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The Duke

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Everything posted by The Duke

  1. Is it necromancy to reply after three days of nothing? If so I apoligize. I just got to wonder how people can be mad if I game doesn't support (storyline ways) you exterminating every character in sight. But if you want to know a good place to kill everything try Rivergate Keep. P.S. One of you mentioned earlier that you destroyed the safehouse but noone seemed to care. The safehouse is isolated and in the real world they couldn't of got a message out. And an easy awnser to friendly Greta is that shes had her memery fried by a stray firebolt or spell misfire.
  2. I like Battle Alphas if only for their looks. Dryaks got to be the oddest looking creations in the game and drackons look like overgrown dryaks so...Also its nice to have a few meat shields to bully a boss (or whatever their called) into a corner. I think melee creatures can be some of the best it just takes some work such as spine shield and the like. Hasteing would be nessisary to make them effective though.
  3. I see a lot of anty rebel in this. Key point is that canstirs shouldn't be used by either side. If they weren't nessisary to my survival I'd never had used them. I think of Litilia as a role model. She used tons of canastirs and became very powerful, but she retained her humanity. The thing about drackons being too powerful is not neccisarly true. The rebel ending talks about you becomeing a powerful figure in the rebellion. By the ending of the war you should be so powerful that you can crush Ghaldring with a single fire bolt. The Shapers deserve to die. They have commited numerious atriocitys! In my opinion this reminds me of Iraq. Evil leaders that keep order but with great cost. Idiot super power stumbles in and blows up everything. Only the rebellion had good intentions and Bush didn't.
  4. I have reserected this thread!! lol Well if Jeff hates music so much why did he put that little sound track in the beginning and end. I liked them a lot (could of been longer though). Whats drone zone and where do you get it?
  5. Thanks for the imput. When I first saw that it just struck me as useless. By the way anyone know why they put that graphic in their for the character because it seems to remind me of a priest character in an avernum game and this is a warrior/shaper cross?
  6. If the Shapers rule the world maby its called Shapetopia???
  7. What is the point of a Shock Trooper? They have conflicting points. I just don't understand how you can use those.
  8. Thanks alot! I didn't know you could get around those mines. P.S. how do you add Graemlins?
  9. Hi don't mind if I make a post do you? Quote: Originally written by This poster is not Thuryl.: The Rebellion has its heart in the right place and its effects in all the wrong places. While I don't agree with hard-liner Shaper policies, I think the Shapers are the group with the level of organization and discipline that would allow them to change their position to one that handles shaping fairly and responsibly. Eventually they could be brought around to creations' rights without scorched earth warfare to accomplish it. —Alorael, who thinks the world of Geneforge really just needs a Shaper with the right ideas and the brains to keep his mouth shut on them until he has enough power to start swaying other Shapers to his point of view. Change from within would be much more efficient and much less bloody. There is a problem with this. That being that the Shapers have been in control for hundreds and hundreds of years (I think) and they still haven't changed their ways. They are very good and snuffing out independince and thats why its foolhardy to believe they'd ever change. I belive the rebellion is completely in the right. It is regretable that so many must die but if not now then we shall never be free from under the heel of the shapers. As to matters of drackon control...The drackons shall be crushed if they EVER attempt to take the place of the shapers.
  10. I'm new and this is my third post but I have played the demos quite a bit for all but the first one and I realy think they could benifit from some music. Its not immposible to make clever background music. Plus I find that the background sounds aren't very good, I mean hearing machines or wind in a natural cave is just plain creepy. The town backgrounds are what I hate most because they got some weird lady saying Pa to ca ba (mooo) (cluck cluck) (wagon). repeat So I think that the sound effects could be greatly improved and I would love the game a lot more if they were. P.S. I know a guy that could maby do the job (raises eyebrows) P.S how do you get the little call sign thing at the bottom of post?javascript:void(0)
  11. Is there a way to get into the area where Monarch is without having a huge skill in mechanics?
  12. I must say I am realy enjoying this. I've been reading it for the last few hours and its realy interesting. P.S. Your lack of loyalty astounds me! Despite the obvious gains to playing middle man/woman what side do you think is right? (All hail the glorious rebellion!)
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