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Everything posted by zippy_zaboo

  1. I think it's not different enough. No new spells, really, or new creations. No new general plot schemes--same old 'shapers versus powerhungry maniacs' thing. Similar, though slightly improved, graphics. Having played the demo, I don't intend to register this versino though i loved GF2.
  2. I _HATE_ not being able to double click, shift click, right click, or whatever to get things righht into my backpack. If I want something in my pack i don't give a $%^! where it goes, I just want it in my pack. Can't GF be smarter than that?
  3. I like the "obeyer" one, where you get to fly off in the gilded drakon mutant to the main island. But then again, the "awakened" one isn't bad either, unless you've used too many canisters and get flogged. hard to say. What do you all think? And yes, i'm kidding
  4. CDs cost a quarter with no case, maybe fifty cents with a case. CD mailing envelopes cost less than a buck. Most people aren't going to want or need to pay extra for a CD these days, given the prevalence of fast connections and CD burners among gaming enthusiasts. Perhaps spiderweb could offer a mailable CD for a nominal fee. Hell--buy the CD and get demo (unlockable) versions of EVERY spiderweb game, there's plenty of room on a CD. I wouldn't get it, but people like you (and others I suspect) might feel it was worth $5.....
  5. CDs cost a quarter with no case, maybe fifty cents with a case. CD mailing envelopes cost less than a buck. Most people aren't going to want or need to pay extra for a CD these days, given the prevalence of fast connections and CD burners among gaming enthusiasts. Perhaps spiderweb could offer a mailable CD for a nominal fee. Hell--buy the CD and get demo (unlockable) versions of EVERY spiderweb game, there's plenty of room on a CD. I wouldn't get it, but people like you (and others I suspect) might feel it was worth $5.....
  6. Stupid question perhaps: Gforge2 is so insanely easy at the lowest difficulty level, what' s the point of the trainer? Hell, you can almost walk through IGZU by the end of the game. Obviously there are people out there who love the trainer so I"m missing something...?
  7. Clawbug Canyon on the E wall, south of both entries to the clawbug nest. Follow the E wall and you'll find the door. bring your shining shield.
  8. It seems hardest with a guardian. If you're a guardian or agent with a shaped blade, you should be able to do enough damage to kill the vast majority of them in a single hit. If you are sped up, you'll get two swings per turn. A Rod of Battle or a blessing pod will both provide a higher to-hit addition than will War Blessing when cast by a guardian without many points in blessing magic. Similarly, speed pods/spores or a rod of alactrity will be better than guardian-cast speed. I always save up living tools to get both the shaped plate (awakened) and shield (obeyers) if I don't join one or both. Together with a decent ring your anti-stun will be very high. And of course I think the crystalline plate is even better. If you are an agent, a vlish will stun the shade assuming it can hit it. If you're willing to burn 2 or 3 essence pods you can make a pretty nice vlish. Cryoas won't stun but you can get them so early and level them up, they'll almost always hit. Whether agent, guardian, or shaper, augmentation (for you and your creations) significantly increases chance of survival. The problem with waiting until level 30 or whatnot is that the dropped stuff is pointless by then and you'll hardly even need the cash. Admittedly it sometimes takes me two tries. But it sure as heck shouldn't require level 30--by that time you're killing drakons and gazers, not shades.
  9. Because my Mac--which sees hard daily use in law school, as well as after school use from digital video editing to itunes, hasn't crashed since, hmmmm....... late 2002, i think.
  10. Because my Mac--which sees hard daily use in law school, as well as after school use from digital video editing to itunes, hasn't crashed since, hmmmm....... late 2002, i think.
  11. If you've paid and registered, seems that they would give you a new reg code if you asked nicely and explained the upgrade. Have you tried contacting spiderweb?
  12. is there anything hiding in the northwest worth looking for? I always kill the demon and leave, never had enough boredom time to fiddle through all the levers and firepits and such. What's back ther?
