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Everything posted by Seneschal

  1. You actually don't have to kill Eliza if you don't want to. If you repair Moseh, you can go back and tell Eliza about it and she will open all the doors for you.
  2. Although she was a bit character in this one, I liked Litalia and her effort to regain her humanity.
  3. Quote: Originally written by rantalot: Quote: Shapers represent order at the expense of freedom. Rebels represent freedom at the expense of order. The rebellion no longer represents freedom. Sure they do. The rebellion from the human's point of view represents the freedom of access to power that all of an underclass yearn for. The rebellion from the drakon's point of view represent that most fundamentally anarchic concept of might makes right.
  4. Shapers represent order at the expense of freedom. Rebels represent freedom at the expense of order. Taken to their logical extremes they represent stagnation and anarchy, neither of which is satisfactory. Life necessitates a middle ground, a point which I believe is adequately made apparent in this series.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Retlaw May: I still resent that everyone/thing asumes that if you join the Shapers, it is for self-preservation/rewards. I stand on firm moral ground as I assist the Shapers. I agree! Once Pandora's box is opened, there are only two alternatives. The reckless, uncontrolled use of that power or the controlled and responsible application of the same. The only thing worse than the rebels are the Trakovites - no amount of wishful thinking will put the misery and misfortune back in the box because there will always be somebody willing to abuse power for their own ends. Support your Shapers - it's the ONLY moral decision.
  6. Spoilers . . . Honestly, this has to have been my favorite ending to date. I was a dedicated rebel, who in the end couldn't bring myself to consign the world to fire and mayhem for the sake of a betrayed set of principles. I destroyed the incubating unbound, turned myself over to the shapers and was executed for my part in saving the world. Tragic and beautiful. Seneschal
  7. I'd wondered myself whether Monarch was supposed to be someone from a past game, but it has been so long since I played them I couldn't come up with anyone. Seneschal
  8. Hey all Something I noticed and wanted to see if it's a bug or not. Increasing creature strength by spending essence increases their hit%. However, I've noticed that increasing their strength through items - I've tested the girdle of might and the guardian sword - did not. Their character sheet records the increased but it seems to not be applied to hit% at least. Seneschal
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