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About Pachat

  • Birthday 01/18/1985

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Curious Artila

Curious Artila (3/17)

  1. AvScript seems to have great potential, but there are some obvious things that I'd like to see fixed: First, the text editor crashes with Code: Run-time error '380':Invalid property value every time I write a line with more than 29 or so letters. Also, the undo quick-key (ctrl+z) doesn't seem to be working for some peculiar reason. The one from the right-click menu works. In addition to those stretch-to-fit editing area would be nice. And perhaps the tools could be accessible side-by-side with the actual code. I think it's easier to think of statements and structures if you see where they are to be appended to while making them. I hope you can pull through polishing these programs of yours. Especially the pc-side of things needs a boost from people like you to get the scenarios start rolling out. EDIT: Oh yeah! I'm sitting on 1.0ghz 512mb winxp if that helps a bit with the crash thing.
  2. Why not make the luminance of the walls a layer of its own with mode set as darken and the actual texture as another layer with the bacground masked out. That way you could just open the file (.psd), paste the texture to the right layer and save as appropriate.
  3. Do you really have to move the carts every turn? Just assing their positions to sdf's and move them if the party is in a suitable place to see them. (Assuming their position is meaningfull in some way)
  4. Usually the artist has sold his copyrights to the game company. That's how they earn their bread. So even if he says it's okay, it will be illegal.
  5. If remember correctly, all special outdoor encounters in Tatterdemalion were made into towns like that. I'm sure it has been used in other scenarios as well, though I can't remember any other examples. So it's not so much of stealing anymore.
  6. Putting the possibility aside, there are plenty of ways to make the item-scanning faster and less instruction-consuming. For example you could define that only a portion of the town saves the items. Items are seldom placed on blocked spaces or on solid stone and pits. Also town boundaries limit the area to scan. This could be achieved by making a lot of small scan-rectangles or just one large rectangle with exclusions marked in. That is, of course, a matter speed. Someone should test if which-terrain - is faster than item-on-floor - check. If it is faster to check if the terrain is suitable for items than it is to check if there are items on space, one should use the former. That is mostly because there are more empty spaces with no items than there are spaces with items in a town. One alternative would be to scan the adjacent spaces of the party every time they drop or get items. That would leave only 9-18 spaces to check depending on party size. If a change is noticed, it is recorded into a flag. The problem is tracking items the party can grab from a distance.
  7. Quote: Originally written by ava: But why sunlight burns vampires? Sunlight is natural element. It has nothing to do with gods. That is most likely derived from people who were suffering from porphyria and who were accused of being vampires. Here's a direct cut from : http://www.uoflhealthcare.com/digestivehealth/PORPHYRIA.htm "The symptoms of porphyria fall into two major groups. Some patients have attacks in which the nerves of the body do not function properly. Abdominal pain and weakness result. Other patients have problems with the parts of the skin that are exposed to the sun and can cause pain and swelling of the skin or the formation of blisters." Quote: Originally written by Taron Gregor Merallion: There's also some belief that undead can't cross flowing water. I wonder where that originates. That most likely comes from the belief that vampires are bound to the soil of their death-place. With no soil underneath, they are powerless. Without any power, a vampire is dead. This is why vampires can regenerate themselves while resting in a casket with the suitable soil in it. Their afterlife is normally limited to a small area. But vampires can travel even cross moving water in their caskets. The old lore also said that vampires cannot come inside a house unless they were invited. So the victim must have had some kind of a death-wish or the vampire must have been a terrifying charmer.
  8. The old folk-tale vampires were quite different from their more modern counterparts. Originally vampires were said to feed on life energy alone. They would visit their victims at night and slowly drain them. The symptoms on the victim were weird behaviour and, of course, fatique. Vampires were rumoured to be hairy, smelly man-creatures, much like werewolves. Then someone somewhere came to the conclusion that because the Bible says "blood is life", vampires must feed on blood. Vampire-lore adapted to that. Now, vampires had pale, leathery skin suitable for someone exceedingly anemic. If a buried corpse had bloated, crimson lips, hair- or beard-growth or no apparent signs of decay, it was easy to declare it as a vampire. To seal a vampire's powers you had to quickly drain it of its blood - by decapitation or a stake through the heart. Many means were invented to keep the undead at bay. For example, garlic was introduced as repellant because vampires were believed to have enhanced senses, thus making them vulnerable to strong smells and sounds. The only real way to kill a vampire permanently was to burn its body. Then along came Bram Stoker who made vampires seek for suave passion, not horny lust. By the way, African vampires ate whole cows, Indian vampires children. One Indian vampire was like a leech as it sucked blood from a man's toe. What this comes down to: don't make vampires just stupid old monsters who drink blood and don't die easily; Everybody I know hated Blade I & II
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