  13. If you are in fight mode, you'll have 15-16 APs. That's enough to 'scout' ahead 8 AP range and still make it back to your original point. more to the point, that's enough to scout ahead 10 APs and still have enough AP left to cast Strong Daze. If you find an eyebeast in fight mode, you can easily run or kill it. More to the point, you need to consider action queuing. That is to say, some of your NPCs will probably attack before an eyebeast if they've got decent dex, some after it, and so on. You need to know where those attacks are relative to the monster you're fighting. Why? Because if you attack a dazed monster, they only get an attack taht turn if they normally attack after you. If they normally attack before you, they don't attack until next turn. let's imagine taht the normal attack order is you-eyebeast-Giant Roamer-Rat-Abandoned Thahd. Approach a dazed eyebeast and get right next to it. do NOT attack it; skip the rest of your turn. Then have all the rest of your party attack. The eyebeast won't get an attack that turn. The next turn you'll get 3 full melee attacks before the eyebeast gets a chance, and if you can't kill it at that point then nothing I can say is going to help you here
  14. What are you doing with 6 creations as a guardian? Hell, I only use 4 with a shaper and never bother when playing a guardian; the skill points and essence have better uses. Anyway... You can use Strong Daze, of course (which many people consider to be near cheating, or at least pretty boring.) That will let you kill about everything extremely simply, Gazak-Uss included. If you don't have the mental magic points for strong daze--you need 5--buy a couple in Outer Gazak-Uss, and carry along Sharon's bracelet, carnelian gloves, Agent robe, or what-have-you. You can frequently kill things extremely quickly when you're hasted. When I play a no-strong-daze game as i usually do, Mass Energize becomes my favorite spell. It's cheap, it works, it gets the job done. You may just have enough energy to cast it. If you don't have Mass Energize, just use a speed spore (or Rod of Alacrity), and cast Bless (or use a Rod of Battle) and protectoin (or Rod of Defenses) while you're at it. Concentrate your fire on the worst guys immediately. If you have the emerald armor (you do, don't you?) you'll get 15 action points and can get to target and still attack twice. You should kill many things in one round or two. Finally, I assume you're using Augmentation and any other last-the-whole-level pernicious spells that you can cast (Essence Armor, Steel Skin, and Augmentation) as soon as you hit outer GZ. If you carry enough essence pods you can cast them on your whole party, though with 6 creations you'll burn pods damn fast. If you have any Armor pods those can be used on any party member I think.
  15. I found it! The lever is hiding behind the wall below the door; you can't see it. There's not much in there; just a glahhk and a battle beta who drops a mica band.
  16. no, not THAT door, that's the clawbug canyon door. I mean the kss-urg valleu door way in the northeast corner...
  17. Also, if you mix it with tonic and a bit of lime it makes a lovely aperitif.
  18. the Clawbug door, when you get close to it, 'informs' you of (spoiler) the Taker sign, as you know. the NW door in Shaping "has no slot for a key" or something. This door I just can't figure out; talking to kss-urg didn't do anything for me.
  19. I am a relatively low level (26 or so), but i wanted to try to kill the battle gamma for the skin. While pressing the post in the hermit canyon will open the first door and release the rogthroth, it won't open the second door. How do I get to the battle gamma?
  20. I had not too much trouble with myself and my 2 cryoras during demo. It was even easier when I added a clawbug. Trick is knowing this: 1) the next shade will only pop up when YOU (not your creation) are close enough. If you kill one and back off, the next one won't appear. taht lets you sto back to drypeak or wherever to recharge. 2) speed spores (my favorite thing in the game) give everyone double attacks. 3) war blessing allows everyone to hit more often. Tactic: get your guys REALLY close to the 'shade rising' line (Practice this early on with the easy guys Then switch into fight mode, pop a speed spore, send the melee creatiion (if you have one handy) next to where the shades pop up and set the ranged creations at the very edge of the hit range. cast war blessing, and shield if you have it. You can kill almost all the shades in 1 turn. the last ones are tricky and you may have to recharge a couple of times. that level 25 stuff is bunk, though--I'm walking through much tougher stuff than that now.
  21. lol... as I realized, it was a sleep deprivation issue. I thought it was west, and it was actually southwest... found (and killed) her today.
  22. I'm looking for a pass west. I need to find (and kill) Twini, an "awakened guarding the crossroads west of" where I met a spy. he'll give me a pass if I kill Twini. Now, I've cleared the whole darn area and I can't find that gal anywhere. Can someone help me? To tell the truth, I'm wondering if I need to restart. I'm heavily aligned with the Shapers and it seems everyone else hates me. Of course, I haven't managed to get through the pass yet. I'm a Shaper, in high combat mode (carrying my first original cryora, who's now about level 26 or so, and three battle alphas in the level 24-26 range. Oh yeah, and this random 'huge roamer' I picked up somewhere.) I kill stuff reasonably easily but it seems that the muscle tactics are getting old. Can my game be saved? Or have I accidentally turned it into a slow version of Diablo?
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