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About Phazer

  • Birthday 02/02/1980

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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. The "Fun With Fuller" in opening post is good, as far as it goes. I killed Fuller and made the whole town permanently hostile. The SDF code there didn't fix it. To solve this leave area, open cheat console, and type SDF 35 1 0 and go back. This should work for just Fuller also.
  2. Originally Posted By: Snuffy Some neat "cool down the hostiles" stuff. ============================================== 1: Make Vhorr like you. Ref: z55honeycdlg.txt 1. ===If Vhorr won't talk to you (Fang Clan Elder Honeycomb) And Oramorra won't sell to or train you do this. (no script edit needed). Be sure you received a quest from Korramorr in Highground's Fang Clan Base to Help the Clan. If you have and doing 2 things involving water and shades doesn't clear quest use the following: Open cheat console and type SDF 75 5 1 They'll now speak. You'll get a quest. Shades to kill. If you've already killed the shades type SDF 76 5 1 (you may need to do this twice.) and talk to Vhorr again to finish quest and receive all rewards. Vhorr is Fang Clan chiefton in the Honeycomb east, northeast from HighGround. If, by stealing items, you make clan hostile you'll need to use: [shift'D'] and type SDF 75 1 0 then hit [ENTER] Leave the area and come back later, or use [shift'D'] then type backtostart cheat and return. They will now be peaceful and you can do the quests. Plus keep some nice items stolen from 2 hidden rooms.
  3. Quote: Originally written by madrigan: Quote: Originally written by Grimm: I'd like to see Avernum start a turf war with itself. There are now so many people that the amount of beliefs/religions/lifestyles among general population must be exponential.That and the resources are dwindling. You'd think that a civil war would break out, with both the Empire and Vahnatai egging Avernum on, since both want the caves back. I like this idea, but who would the PCs be? What would be the overall mission? Keeping all sides balanced. PC as Monitor. Member of a secret Agency so secret it doesn't even know who it is. You for and against all sides, playing off one against another and as long as no side wins or loses, you win.
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