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teh banana

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Posts posted by teh banana

  1. I wouldn't actually consider myself a newbie, dear member #5181.. Oh, unless you actually are a secondary account of a member who's been here longer than me (= your member number is less than 1098, and you're not a WELL known and member (ie. Kel, Aran, Stugie, etc.).


    Also, flaming The Misterhood is quite bad an idea. Things like that tend to cause massive flame wars, in which both sides get shot to pieces.


    The idea that you're entitled to tell people what to do is hilarious.
    I've ORDERED you to leave BoE forum, now? Learn to read. To SUGGEST ain't even close to ORDERING/FORCING in my dictionary.




    So, some cheese with the whine?

  2. Quote:
    BoE > BoA, actually.
    TGM: Keep drinkin' that koolaid.
    I'm not allowed to have a personal opinion? New members aren't required to COMPLETELY SCREW THEMSELVES UP here, you know. Just leave this Blades of EXILE forum, if the game, in your opinion, is sucky.

    Oh, in conclusion,


    [added the pic, yay!]
  3. Actually, his age is widely known.


    Also, let me present you, the Code of Conduct of these boards (which you are, by the way, breaking like no member before). Please note, I have bolded the parts you're guilty of.


    What constitutes a minor infraction for a member:


    + Repeated posting of off-topic material on non-Miscellaneous forums.

    + Posting unauthorized copyrighted material

    + Using vulgarity in any language (whether it's in the open, masked, or abbreviated)

    + Faulty accusation of a member or moderator, including calling for the leaving or banning of a member that is innocent of infraction.

    + Posting two (or more) different topics about the same thing.

    + Double posting

    + Advertising or any form of commercial solicitation.

    + Requesting information about hex-editing.


    What constitutes a major transgression for a member:


    + Any communication that is intended to harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment to a fellow member.

    + Hate speech against a certain group of people, due to their religion, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, etc.

    + Impersonation of another person or screen name (including "faking" a screen name by using similar-looking text characters).

    + Discussion of illegal activities.

    + Depictions of sexually explicit material.

    + Flooding the forums with lots of topics and posts about nothing legitimate.

    + Requests for "cracks", pirated software, ways to pirate software, etc.

    So, please, JUST SHUT UP.
  4. Dear Soldberg..


    Your above post had nothing to do with the subject(s) of this topic.. Oh, and check the dates, please. This particular thread has been dead for, what, two weeks. Resurrecting dead stuff has never been approved here at SW. You've been around for long (#303), never taken a look at the CoC? So, please, DON'T SPAM, and WE'LL ALL BE HAPPY and EAT TEA AND BISCUITS AND SUCH GLRBH.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Wham Bam Shizam:
    And also I am wondering if I should even make one because it seems BoE is dying. And with Spidweb's treatment towards BoE, possible their greatest creation, I am not too optimistic. But I do think that there will be a small community of die-hard BoE lovers that will still put out a good scenario every once in a while, no matter how much other games outshadow it, or wether its designers totally neglect it. Am I right? Or do I have some empty optimism?
    No way we (the community) will just vanish just because Jeff and co abandoned us. If we'd give up because of that.. hey, the community wouldn't have been here for years. wink

    There'll always be players for new BoE scenarios, no matter what Jeff himself thinks.
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