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Emperor Tullegolar

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Posts posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. What's this? You don't want Demonslayer?!? Look, you can defeat demons without it, but you really should get it anyway, otherwise you're missing out on an important Avernum tradition.


    The pommel is not in the Nephilim Fortress, but the 'Underground Fort,' which is indeed West of Fort Duvno. It's full of nepharim, not nephilim. Far Northwest corner of the fort, search the sarcophagus.


    Do it! Otherwise, how are future adventurers supposed to have access this most famous of blades?

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by CharonX:
    The movement time (in reality) has remained the same, but going to the next city should be a farer than just walking through a couple of city lengths of wilderness...
    Or, in some cases, no city lengths of wilderness.

    I wasn't really that attached to the outdoors screen. I realled liked the seamlessness in Avernum 4. The only problem was that since the world had been designed with the outdoors system in mind, some cities were too close together for the seamless world to work. That shouldn't be a problem if most of Avernum 5 takes place in new caves.
  3. The Turabi Gate quest, in which you need to scout the defenses of the gate, can be completed as follows: one way is to just rush up to it, and eventually a message will appear that says you see the defenses and can report back now; while the other way (which is not my style, and thus I've never done it) is probably to sneak up without alerting the patrols, getting just close enough to see the message. Not sure what the 'spy points' you're refering to are. You can get caught and still complete the quest, but someone who's more inclined to that style should give you more info on that.

  4. Quote:
    —Alorael, who thinks... sometimes you shouldn't be able to kill one monster, leave, and come back to very slowly clear an area.
    I actually liked that there were almost no repawnable monsters. I made me feel like I could, you know, complete the game... completely. In one game where I successfully picked up every item in the entire world, the only flaw in my plan was those respawning slimes that sometimes dropped bones or trash. This is probably just the OCD part of me talking.
  5. I like being able to click where I want to go. It allowed me to travel across the map at record speeds, since it navigates you aroung obstacles automatically. I love that. I can't imagine traversing a forest or swamp without that ability, even though I did it all the time in the older Avernums. I would really miss it if it were gone now.

  6. A Trakovite victory? Sure, that would mean the end of war as we know it in the Geneforge games. But it would result in the equivalent of dark ages earth. With no powerful Shapers or any other shaping wielding sect to maintain order, society would crumble. There would be barbarians everywhere. Not just human barbarians; with no essence minded individuals to keep creations in check, various species would run rampant, breeding out of control. Drakons might even have enough power infused into their race to be more powerful than humans by that point, anyway. Without shaping to maintain balance in the war, they will probably try to whipe out the human race. That's a Trakovite victory in a nutshell.

  7. Nonsense, the Sholai would want the war to continue so they could sell goods to both sides. Sholai scum, they are next, after the Rebels, of course.


    I don't know if I could ever see Shapers and Drakons sitting down at a negotiation table together. More likely, also more interesting, would be if the Shapers were forced to ally with the serviles and rebel humans to stop the mad drakons. I can see no happy ending with them in it.

  8. Quote:
    Traditionalist Shapers, Shapers who don't abide by the rules anymore, rebels, Drakon rebels, human rebels, rebels who think maybe this was a bad idea, Trakovites who aren't in the shadows anymore, and I'm sure the list can go on.
    This is why there needs to be a 'yourself' faction. What better way to end the series than having the PC gain an impossible amount of power by using the device the game is named for? The ending itself would then be based on whether or not you were nice to serviles, and whether or not you helped proliferate shaping technology.
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