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Posts posted by avok

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:
    I've never done it in G4 before, but I think I can do it. You'll have to test it, though, and be warned it could mess up your game somehow.

    First, find the file gf4itemschars. It's in the Scripts folder. Make a back-up copy somewhere safe. Then search for shock trooper to bring up this bit of text:

    begindefinecreature 49;	cr_name = "Shock Trooper";	cr_graphic_template = 150;	cr_max_health = 28;	cr_max_energy = 20;	cr_sound_when_slain = 106;
    Change cr_graphic_template = 150; to cr_graphic_template = 140; and cr_sound_when_slain = 106; to cr_sound_when_slain = 127;. This will change your shock trooper into a lifecrafter on the main playing screen.

    Next, save a back-up copy of the file G209 and save G208 as G209. This will change the shock trooper inventory picture into the lifecrafter inventory picture.

    And that should be it. You'll still see the shock trooper graphic when you go to choose your character, but in-game it'll be the lifecrafter graphic.

    Let Dikiyoba know if it works or not.
    Thank you! It worked like a charm!

    As to why I don't like to look like a woman. I play the main character as myself. I give him my own name. And I am not perceiving myself as a woman. It's just a habit I suppose laugh
  2. I want to be a shock trooper, but I don't want to look like woman! It's very annonying, I even tried to replace the pictures in the data folder with those for the lifecrafter, but it didn't work wery well, they appear to be different heights. Is anybody done this? Is there any relatively easy way (some tool maybe) to change the appearance of my character more than just the color scheme?

  3. Startup characters are not the same and cannot be freely modified. First - they have some skills like barter and woodcraft than are not trainable and not removable and second if you remove all of their skills you get different skill points numbers ranging from 50 to 64. And even if you delete one and create new, you actually get the same old character with all the skills (Oh, I forgot, without the description).

    What the hell? I want CLEAN characters with equal number of skills points! So I can modify them as I see fit.


    This is for NG - Resurrection

  4. This is a major pain in the ass for a party without too much tool use. The first time I tried the game, I died beneath Fort Monastery after I opened the "authorized only" equipment chest. It warned me that I cannot disarm the trap and then I assigned a few more points to the tool skill and tried again. I was so pissed off when the trap killed my party, that I abandoned the game for 6 months.


    I thought that a game with trap system so foolish cannot be too good. I know now that the Avernum 4 is fun to play, but even so the author should seriously consider making another trap try/open system.

  5. I wonder if there is some way to reset the traps warning message? If you try to open something trapped and you cannot - you are told so. But if you want to try later with better tools skill, the game assumes you want to open it anyway and you risk stuppidly dying. I don't know if your higher tool skill even gets checked. When (if ever) the warning message is back on a trapped chest?

  6. I looked at a trapped chest and was informed that there is a trap and I cannot disarm it. If I try to open it again it will set off the trap. My question is can I try to open it later when my traps skill is higher? Or the only thing I could do now is to activate the trap?

  7. Hello,


    I am building starting party in Avernum 2. The one thing that is not clear from the manual is about missile weapons and damage. Does Assassination and Strength have some influence on bows and thrown weapons damage or only on melee damage? Please, don't answer if you are not sure about this. Thank you!

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