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Emperor Tullegolar

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Posts posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. I thought the hardest fight was Matala, and I cheated, too. She does a lot of damage, plus you have to fight her some five times. Aside from being difficult, her concept is pretty creepy. A shaper ghost that lives in a golem which the shapers only allowed to exist so she can kill rebels. Kind of the Geneforge version of a lich. Unsettling.

  2. When you first encounter Shaper Monarch, it says he is bald. After that, I couldn't get Sir Ben Kingsley out of my head. Clearly this is what Shaper Monarch must look like:


    Anyone else have pictures in their heads (or on google) as to what other chracters may look like? Greta... Alwan...


    Edit: Image screwed up, found better, stronger one.

  3. Blades and the editors aside, is Geneforge 4 not the greatest Spiderweb game ever?


    You can't deny it! It seems Jeff even gave you all what you were asking for! Remember this thread: How would you make it better? Here are some highlights...

    Make the people outside of the player's control alive and actually do things that influence the plot in more than trivial ways... the player should not be responsible for every major thing that goes on. The antagonists or other factions (with interests different than either the party or the antagonist) should do things in response to the party's actions.
    Rampaging mindless evil isn't very interesting, but society crumbling and a few people trying to hold everything together in the face of rampaging mindless evil can be interesting.
    Being able to talk to the other side and its sympathizers makes it less one-dimensional... yes, you are the heroic adventurers who save the world, but it would be nice to see other people doing something once in a while.
    I remember being baffled when you guys were asking for npcs that "do stuff," but I see now, and you were right. You guys got your wish, too! Geneforge 4 almost manages to make your character seem insignificant in the midst of all the war going on, and the characters have real depth, what more could you ask for?


    There are characters that stick around for most of the game, characters that you help in one area only to have to help somewhere else, and, my personal favorite, villains that escape your grasp only to trouble you in the future.


    I remember starting that other thread because I was disappointed about all the complaints everyone was making about Avernum 4, so I figure, this could be the compliment threat for Geneforge 4. What did you like about Jeff's newest game?

  4. I cheated and I killed the enemy creations before either of them were slain. The servile... whats-her-face... twists her ankle and you end up having to leave her behind anyway. Tyrol can actually make it all the way to the fortress. However, he does not appear again after entering the fortress and other characters still say that you were the only surviving prospect.


    So no, they can't really be saved... even if you save them.

  5. I don't think it matters so much for minor items like crystals and wands. A resourceful shaper would probably be able to figure our how to make these through trial and error or they might even be common knowledge. As for the artifacts, I prefer the Geneforge 2 system where you couldn't make them at all but had to instead rely on someone who was an expert to make them for you. The dialogue in those always described the process as very draining, so your character making these things on an anvil seems less plausible.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Aloraschwel:
    —Alorael, who wonders what would happen if you put enough points into whatever crafting makes serviles to make a servile stronger than you. That could be even more awkward.
    It wouldn't be awkward. It was the primary stratagy of the rebellion. There wouldn't even be a Ghaldring if it weren't for creations shaping stronger creations that can shape even stronger creations. This is exactly why you should be able to shape a servile. Oh, wait, I keep forgetting that the rebels have a double standard when it comes to creation rights... nevermind.
  7. Quote:
    But if a fyora is only warm and not burning hot, then a cryoa is cool and not freezing cold.
    Since reptiles are cold blooded and thus can neither generate their own heat nor survive when too cold, it would be logical to assume that they are room temperature. Their breath weapons would not effect their body heat, since the most common theory for such anatomy would be glands holding chemicals that, when released, mix just before being projected from their mouths. Cuddling with a fyora or cryoa would be like cuddling with a leather jacket, it might actually be cool to the touch either way unless it was in the sun.

    My choice of cuddly creation: ornk. Sleep with it at night... have bacon in the morning... shape... repeat.
  8. When you join a faction, and you should, it will effect the rest of the game, influence your endgame decision, and give you an ending based on the decisions you made. If you want to see all the different endings, you will have to play though a few times. So, make whatever decisions you feel comfortable with, you're gonna have to do it again if you want to see everything anyway.


    Edit: No decision you make should prevent you from being able to win. You could go through a game killing everything and still win. Unlike Neverwinter Nights, which I'm playing right now... stupid city... I only killed a few innocent people...

  9. I guess that's what I get for cheating and never using mage spells that weren't offensive damaging ones.


    15) If you could destroy one being in Avernum, who/what would it be?

    I don't hate any of them enough to start waving obliteration around.

