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Everything posted by Kaos

  1. Kaos


    i have thought of a storyline a few days back. i was thinking of red dwarf and theres something about a potato king soooo...... But anyway i am still open for suggestions.
  2. has anyone created towns from exile 3 on blades and still got them because it would make remaking it alot easier.
  3. i would also like to know how to use custom graphics where to you put them, what do you save them as. This is for windows. The other stuff above means nothing to me.
  4. i've got the terrain i need from the exile 3 files but if anyone has made cities or places could you email it to me.
  5. Kaos


    why does the blades scenario editor crash when i'm using exile 3 like remaking a city or something.
  6. could you send it again i haven't got it.
  7. how do i rate stuff
  8. Kaos


    could someone give me a stroyline for a scenario
  9. where can i download it from that is not zipped.
  10. the job dispather in shayder has lost a ring where do you find the lost anama ring.
  11. so far the fifth tower is the best
  12. i havent finished exile 3 yet so i can't make it.
  13. i would like to see someone make exile 3 on the blades scenario editor
  14. Where is the crystal for when you sit in the chair right at the end to set of the quickfire in the valley of dying things.
  15. Thanks i just need to try the utility's.
  16. I can't unzip black crag fortess. I have unzipped a load of other scenario's.
  17. has anyone made the tower of magi from exile 3.
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