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Posts posted by You get NOTHING

  1. Now, not to sound lazy or discouraging, but seriously, work around it. Is this a hostile town? If so why would people still be pushing carts around (Unless they're magical). How many carts do you plan on having? Do you realize how much memory it will take up just have the minor cool effect? Death at Chapmans had some cool sound effects in the school, and it screwed the entire level over because of the memory it ate.

  2. Ok, first off, that made absolutely NO sense. Learn correct grammar. Second off, go to the link part of SpiderWeb's page, go to the BOA center, download the Item Editor...




    If you want to LEARN how to make items, go to the editor's folder, open the file called BOA editor docs, and go down to the part about custom items. This involves scripting, which if you haven't done any yet, you need to read the entire file before you can do crap...

  3. Ok got a couple questions.

    1. Every scenario has a start location in town, and one out of town. However, if I wanted a party to leave a town and end up straight into another (For Example: starting at the bottom level of a dungeon) how would I implement that without having the party appear outdoors until they reached the top level?


    2. Is there any way for the introduction to a scenario to be different depending on what race(s) were chosen from the beggining?


    (BTW I thought about making the exits to the bottom levels be special encounters instead of actual exits, that might work, anyone know the call to make a special encounter take you to a different town?)

  4. Unfortunetaly (I can never figure out how to spell that) I am horribly bad at making graphics. I was wondering if anyone either knows where there is a graphic of a human limb as an item, or would mind making one up. I would like to make a scenario where it is possible to rip someones arm off and beat them with it. It might be entertaining for a while.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Garrison:
    The editor does not have (among other things):
    • An easy way to scroll diagonally and quickly from the keyboard.

    Shift + 1,4,7,8,9,6,3, or 2
    Control + 1,2,3,4,6,7,8, or 9
    Edit: not sure about the regular editor, but the 3D does. I would guess it's the same for the regular editor...
  6. I have run into the same difficulty. The entire "Updated" thing has confused me, before there were 281 graphics, now there are 272, (crappy ones might have been removed or coloredits might have been moved) but I still see no real change. I would have figured that there would be enough new graphics by now that a significant change would be obvious. (not sure how long you were inactive though)

  7. I've discussed this with my fellow personalities. Gotta go with the Vahnatai. Reasons:

    1: They make slimes

    2: They made Alien Beasts

    3: Theyre cool

    4: They eat lots of shrooms

    5: There was once an advertisment for a food seller (i think it was vahnatai) that said "Minimum bad hallucinations"

    6: They're cool


    However, for some reason Jeff underplayed them. I think that in Exile 3 for example, ANY group of adventurers trying to break through 3 fortifications of Vahnatai would have been slaughtered horribly.

  8. Well so far there seem to be people who love it, and people who hate it. To everyone who hates it. You get NOTHING. And thats all I gotta say to you. I do not plan on doing ANY monster placement, or scripting, or anything of the sort. A shell it would be indeed. Terrain for people who want it. I takes me about 10-20 minutes to get terrain done for one area. Taking this into consideration, I work on my scenario about 2-4 hours a day when I have the time. To put in an extra 30 minutes a day would be simple, and chances are, it would not take me longer then a few months at worst. Yes (Yes the person) If you want to help, make southern Avernum. (The last row of outdoor sections from the tower of magi and over.) Keep in mind that I am doing a A2 based terrain and doing it right. There will of course be small changes but only out of necessity. (for example if it is impossible to make a terrain the same, you don't, you simply work around it.


    EDIT: SupaNik, the only reason you can't make 10 outdoor sections is because you are lazy.

  9. Well, if you want the creature to pop up next to a target that you know will be stationary (as in it doesnt move throughout the game) like in a special encounter in town, then you could create the monster, and create the text bubble on the space above the monster, instead of the monster itself.

  10. If you are a macintosh (mine is OSX so dunno if it will work for you) but when I am in 3D editor (haven't really done any editing but on 3D) hold the shift button and the direction on the keypad that you wish to go, and it will move you a distance, hold control and the direction and it will take you all the way across the current area in the direction that you press.

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