    You just said that because you knew it would piss me off, didn't you?
  10. 1) Which is your favorite Avernum game?

    Avernum 3.

    2) What is your favorite melee weapon class?

    Pole Weapons.

    3) What is your favorite missile weapon class?


    4) What is your favorite spell in Avernum?

    Dispel Barrier.

    5) What spell did you like in an earlier Avernum game, but was removed in a later sequel?

    Do you mean from an Exile game that was removed in Avernum? I miss shockwave.

    6) What is your favorite dagger/sword?

    Demonslayer, I'm nostalgic.

    7) What is your favorite spear/pike/halberd?

    Black Halberd, that dungeon was hard and it made the prize sweeter than it really was.

    8) What is your favorite bow/crossbow?

    Fury Crossbow... because I can't think of any others.

    9) What is your favorite thrown missile?

    Razordisks. You can't throw rocks anymore, right?

    10) Which enemy type do you hate the most?

    Anything that uses summoning spells. Demons, I suppose, are the worst when it comes to this.

    11) If you could stand-in for any character in the game aside from the party, which character would you choose?

    Garzahd, I really want to know more about this guy.

    12) If you could stop or change one event in Avernum, what would it be?

    Stop Bon-Ihrno from doing his thing. Then the Empire and Vahnatai could have allied and divided the Avernum caves between them. The resulting Empire-Vahnatai War would have been fun.

    13) Who is your favorite character, aside from the party?


    14) Which Black Shade did you like the most? (A4)

    The one that destroyed Blossk (I hated that city).

    15) If you could destroy one being in Avernum, who/what would it be?

    Erika. She seems to throw off the balance of power where ever she goes. No fun.

    16) Who is your favorite dragon?

    Pyrog, he knew how to deal with pesky adventurers.

    17) What type of armor do you prefer? (Leather, chain mail, etc.)

    Plate. Only cheaters use mages and priests anyway.

    18) Aside from adventuring, which profession would you take in Avernum?

    Politician, of course. I would fail at mage school, I would fail at guard school... that pretty much leaves running for office. If I had to pick a peasant job, I would be a fletcher.

    19) Do you prefer to fight enemies, or would you rather flee?

    In the game? Fight!

    20) What reasons do you have for becoming adventurers?

    Build up my reputation before my coup d'etat against King Micah.

    21) Who is your favorite mage/priest outside of your party?

    Rentar again?

    22) Who is your favorite villain?

    Rentar again.

    23) If you had the chance to have a cameo of yourself inserted in any of the Avernum series, would you take it?

    Anyone who says they wouldn't is lying.

    24) Who was the most annoying non-party character in the Avernum series?

    Solberg. That guy needs to grow a pair.

    25) What is your favorite city in Avernum or the Empire?

    Formello, nice place.

    26) If you had just one character in your party, what skills would he/she be trained in?

    Character editor... everything.

    27) What's your favorite Xian Item?

    Xian Coins. Mmm, free money.

    28) If you could travel to any of the continents on the surface, which one would you choose?

    Where does the Empress live?

    29) Which skill do you think is the MOST valuable in the entire Avernum series?

    Strength. Carry things... beat things...

    30) Which skill do you think is the LEAST valuable in the entire Avernum series?

    Potion making.

    31) What is your favorite Avernum cuisine?

    Marinated Mushrooms.

    32) If there was one thing you could add to the Avernum series, what would it be?


    33) What's your favorite special item?

    Phoenix Egg.

    34) Do you have your characters wear pants?


    35) If Avernum had lost the Avernum/Empire War, what do you think would've happened?

    Holocaust? Followed by denial of holocaust. Probably followed by history repeating itself (no sense in letting these caves go to waste).

  11. I thought all vlish were flatulent vlish?


    No more plated clawbugs? I kind of liked them. Oh, well. I hope Jeff got really creative this time around. Just putting 'ur' in front of a creation name was an easy way out. What does 'ur' mean anyway?

  12. Hording items in Geneforge is not so impressive an accomplishment. Those games are much smaller than Avernum games physically (less enemies and places to explore), plus there are hardly enemies at all that respawn (the ones that do don't drop that much). Am I the only person that feels obligated to drink every potion I come by?

  13. I love hording in most rpgs. However, when it comes to Spiderweb games, I tend not to. Why? In the Exile series, you could pick up items like trash, leave the zone, and when you came back, new trash will have grown back in it's place. Very disheartening. Now, I just habitually don't pick things up unless they are of value. I cheat to get money anyway, but I do still pick up things like gems, but that's probably because shiney things impress the ladies.

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