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Everything posted by Velzan

  1. I only played through that once so kinda fuzzy Soz. (On further note Im not much of a rebel Excluding GF4 im kinda thrown into it and have a hard time staying with the shapers) Better to just ignore my earlier post.
  2. Ok maybe reshapin aint a hobby but do you really think the hundreds (if not thousands) of power-mad insane drakons would stay in a single continent? i doubt it ... the only other known continent is the sholai... so thats all they have to go if theyre so mad they want more lol
  3. Do you really think power hungry drakons that reshape themselves as a hobby wont build up a massive army including unbound and go ravage the sholai then everything else on the planet? Lol Rebels = NO
  4. Oh Btw The archive may be a lil fuzzy on Geneforge 3 i needa make a run through that and remember some things...
  5. Half Trakovite Half Shaper Shaping is extremely useful must of terristia is brought to life by shaper magic and without ornks how would they be off? Its ok to shape just for example The geneforge when they realize what they have done Destroy it dont cover it up and forget Destroy the problem before it becomes one. Lol *trakovites wouldent exist if the shapers were smart*
  6. The Artila thread needs deleting too plox
  7. I need a mod to kindly delete this post it is now OBsolete i mean the thread not this post inparticular i refer to the first post in this thread GAHHHH ive confused myself ....
  8. From this point forth i shall condense the archive into a massive post to save trouble of links and such this way when i put a new creation in i simply need to edit the post.(Note) ill be deleting the other two topics of the archive too...
  9. I usually keep 1-2 creations like cryoa and plated bug for a while and just make disposables and later on when i can make them i use stronger creations and level them like gazers and tralls SMILIES OF DOOM!!!! best to have atleast 10-50 in a party .
  10. Im trying to make it part of strategy central Pshh this is my first archive im workin on it kay
  11. This is my archive of creations (Note: it contains Weaknesses and resistances of creations in it) (Note: I will add creations to this list over time it will contain every creation including ones you cannot shape Such as the golem or worm) This is Velzans archive Please add it http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=172700&gonew=1#UNREAD
  12. Velzan's Archive -(Creations) FIRE CREATIONS The Fyora Creation Type - Fire Shapable - yes Lore - The Fyora is the first creation you can make in geneforge. The fyora is a small fire spitting reptile. The fyora is seen in all geneforges and has a few different types. Other than the base fyora there are charged and warped. Charged fyora can usually be seen in the middle to later parts of any geneforge. The warped fyora is rarely seen. The cryoa is the upgrade of the Fyora instead of fire it spits ice and has more health. Strategical info - Weak against Magic/Melee/Ice/Poison/acid Strong against Fire. The Roamer Creation Type - Fire Shapable - Yes Lore - The roamer is sort of like the attack dog of the shaper. seen in every geneforge it spits acid and uses melee. In all of the geneforges roamers usually have packs and are smarter than other creations leading people in a trap like the roamer with gem of Gf3. in Gf5 and 3 they would attack you when you entered a certain house. The Pyroroamer is the upgrade of the roamer. The pyroroamer explodes on death and sometimes are tricky to fight due to this. it is significantly weaker also. The Vicious roamer is another type seen in all geneforges its just a more powerful version of roamer. The Guardian roamer is the more powerful version of vicious roamer spitting acid and melee. The last type of roamer is Icebreath its name implys that it spits ice. im not sure but i think they're only seen in G3. Strategical info - Magic is strong Fire/ice moderate to strong Poison/acid and melee are moderate The Drayk Creation Type - Fire Shapable - Yes Lore - The drayk a very good creation indeed. The best creation your could make (Other than Cryodrayk) in G1 although in every geneforge its a solid creation. The Cryodrayk Upgrade of the drayk is an ice type blasting its enemies with ice breath. The drayk has many Npcs and bosses too many to count.... Isss-ta,Syros,Rhakkus,akkat.. and so on. Strategical info - Weaknesses Ice/Magic Poison/acid and melee are moderate fire is ineffective The Kyshakk Creation Type - Fire Shapable - Yes Lore - The Kyshakk is a shaper thought of creation introduced in GF4. The kyshakk is a large reptillian creation that spits out bolts of lightning imflicting magic damage and over time damage. There is only one Kyshakk mini - boss known as Defender Kyshakk in Geneforge 5. The Burning kyshakk is the upgrade of the regular kyshakk. It has less health but does more damage. When killed the burning kyshakk will explode. Strategical Info - Magic damage moderate to strong,Fire damage strong, ice moderate to strong, poison/acid and Melee moderate. The Drakon Creation type - Fire Shapable - Yes Lore - The Drakon is the Heavily modified Version of drayk introduced in Gf2. The drakon is hated and a little bit feared by the shapers due to the fact that they are huge. Illegal. and can shape. The drakons have been the main leaders of the rebels since GF2 like Easss, Ghaldring , Ahkari Blaze, Rhakkus. The drakons also Shape improved versions of themselves such as their line of leaders as goes Rhakkus, Sith, Easss, Ghaldring, Ahkari Blaze. There are no Subspecies of drakon leaving only the Ur - Drakon as the upgrade. The Ur - Drakon is a powerful, red, Destructive, Powerful