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Pig Catapult

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Posts posted by Pig Catapult

  1. Quote:
    EDIT: To change my reference to Catapult. Must be careful referring to certain people by their "first" name.

    I take it you originally called me Pig? It's quite okay. I actually prefer to be called Pig or Piggy. "Catapult" is just way too formal-sounding to me. XD
  2. In A1-Blades, I always had the same party setup, and I always sorted my inventory the same way.


    -Char1 is my Slith/Pole/Tank, who carried all of my "To-sell" loot


    -Char2 is my Nephil/Archer/Theif, who usually just carries lockpicks and as much ammo as he/she can, and occasionally loot that Char1 doesn't have room for.


    -Char3 is my Human/Priest, who carries around all the food I hoard but never end up using, and is the only one who ever uses the Rit. of Sanct. He is usually the guy saddled with items for collection quests.


    -Char4 is my Human/Mage/Apothecary, who I always give the Cordelia graphic, and carries all of the herbs I find, along with any unique items that I carry around (She carried the Xian Skull, Orb of Thralni, and Jewel of Return in Av3, for example)


    Also, as of late, I've taken to naming my party Peyn, Grefe, Deth and Tackses, for the lulz

  3. I personally hate-hate-hate-hate the A4+ games and their engine. The old, slightly-clunky gameplay style of the old Avernum games is what I fell in love with, and the new engine just strips away all the little gameplay quirks and tricks I enjoyed so much, and replaces them with a more "streamlined" system that is completely different in a very bad way.


    I don't want to see a Blades of Avernum 2. Ever.

  4. Heh. My opinion's changed so much in four years. They still look like Roswell aliens, though.


    I think that the Vahnatai are a little full of themselves in A2, but I'm loving their spells. Fluffy the Ur-basilisk is my friend, especially in large battles. Cuddles the Null Bug is also awesome.


    In A3, I really thought the little Vahnatai kid was awesome, but Rentar really needed a good smacking. The mental image of my female mage (Cordelia graphic) slapping Rentar across the face is very amusing for me. I think Rentar would die of shock.


    Actually, I think she needed a smacking in A2, too. Her pretentious attitude got on my nerves.


    The Vahnatai in VoDT are made of awesome, and not just because they saved my butt from quickfire. They're just awesome guys.


    All in all, I think the Vahnatai are a very interesting race, but I'm not sure I'd want to meet one.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by brock petersdorf-nelson:
    i found those toadstools used them in a potion, it became potion(+), and the character that drank it gained two strength. dunno if it was a glitch or if Jeff stuck them in there for that reason
    Oh wow... I wonder what happens if you agument a pile of herbs and make potions with them.... Maybe it does the same thing? Someone should test this.
  6. I have the folders for Valley of Dying Things, Za Khazi Run, and A Small Rebellion in my BOA scenarios folder, but Diplomacy With the Dead is the only one showing up. I thought it might have been one of my other scenarios messing something up, and so I deleted all of those, (since I can always download them again), but I still can't get those to show up. I'm not sure what's wrong, but could I get help?

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