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Posts posted by Tarson

  1. There is no rule that says vahkos cant carry or use items.




    Nationality: Empire

    Skill: Power

    Attack: Magic

    Immune: Poison


    Ability: When anyone dies, you capture their spirit at the start of the following day. You may attack one person per day (you normally receive the first strike) in addition to sending out one of your spirits to attack. On the final day, you may send out as many spirits as you desire. If you have any spirits captured, when targeted with any ability that counts as an action (attack, ability use, offensive item use) the action fails and a random spirit attacks the offender. Spirits normally get the first strike and inherit all properties they had in life. After a spirit attacks (or attempts to), it is gone. You are immune to the antimagic status.


    You are allowed to create a priority list of which spirits you want to attack and which ones you want to defend. You may not tailor your defense to specific character attacks.


    Victory: You are the only survivor at the end of the game.

  2. Originally Posted By: wz. As
    Hey everyone, Nioca just sent me a PM saying, "I'm the Pure Spirit and Omlette is Dionicio" — has anyone else received such a PM?

    If what he said was true then you just told everyone his and omlettes roles for no reason. Even if its not true why take the chance?
  3. Originally Posted By: Eat, Drink, and Be
    Um, what? Most MMORPGs are based on solo or small group adventures. It works fine for WoW even without any kind of factionalism. Avernum, the Empire, and the Darkside Loyalists could make an interesting three-way rivalry, although of course the events of A6 could turn everything upside-down. Or for a simple Empire vs. Avernum setup the game could be set during A2.

    As far as I know WoW doesnt explain where the steady tide of heros come from. I tried looking on their website but I couldnt find anything. Something Like an avernum empire war could be done but there still were very few adventurers running around. The pcs were the only ones in the formello area I think there was some rogue ones in the honeycomb but for the most part it was soilders and mages. The barriers added more problems. Working in the darkside loyalists would add more to the game but the same problems are there. Adventuring isnt a common job to take. I figure there are more in the empire then in avernum just due to size but not enough to hold 4 times the number of people who would play the game.

    I dont think it could be done without going against whats been done before.
  4. Hopefully we have a difrent seires then geneforge by the time Jeff can make something like an MMO game. A geneforge rebellion game would be fun. Pick a side and try and better the cause of the side you picked. Avernum wouldnt really work with the lack of mass adventurers or things for them to do.

  5. My first spiderweb game I played I think was exile 2. I didnt like it much and couldnt look into the rest as I didnt have internet. I dont remeber much about playing it. Years later I tried avernum 3 and enjoyed it enough to buy it, and found out about all the other games. I found both of them on some software disks that I have. I have no idea if either of the disks that gave me exile 2 or avernum 3 are still in the cd book.

  6. Originally Posted By: RC2112

    P.S.-Didn't Rentar die in A3?I always thought he did.
    P.S.S.-Very Off-Topic,but anyone know what happened to Delicious Vilsh?

    Click to reveal..
    Rentar teleports away after you destroy her machinery. She comes back in a4 and there she is killed after transforming herself into a crystal soul.

    What do you mean what happend to dv?He is a Member thats been around since before I was and was a mod for awhile as well. As far as I know he still logs on every so often.
  7. Quote:
    It also sped up his body's age causing severe arthritis. As the administrator of Patrick's Tower, Solberg was basically useless (as a Arch-Mage).
    Solberg isnt 250 and he cant do much magic anymore. How would someone, even if they had erika's skill, be useful and alive at 250?

    The names of the people who went up during the valorim plauges are Erin, Elsner, Gwost, Tucker and the pc heros from a3. Everyone else that went up (other then a spy In one of the major citys) snuck up, as the second group was the last one because of people who wanted to stay safe from what the empire might do rather then explore was what rushed the second group into going early.
  8. So your first charater Explored valorim got exiled and then died in the attack on rentars first fortress in avernum? That would put him at about 250 years old when he died. In a3 The mayor of krizan says valorim was settled about 200 years before. Exploring it would have been 10 years (given all the Killing of nephil that happend) preivous. A4 was 20 years after that. I like the idea of a story but I cant really come up with a charater without knowing a time frame to put him in.

  9. Is 2 points in priest spells and a couple of level 3 spells you could get elsewhere worth no mage spells? I think unlock dispel barrier and haste make the anama less then helpfull, let alone lightning spray and capture soul. Priest spells dont have a good anwser for those.

  10. I find the conversation options with some of the mages after you have joined more fun the the anama itself. Half the bonuses can be taken by buying fake anama rings. Killing them is kinda fun thougt not worth while. Like him or not the anama priest in the main temple (cant spell his name) takes care of dread curse for free. I have never found another cure spot for dread curse.

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