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Ek Wayid

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About Ek Wayid

  • Birthday 10/18/1966

Ek Wayid's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Agree that a nasty new threat forcing a rebel/shaper alliance would be interesting. How come my Gf4 lifecrafter can't shape serviles? Serviles would be fun to whip up in a pinch and would be handy for lugging around one's extra batons and research notes...ethics shmethics...
  2. GF 5 will bring out the aweful truth, that which we have dreaded to ponder, the reason that the shapers have kept the shaping powers so secret... see, long long loooong time ago the lifecrafters invented a new creation, one which was intelligent, functional and in the end gained shaping powers themselves... these were the humans, which were created in the shaper's image (except their noses were a little smaller...) These humans eventually rose up against their creators and after a long struggle actually defeated them...and enslaved them...and reshaped them... into the simple serviles which we know of today. Anyway, the "Creators" have returned to Terrestia, and man are they p*ss*D off, at the humans, and the serviles in the revolution, all degenerate children of the shaping arts... it will take a united coalition of Shapers and Rebels to save Terrestia from the new threat of the "ancient creators"... Anyway, that's how GF 5 would look from my humble perspective...
  3. Everyone disses the battle creations, but come on, your lifecrafter has got to fight something in their journey right? War tralls are fun to fight and their agonized and disgruntled "grawp!" when you cut them open is most gratifying! I'd hate to tromp all the way to Northforge fighting nothing but wingbolts. (But yes, my Lifecrafter travels with two wingbolts- i don't leave home without them)
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