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Pig Catapult

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Posts posted by Pig Catapult

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by The Calm Before the Flamewar:
    You have to confront the innkeeper, strangely enough. If you have a high enough reputation, he'll hand over the amulet without a fight. If not, you can get the whole town (and maybe the whole island) mad at you.

    —Alorael, who believes there is another option besides strongarm intimidation. He can't remember it, though, and he didn't use it. The reputation isn't that hard to come up with.
    He'll give it to you if you've stopped the roach infestation.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Keep:
    I'd imagine a self-employed mage who thinks he's better than he really is, and likes to live in seclusion by the ocean in a reclusive tower with brigands, a spiny worm, and lots of slimes to keep him company would love to call himself Slick. He sure got a deal on the fake estate.

    [party steps into secret inner sanctum]
    "Hi, I'm Slick. Want to be my friend?"
    [party leader shrugs, shoots arrow at Slick's head]
    "People that call themselves Slick don't deserve to live..."
    ROFLMAO!! Too true.

    *sets the Alien Slime loose in the tower* You want to control the slimes? I'd like to see you control THIS. :p It's mah pet Slime-making critter. shocked *huggles Alien Slime*


    Oh, and "Bojar" spelled backwards is "Rajob". I hope that helps. laugh
  3. The Great Circle. Fresh air, demons(YAY! \o/), items abound :p , lots of visitors wink , and I could have a nice little cave dug into one of the surrounding mountains, and the Circle would be my front yard.


    Or maybe the Golem Factory. It's a nice place, after you turn off the lasers. And I could have Golems waiting on me hand an foot.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by MASCHINE UMSTURZ:
    fight through a billion irritating goblins
    *pictures a large room, completely filled with goblins, all trying to get at the party at once, but because the hallway leading to the room is so narrow that only one one goblin can get to the party at a time, the heroes easily defeat all of them* Heehee................

    I suggest something cute and cuddly-looking, only it has lots of teeth and it has claws. Kinda like a fox............ only with lots of tails............. :p You could start with a normal wolf pic and add a few more tails, and maybe change the color scheme a bit. And you could do the same thing with a Worg and have it be like the leader or something.
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Angry Ogre:
    Avernum 3 is better for dragon kiling. If the dragons were human characters i think i would feel less remorse in killing them. Strange...
    dragons are superior to humans. Killing them is wrong. More wrong than wiping out an entire city full of friendly demons, just for the heck of it.(which, in my book, is one of the worst things one can do). Let's just leave it at that. @________@
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