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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. My tactic usually consists of gour different steps:


    - Bless, heal, shield and haste: Bfeore I go into any combat with some sort of boss, no matter how strong he is, I shield, bless and haste my party. It always makes fights go quicker and easier and I love it - it saved me more than once.


    - Warriors in front, casters at the bacj: I realize this tactic is sort of old, but hey, it works. Sometimes I really benefit from this by standing in a corner of a cavern. The casters are then at the back, and the warriors sort of surround them. My mage will always be in the corner then, as he deals the most damage and needs to be protected at all times.

    Click to reveal..
    The reason for this, is that I noticed that baddies go to hit the one that damages them the most
    . Since that's the mage, he stands in the corner. The warriors will then cover up my casters, and as soon as the baddie is hit by either mage or priest, it will run towards them but won't have enough AP to really attack. It will be standing next to priest, at that point. Then I swap the piest with a warrior, and again my casters are covered, making the baddy run back and lose AP so he can't attack. It will go like this until he is dead.


    - Now it depends on the creature exactly how I attack. Some creatues are absolutely inept when it comes to ranged stuff. This means they usually just have no ranged attack and can only bite or stab or whatever. If that's the case, I shoot at them with either missiles or I attack them with spells. I then wait until they come in my direction so I can slay them with melee.


    It's different with creatures that do have a ranged attack. This ranged attack, provided that it's not spraying poison or whatever, rather an attack that can immediatly damage me (such as a fire bolt or smite), is usually worse than that same creature's bite or stab. The wyrmkin is a prime example of this. They usually spray poison or acid. They won't do that when they are attacked by a melee attack. In that case, they'll attack what's next to them, which is very usefull. In these sort of cases, I go with my warriors to stand next to them immedtialy. My casters will then attack them with fire bolts and smite.


    - If it doesn't work, run! I know, this sounds like I'm a total coward, but it's a fact: Avernum 4 gives you the possibility to lose all but one partymembers, run back to a town and get all health and partymembers back. Below Avernum 4 this was impossible unless you had sombody to resurrect you partymember in the town you're in. In Avernum 4, this is no longer necessary: pass gates, approach a major town or kneel at an altar and everything's okay. Because of this, you can start a fiht, kill some people, run back to town and come back later. You'll be alright and you'll slowly win the battles.


    That's a what all my tactics are about. Sure, I have more, but these are concerned with the third tactic I desscribed: they are very creature specific and is mostly about what spell to use. So there you are. Have fun and I hope it's usefull to anybody.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Dintiradan:
    For designers: will you use the Forge in your beta testing? Or even use it to release unfinished scenarios before they're ready to be beta tested?
    I must say I'm noit sure if I will be using it as aplace to release unfinished stuff. What I will do, though, is put all released scenarios there and all the graphics and stuff I want to share with others. For beta versions of scenarios I will probably still use a special folder on my own site. I don't want people to have beta versions of my scenariosthat I didn't select myself, unless it's a public beta. That said, I will put a preview of TNS:E there once I get the time to make that preview...
  3. Sure, I've got some scripts that migth as well end up in the Blades forge. Count me in.


    I must warn you, though, that I'm beginning my week of tests tomorrow, so I don't know how much time I'll have on the short-term. Count me in anyway :p


    Username: Thralni (what else?)

    Email: B.J.van.Soldt AT inter.nl.net

    Design expertise: scenarios, scripts and graphics.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Tyranicus:
    I've done some more looking into this problem on my MacBook Pro, and it turns out that whatever Apple did to Rosetta that enables the older Spidweb games to run at full speed also affected the older PPC only apps in BoA, A4, G4, and N:R. So, you can run the games just fine with the older app instead of the universal binary. It seems sort of backwards, but it works just fine, since it is only the Intel apps that have the weird lines.
    Yes, that's what I imagined when I read this thread.
  5. It does? I have a very old version, so it might not have it, ro I just didn't knew it was in there. Have you uploaded anything recently?


    EDIT: Hmpf. It seems that the post I was looking at is from May. Sorry, i didn't actually notice that the thread had a second page...

  6. Well how do you think? (Or at least I presume that) he got it illegaly, by using a torrent. For a very long time already you could have downloaded it, you know... The reason I didn't do it, was that I'd rather await a stable version.

  7. I find this call to be somehwat depressing. Now and then it works, but lately it fails to do anything. I'm talking about the following piece of script:


     	if (get_flag(6,1) == 0) {			if (get_flag(5,2) == 0) {					if (what_day_of_scenario() > 2) {							set_flag(5,2,1);							erase_char(7);							}					}			} 
    Here, what_day_of_scenario refuses to work. Right now, my party is standing outside the town to which this script belongs. It is day 3, and character 7 is not erased, nor is the flag set to 1. I took the if call containing what_day_of_scenario() out, and it worked. Also, the flags 5,2 and 6,1 are 0 at the time that this chunk of code is run. So indeed: from my tests the what_day_of_scenario call is to blame. Would anybody know what's causing this?


    EDIT: So in the end it did work, but only on day 4... How come?

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