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Everything posted by GeneforgeFreak

  1. I have a few suggestions for Geneforge 4: 1) Multiplayer. A few players condem this but this could offer more oppertunity for modders. This also allows people to own shops, sell creations, become questers, sell anvil and shaper made items, the list goes on. 2) More inventerory options. (Like Altimus said earlier on in the post, maybe a "pack-mule" like creation that carries your things, or maybe in each friendly town you have the option to buy a house or vault like thing. 3)NIGHTTIME!! We have light, y not dark? 4) WEAPON MAKING! Why cant we be able to make our own weapons? There should be and screen quiet like the magic anvil were you combine certain metals, tools and magic spells to create custom made weapons.
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