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Posts posted by Tristrana

  1. ..an evil cult? Possibly dominated by an evil demon? Oh yes, sounds fresh, new and good. ^^


    The 1st object (get robbed by evil bandits, kill some evil bandits, recover your stuff from the evil bandits) sounds quite promising, though. Hope you manage to make it play out well. smile

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Kurojutsu:
    Originally written by The Great 4808:
    Unfortunately, good town design takes a lot of work, but if you want your scenario to be interesting, you have to spend a lot of time on them.
    Says the person with no scenarios to his name.

    I'll put it bluntly- towns aren't necessary. A passable town will function just as well or almost unnoticably poorer than a well-designed town would. If a town isn't heinously ugly, it should take two hours at most to churn out. I don't play for towns, and I don't feel that anyone else does either.
    Actually, I agree with Ben. Well-drawn towns ARE essential to scenarios, as are plot, interesting characters, and well both -thought and -written dialogue.

    Sure, it doesn't matter if some backwater villages (the generic ones ^^) are just bundles of houses built close to each other, but try to do that same with a hi-populated capitol.. Towns are important. Not the most important part of design, but important, nevertheless. At least for people like me who ENJOY exploring interesting places. ^^
  3. tgm.giftgm.jpg


    The left one is in GIF-format. The right one, in JPG. You might want to download them and take a closer look, and you'll see what Thuryl meant with that "JPG ruins detail"-thingy.


    No wait, you don't necessarily have to, the JPG one looks screwed enough already. ^_^


    Also, yes, the distortion (or whaev) CAN be avoided by using the highest quality compression (see PhotoShop), but that'll, in the long run, not only make slightly good images (compared to good GIFs), but they're sizes would be like double of the sizes of GIFs.

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