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  1. Quote:
    Originally written by ben12C8:
    Is it just me, or are BoA scenarios much slower in coming out than BoE?
    I think its because some people find it troublesome that you have to download the scenario editor.
    With BoE you didn't have to. Besides, the BoA editor looks pretty hard to master. I'll never get the hang of it. frown
  2. Please guys, make more topics. I know BoE is old, but so what? It's a classic game of spidweb, and it represents their quality.

    As a new member, I'd love to join in some chats, but at the momment I'm only into Blades, so I'd like to be involved in some other topics on it.

    Come on guys, bring back the olden days. smile

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by The Almighty Doer of Stuff:
    Glad to see a new prospective designer, at any rate. Welcome to the Spiderweb Software forums! Leave your sanity at the door, and don't expect it to be there when you leave. For that matter, don't expect to leave at all.
    Thanks, I'm glad I'm here. smile

    P.S. My idea melted frown
  4. I'm not sure if anyone's done this before, nor am I sure if anyone actualy still makes BoE scenarios, but does it sound a good idea to make a never ending scenario?

    Basically, kind of like an exile game, start of with a new party, do quests, kill monsters, gain levels. Just, there's no real story. Only loads of quests to do and hundreds of different options to make.

    Does this sound like a good idea or just a major disaster confused

  5. I've been trying to figure it out for ages, but how do you take a screenshot from BoE. confused

    I know you can because I've seen it happen on people's websites, and I once even downloaded a scenario file which came with a full map of the scenario.

    I'm starting to get curious over this, any help?

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