Beast good in any situation. (To be Continued) Strategical Info - Weak against magic. Fire, melee, Acid, and poison can be considered weak to moderate damage. Cold is moderate to strong. =================================================================================================== BATTLE CREATIONS The Thahd Creation Type - Battle shapable - Yes Lore - The Thahd is the first battle creation that can be shaped. The thahd is basically a large muscular humanoid with a small brain. Thahds are seen in all the geneforges. The Thahd shade is the upgrade in geneforge 1-3 in 4-5 i forgot the name i will check on that later. The Charged and brutal thahds are also types of thahd Brutal is the strong version seen early on charged is later seen. Strategical info - Weak against Fire/Ice/Magic/Melee/Acid/Poison The Clawbug Creation Type - Battle Shapable - yes Lore - The clawbug is a large bug with chitionous plates as armor. It has an unusual habit to dig tunnels and are usually lead by a queen. There are several different clawbug types other than the base clawug. The Plated bug has been the upgrade for it since g1 to g5. The plated but has always gotten more ap points allowing it to attack twice and move farther in combat. The Redshell clawbug was introduced in g3 and not seen again until g5 it was stronger against fire and deadlier. the last type of clawbug is poisonous clawbug or something This blue type of clawbug has double attack with higher ap and poison, as the name implys. Strategical info - Magic is strong fire/ice moderate melee moderate acid/poison moderate. The Battle Alpha Creation type - Battle Shapable - Yes Lore - The battle alpha Shock trooper of the shaper. The battle alpha has a wide variety of uses to the shaper. They are used to build shock troop for wars, combat, and guarding. Some battle alpha can even talk. Battle alphas can be seen in every geneforge 1-5 there are many bosses too many for me to remember. The upgrade of the battle alpha are the Battle beta. Basically a big blue walking muscle is mainly used for troops occasionally guards. There are also some Battle beta minibosses other than that the beta has little to talk about. Now for the Battle Gamma The unshapable Glowing mass of muscle for an upgrade of the beta. The gamma is the main guard for highly ranked shapers until geneforge 4 where it wasnt seen as a guard much same for geneforge 5 In geneforge 3 there was a rebel gamma that could talk *In geneforge 3 oddly they were red colored rather than the normal blue* Thats all on the gamma. Strategical info - Weaknesses Fire and magic are effective Id have to say melee is moderate Acid/poison are effective and cold damage id say moderate to effective The Rotgroth Creation Type - Battle Shapable - Yes Lore - The Rotgroth is the Giant, Acidic, Rotting, Mass of decay of geneforge With a powerful poison hit it was introduced n GF2 where it did acid damage in GF3 it did slowing damage with the return to acid in 4 and 5. The rotgroth also has a unique boss that kinda fits it. The Rotting Demon in the demonic depot of GF2 where a demon was put inside the zombie-like creation. usually used by both rebel and shapers as raiders/attackers and in war it is a highly used creation. The upgrade of the rotgroth is the Rotdhizon a green far more powerful version. in Gf5 it gains 12 ap base thats a lot of battle running then it has enough left to smack some acid on its target. Strategical info - Weakness includes magic Fire/ice is moderate Melee/Poison/acid is highly resistant. The War Trall Creation Type - Battle Shapable - Yes Lore - The War trall was introduced in g4 and seen in the tutorial. The war trall is a huge troll - like creation that throws rocks. The war trall does good damage to almost everything with its rock throw. The Shock trall is the war tralls upgrade. It has more Ap and does stun damage to the foes it attacks but is short lived with a charged effect. Strategical info - Magic damage is strong Fire/ice is moderate to effective and melee/acid/poison is moderate The Golem Creation type - battle Shapable - No Lore - The golem is a very versatile creation being made of machine and essence it can be molded to nearly anything. For example The (Bound One) in geneforge 2 was made to hold a demon as an experiment. In geneforge 3 the darkstone golem was supposed to be extremely powerful. In geneforge 4 The Titan also the boss of the challenge zone was made powerful. in geneforge 5 Some weaker strong golems such as rune-etched and dark golems are also examples. or the core golems which cannot be killed are examples of Powerful golems. Golems are also frequently used as Patrollers or guards such as The geneforge 2 golems in the power core area of Benerii-Uss and the guards in the side room. Or such in Geneforge 5 where in The stoneworks they attacked on sight. Strategical info - Weak against magic damage Acid/poison and melee are moderate Resistant to fire damage and ice. Best to use Gazers/Wingbolts against golems The Worm Creation Type - Battle Shapable - No Lore - The worm is the lil pest of geneforge. Introduced in geneforge 3 the worm usually comes in huge packs. There are many types of worm like the fire worm, or burrowing, or the many others There are no bosses for worms. Some worms come out of golems,rotgroths, even drayks theyre everywhere. The cousin of the worm is the Crawler Larger and deadlier the crawler is also much like the worm. introduced in G3 Also they have many different kinds too i wont go into all of them. They are found in the Tutorial area for GF3 and worms are also in the tutorial areas for GF3. Strategical info - Weaknesses Melee fire magic Basically an easy kill Acid/Poison work too (Not