuscripts done in elaborate cursive script. I just don't get where the "re" came from.
  13. Can you update the list again? It's probably down to only about half usable ones by now... EDIT: Nevermind, was working off a 45 minute old list in another tab and didn't see you'd already one it.
  14. 274. Otherside could be Referential Dilemma. If I have a sheet of paper an I write "Otherside" on both sides, and give it to somebody and tell them to follow the direction on it, they'd be in a referential dilemma. Yeah, I'm really kinda lost here. These are way harder.
  15. I would feel stupid for not getting a Sonic reference, but it was to a part of the franchise that wasn't a game, so meh. 244. Liminal Term, Terminal Limb could be Individual: viagra-related spam, since Viagra was originally developed to increase bloodflow to hand and feel and other "terminal limbs". Of course, in clinical testing they found it increased bloodflow to other extremities, and thus single-handedly doubled the amount of spam on the Internet.
  16. Damn, these rounds get harder as time goes on. 250. Ears become cabbages is If Midenhall doesn't give the time of day, in reference to a character in Dragon Quest II.
  17. 282. Deixistential Angst might be Single moment in time when Mary dies, in reference to either Mary Magdalene or the Virgin Mary, whose death might have triggered a moment of existential angst in Jesus? I'm a bit rusty of theology, though. Wasn't he crucified before they died?
  18. 254. ...and its discontheques could be Electronic music from another world, since discotheque is just the french word for club, and electronic music is played at clubs.
  19. 275. Roboflip-flopolis could be Filibustering an accountability scheme, since filibustering and flip-flopping are unflattering activities we accuse our politicians of.
  20. Wait, what about my guess for #261? Was that right?
  21. 261. Slarty: The Abridged Series could be I did not FTT, I recorded its beauty, since FTT probably comes from the acronym DFTT for Don't Feed The Troll, and Slarty is well-known here as a recorder of board history.
  22. 283. Attalkable Count could be paired with PBS anthem about a champion fighter, since it's both "attackable" == champion fighter", and The Count was a PBS character who did the whole ONE! Ah! Ah! Ah! TWO! Ah! Ah! Ah! etc.
  23. Well, I won't explain it, aside from maybe saying that the Japanese people might have some Freudian issues they need to work out sometime: 248. Pentacle Crepe is F and only F.
  24. Originally Posted By: Necris Omega I'll take, "Things Bahamut never intended the Half-dragon template to be applied to" for 500, Mr. Trebek. Well, we all know even Bahamut still needed a rat-tail, so there may be a connection there...
  25. 285. Bilgy Bow-Builder could be Noah, Utnapishtim, or Ziusudra, since bilges and bows are parts of boats, and Noah could refer to Noah's Ark. The other names look Mesopotamian or Persian, so maybe they'e in reference to the other great flood tales like in Gilgamesh that CMI and AIG are always yammering on about?
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