Originally written by Me, Myself & I: Well in GF1 Agents only got limited spells and Shapers can only make up to the third level creations(dryaks, glaaks, and battle alphas), and the Guardians got an advantage.
But since GF2 came out, everything is quite good, but the game is unbalance, I mean Agents suddenly got a huge advantage and shapers got to make creations that the Shaper council can't make and Guardians got a little bit of improvment. So my point is, I think GF2 is better than GF1 because there is more balance with the characters you pick.
I agree, the game has to be balanced. I'm used to playing solo in everything, and the agent seemed to be the ideal chocie, but when you have 3 attack spells, and the shapers can summon almost everything, you feel left out all the time