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Posts posted by Thralni

  1. I was trying to think of a script that had this, but couldn't remember one. Therefor I started from scratch. I will now certainly look at kelandon's script.


    Niemand: the party enters a number, and I assumed that with this specific call and this variable, I could store a number in that variable, returned by that specific call. I also checked the other lines repeatedly, but couldn't find anything. That's why I decided to ask about it here.


    EDIT: Okay, looked at kelandon's script, and I saw exactly that thing that I wanted to see if I can pass around it. Probably not *sighs*

  2. I've started working ona better and newer version of my cashmachine script, this version letting the player enter an amount of money by themselves. However, I've run into a problem which I can't understand. The game gives the error: unmatched left parenthesis, at this line:


     amount_to_withdraw = get_text_response("") 
    amount to withdraw being a vraiable which I defined as it should be.


    Could anybody help me please?

  3. Okay, I could have expected the "homo" and "fag" parts. And for some reason, I found it funny.


    Anyway, I'm stil leaving. I will probably be back if I have questions about designing or something like that. This out bursts of mine or due to a long series of small frustrations getting to a breaking point.


    This is the breaking point.


    I am quite sure though, that if we could meet (I don't say i wan to) person to person most people here would see who I really am. This is the internet, and what we see of eachother is only text. We see no face, now voice, just the procudt of several minutes typing. I can't really call that a basis for liking or disliking people, but in this surroundings, its the only way of telling.


    Now I'm going. Feel free to contact me if you please.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    To Thralni's post, I can only react with an enormous *facepalm*.
    And as for my reaction to that, you can see this as one of the major reasons I'm leaving this community. I said that particualir thing as a kind of experiment, to see what the people's reactions would be. It was as always, which disappointed me: intelorant and touchy. Instead of asking "what's wrong, how can we help" and that sort of stuff, its immediatly "facepalm." I know the internet is a vicious place, but still. At least from you guys, who seem intelligent enough (at least the majority) to understand this, you would expect a least a bit support. I guess I was really terribly wrong.

    To clear up any wrong thoughts on that comment I just made, I don't specifically mean the comment made against me, but all these sort of comments directed at many people here. espacially the zer-tolerance scheme people seem to have here against newbs who don't really know how to behave here, is quite stunning, if you ask me.

    Its not only that, actually, its also the fact that when you ask people here what's wrong so you can change your attitude perhaps, all they tell you is "you are a bastard," and they expect you to learn from that. Now, I don't read minds, so teling me this is the must stupid, most irrelevant and idiotic thing to tell me. If you want to piss me off, than answer me this to a question which demands a totally different answer, like: "tell me exactly what is wrong, so I might change it." This community repeatedly failed to answer that question correctly.

    But for the rest, I'll just shut up. My opinion isn't really relevant for the thread, and nobody listens to it anyway, as multiple threads can confirm. Apart from that, I already know this post will also be greeted with a "facepalm," which I think Slartucker (obviously) introduced, although I might be mistaken. The occasional post denoting what is wrong about my grammar will probably also pop-up now and then. I also know people will now chat about this, calling me gay or somthing like that. It depends if Alec or Salmon participates, I guess.
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    The BoA engine is in general not the same as the A1 engine, as should be obvious from the fact that A1 didn't have scripts and BoA does.
    I don't know why that should be so obvious.

    Actually, don't boter to reply with an answer, as I'm leaving this community anyway. My social life has improved to such extent, that I don't need alien friends whome I only see typing, and whome I can't hear talking. This doesn't mean I stop the testing of my current scenario. Moreover, ist likely I will make another scenario, and the Nephilim language will also be completed one day.
  6. That depends. If the BoA engine is in every respect the same as the Avernum 1 engine, then flying over specials triggers the specials. I tried to fly over a certain special on my way to the exit of Avernum, but the special trigered anyway.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Nikki xx:
    (called Toby)
    Toby!? Why not Filbert?

    Oh, yeah, almost forgot the real purpose of this post.

    I like Fyora's most, as I like dragonkind but didn't go past the demo version, and therefore can't tell about most other sorts of creatures, and I liked none of the GF series. However, for this poll I made an exception and voted for GF 1.
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
    I must say that I bought it after a day or two, so it's not that bad.
    God, do I hate such statements. I know, I shouldn't take it so serious, but such a statement immediatly signifies that what that particulair person thinks is truth. I hate such arrogance.
  9. Tyran: that was not directed at you. Dintiradan should never have made that comment on "you should buy a Mac." That comment was meant as a joke, so lets leave it at that, and not start a war over it. that's all I wanted to say.


    And thanks for the grammar. I never knew what to do with, and the dictionary didn't give a very clear description either.

  10. Maybe its better not to start another one of those.


    Oh, and this is what Apple has to say about Mac OS X security.


    by the way, is it an other or another . I never figured that one out.

  11. I'm stumped. I've been searching through all Avernum, and nowhere I found a place where they sell piercing crystals. However, I know for sure I once found somebody selling them, in the outdoors, so I started looking. No luck. Can anybody tell me where to get them? Its essential I get some, as my mage has only dispel barrier level 1, and I can't find somebody teaching it to level 2 or 3.


    Please, I really, REALLY need a piercing crystal, and I'm getting frustrated after searching for three hours.


    Thanks in advance.

  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    Well, yes, I thought the fact that I was being facetious in my expectation that he would be sorry that people liked his game was pretty much implied, but thank you for ruining the joke by explaining it.
    Well, it wasn't very funny anyway. But that's a personal matter. Sorry, but for some reason I really felt like saying that.

    And I'm not surprised that Jeff gets all these emails, as I would like the game, if the Geneforge graphics weren't in there. Otherwise, why not? Now that its turn-based again (again: as in the GF series wasn't turn-based to the extent of Avernum), the gameplay is once again fun.

    The thing that attracted me to Spiderweb games, and thus Avernum, was that it was turn-based. Throw that out, and you lost me. In a time where games are rushed and you constantly have to look around to see if nobody throws a hypersonic-antenna-nuclear-refrigartor-bomb or whatever sort of weapon, its nice to hae the option to drink coffee and eat your sandwich while being attacked by two Haakai and seven demons. If you get my point.
  13. This is a fugue in g-moll of Bach. I found it on the interent, played by two REAL organs, no electronic/computer crap. If you want it, I can send it to you by email (you'll have to give me your email adress, though).

  14. One things that's not clear to me, is what happens to your old key. When you ask Jeff for a new key, does he delete the old one from the system? If not, then how does he now that people who registered, don't give other people who not registered, free copies of the game?

  15. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    My point was that you can take your script and modify it slightly by copying and pasting something that already exists, and you'll have an even better script. I'm not saying that your script is bad; I'm saying that it would be easy to make it even better.
    I know, you (of all people) have seen it time on time again in "the topic," that I jump to conclusions to fast, and that way make mistakes.
  16. I'm sorry. It was just the first thing that came up to me when I saw that post.


    Basically I hate it when I'm proud of something I actually managed to make, being a complete beginner, and immediatly somebody says that there are better things.


    I'll get over it, don't worry. At least one day I will.

  17. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:

    set_flag(250,0,coins_amount() / 250); // tens digit
    set_flag(250,1,coins_amount() % 250); // ones digit

    Thus the total numbers of coins stored is (get_flag(250,0) * 250) + get_flag(250,1).
    Yes, that's about what I did in my scenario too. Only I made a cash machine with fixed values, so the player can't choose himself what to put in. he'll always have to choose of three options. I know, its a bit middle-ages, but I'm just a beginner, am I.
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