sure if it has resistance) not base ones anyways too many to give individual info on every type. The Ornk Creation type - Battle shapable - Yes Lore - The ornk was put in geneforge as an easter egg and is seen in all geneforges. The ornk has no upgrade but it does have two subspecies. The Ornk Lord is the god of the ornks and is a glowing fearsome beast that can probably own you. The Oozebeast is the other subspecies its a purple acid spitting beast seen in 2-5 and in 4 it has a boss that guards the ornk canister known as Uberoozebeast that can inflict acid on you three times a round. Strategical info - Weak against Fire/Magic/Ice/Acid/Poison/Melee =================================================================================================== MAGIC CREATIONS The Artila Creation Type - Magic Shapable - Yes Lore - The Artila A wormlike creation that spits acid. The artila is the first magic creation that can be made weak in physical they are frail but can dish out acid damage. The Geneforge 1-3 upgrade of the artila is known as the Searing artila In geneforge 4-5 it is known as the Plated artila Both the searing and plated merely have more health stronger damage and increased resistances. Subspecies - Charged artila/Inferno Wyrm The Charged artila and Inferno Wyrm can be considered subspecies of the artila. The charged artila could be considered an Upgrade from Searing/plated. And the inferno wyrm is just a different type of artila that spits fire instead of acid. Strategical info - Weaknesses include fire and melee Poison/acid also works Resistances resistant to magic damage Inferno Wyrm - Strong against fire and magic weak against melee and ice Poison and Acid is unknown at this time. The Vlish Creation Type - Magic Shapable - Yes Lore - The Vlish is one of my favorites. The vlish is a floating Squid with 3 tentacles the main one fires its magic the others are poisonous. There are several kinds of vlish and very few bosses. The kinds of vlish there are incude Terror, Pacification, Control, domination, rogue, mindstealer, spectral, and submission. The terror and submission (also mindstealer) can be found in every geneforge the spectral can be found in 3-5 pacification can be found in 3-5 also control and domination (Domination is a boss and there are only 3 ) are found in 5. There is also the charged vlish only summonable in 4-5. Strategical info - Melee and fire are effect resistant to magic and ice is good too poison/acid moderate The Glaahk Creation type - Magic Shapable - Yes Lore - The Glaahk is a two legged beast that can hold down a foe with stun damage from its tail. Seen in all the geneforges the glaahk has no miniboss creatures and no subspecies like some other creations. The Ur - Glaahk is the upgrade of the base Glaahk. Basically it does more damage and has more health and not much more to it. Strategical info - Melee Effective Fire/ice moderate to effective and poison/acid is moderate Magic is weak . The Wingbolt Creation type - Magic Shapable - yes Lore - The wingbolt is kind of like a flying artila that instead of acid it shoots magic bolts from its tail. The Wingbolt was introduced in Geneforge 4. The Upgrade of the wingbolt is known as The firebolt or for Rogue versions Unstable Firebolt. Instead of magic it shoots fire and blows up on death. The Gazer Creation Type - Magic Shapable - Yes Lore - The Gazer is a heavily modified form of vlish that was introduced in G2. Gazers have many Eyestalks and a main eye. The main eye fires magic bolts at enemys. Some Rebel gazers can Daze foes too. Gazers are also mad as they call themselves the Eye and talk about themselves in third person. The Eyebeast is the upgrade of the gazer In g2 - G3 they did massive area stun damage and could easily hold down groups of anything even other eyebeasts or Ur - drakons. In Gf4 - 5 the eyebeast does area fire damage and lost its stun. Strategical Info - Strong against Magic damage Poison/Acid moderate Fire/cold Moderate weakish against melee The Podling Creation Type - Magic Shapable - No Lore - The podling a recreation of the rebels looks like half a giant fyora. The podling sprays out slowing magics and cursing magics. They are only seen in G5 and have very few types of podling. but there are some like Armored podling, hunter podling, assault podling. The podling only has 1 boss creature known as Podling queen. The Armored and assualt podling can be seen throughout the storm plains and the dera reaches while the hunters and their queen are restricted to podling crossroads in the storm plains. Strategical info - Weaknesses include melee Fire/ice is moderate Poison/Acid (Unknown Atm) Magic is resistant. ==================================================================================================== Mix - Type Creations The Servile Creation Type - Melee/Magic Shapable - No Lore - The servile is one of the most varied creations of all. The servile is used for work among the shapers basically. But many rebel servileras are guards,mages,Cultists,Leaders,and even researchers. Throughout Geneforge serviles are very common. Magic Serviles Are not seen until geneforge 2 where there are still few of them in geneforge 3 there are even fewer Being a stronger servile class there are few. Melee serviles the more common class of serviles that are captains,guards,warriors. The Warbred servile kinda Tells itself so i wont go into that. The Servile is also a Playable class in 4-5 where they are melee and magically attributed more and are weak shape-wise. Strategical Info - Weak against Magic Fire and melee Poison/acid moderate. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Velzan's Archive - (Humans and Spirits) Under Construction - Soon to be Here !
