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Foley's Body

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Posts posted by Foley's Body

  1. After you finally figure out that you havfe to use a boat to get the the rear of that vahnatie town and use dispell barrier to get to the crystals that teach you Capture Soul lvl3, you might ponder, "What should I capture first?". Well first you should find things to capture, roaches and Ursag are good for low MP summons but if your in a tight spot and got a bunch of MP to spare, you should get stronger things, for example, that Ur-Basilsk in Erika's tower or maybe that Augment Giant/ Experimental Fungus in the experiment room.


    Anyone else have any good ideas for summons?

  2. I stole 10 items from a town in... G2 I think, no one cared, maybe because I stole 2 at a time, maybe it also works in diffrent part of towns, like steal something from north east side then north west, south west, south east ect.

  3. I usually only carry 2 healing potions per character and 4 energy per mage. Potions to me aren't all that important. A few healing elixers, a few energy potions, and probably graymold salve, thats all that is good... nothing more, well unless i'm planning on killing everyone in Storm Port of A3 :p


    Everything else I just pick up on travels, or if I'm low on money and I have too much herbs in my alchemist's inventory, vuala! I get about 7500 gold and more room! Also that 7500 gold goes to a good cause, ARROWS AND WEAPONS! WOOT!


    I have millions of potions laying in the supply closet and my bedroom in Fort Emergence, need to get rid of them tho... Too many items in there, got no room to store even MORE POTIONS MWHAHAHAHA.... ne ways i think Amaxander is gonna sue me for making him trip in the hallway outside his office, I need more money, :p:plaugh


    And if I ever run out of potions and sp, what I do is this... wait... never thought about that since i've never ran out of potions...

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