  13. Velzan's Archive The Artila The Artila a Large wormlike creation of the shapers. There are several varieties of artila two of which are shapable. First off is the base Artila itself Weak starter creation later you can create Plated artila (Geneforge 4/5. And Searing artila (Geneforge 1-3). There are artila Sub-species that you cannot summon for example The Inferno Wyrm A firespitting (Area Fire) type of artila, and the Charged artila (Stronger version of plated). Some artilas usually named (Bulging Artila) contain worms that come out when killed. Other than that there isnt much to know about the artila. Now for the Strategical info.(Magic Creation) Weakness-Physical damage. Also Moderately weak against fire, Its resistance is magic damage. Poison/Acid harms it but more moderate than a weakness or resistance.
  14. Hello People This is merely page one of Velzan's Archive I would like my Archive posted into the Strategy central for Geneforge 5 but im clueless on that so could a friendly mod help me out on that? I am going to archive every single creation big and small also ones that you cannot shape so i gotz a lot to cover. The first one i am doing is the golem so here i go The Golem is one of the more versatile creations of the shaper They are used are guards,workers,Unstoppable entities of destruction, and much more. First seen in Geneforge two the Golem was a formidable foe. most notable the (Bound One) an example of shapers using golems to hold demonic power. there is atleast Yes ive counted 1 Uber-golem in geneforge 2-5 In geneforge 2 its the Bound one, in geneforge 3 its the Darkstone entity, in geneforge 4 its the TITAN also the boss of the inner challenge area, And in Geneforge 5 has more than 1 so ill name several, The dark golem, rune etched golem, and the 6 core golems in the secret ascess route. that covers Entities of golems, now i move on to workers and guards, Guard golems were used more in 2 and 3, and workers more in 2 and 5 like the glowing core workers in gf2. Also in Geneforge two was the workshop in where the only non golem-like golem The Drakon-Golem, in places like this there are golems you can activate to help you. The golem is a Melee/Battle creation basically Normally weak against magic strong against fire and physical Poison/Acid is kinda iffy but As for physical in GF4 and GF5 the war tralls rock throw damages greatly. And so With this The first page of Velzans Archive has been completed I hope i have enlightened you on The Golem.
  15. Ive always wondered why there was only 1 ornk canister per Geneforge i know its an easter egg canister but why not make 3 hard hard to get ones as a uber-easter egg? I mean it would kinda cool to have like Your very own Glowing Ornk Lord or possiblty an oozebeast to pwn the stuffing out of your enemys with acid spray or for the ornk lord high health and one mean bite. Personally id love to have an ornk lord it was one of my favorite Non-Pc Creation in geneforge 1. Oozebeast is good too as it has acid spray and it has relatively higher health than your basic ornk Plus you see it in 4 of the 5 geneforge games so why not? So as to my question, would you have liked the ability to create an awesomely powerful godlike ornk lord? An insanely poisonous Oozebeast to cover your enemys in goopy acid? I would've lol. NOTE:(This isnt a joke thread) If theres anything else youd like to state about the Awesomest creation of all known as the ornk Please feel free to speak it Lawlz. Oh Btw I simply must add a poll to everything i post i prob wont at later times but its fun
  16. Hello Again People of the SpiderWeb This thread is for two things One. There are a lot of weapons in the geneforge series many powerful whats your Ultimate weapon? mines the Puresteel soulblade with Golden crystal. Now for the second Geneforge 5 is the last in the series but i wonder how many people would like to have a GF6 based in the sholai lands (just off the top of my head) So Below is a poll of Yes or No) Enjoy I vote Yes.
  17. Ive always started geneforge off playing a guardian on the first run through. So i wonder.... What is your first pick as a geneforge character? In Geneforge 1-3? 4? 5?
  18. One thing we never saw in the Geneforge series... The sholai lands that would have been interesting had there been a Geneforge 6 but now we will never know.... Lol
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