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Everything posted by Couch

  1. Jeez, I so didn't read that right. X my last post.
  2. Wait.. WTF? How would changing the .bas file to a .txt file do that? Oh well, it's worth a shot.
  3. Okay, I remade the scenario (now called Middle of Nowhere, the filename will be nowheredata.txt
  4. I changed the filename to hellholedata.txt, but now I'm facing other problems... The editor is again refusing to recognise these custom items because of the changed filename. I might have to create a new scenario with a shorter name (luckily I haven't bothered with outdoor terrain yet, so all I have to do is import the town of Weaselden). D'you think that would work?
  5. Wait, it says Hellholeravine SCRIPT failiure, not custom data script faliure. I'll have a look at the script again, I might have accidentally left some kind of residue there.
  6. Wait, do I need those clear commands? That might be what's screwing it up.
  7. For this? I'm using OS X Textedit. There isn't anything wrong with the filename.. it's in the proper format (hellholeravinedata.txt). I'll try it without the comments and see if that works.
  8. Crap. This just in, I created a proper freakin' data file, now the stupid editor is b*tching about an invalid symbol in line one... Here's the current code: // Hellhole Ravine Custom Object Types beginscendatascript; // ITEM TYPES begindefineitem 450; clear; it_full_name = "Handgun"; it_variety = 6; it_damage_per_level = 4; it_bonus = 3; it_weapon_skill_used = 10; it_floor_which_sheet = 502; it_floor_which_icon = 1; it_inventory_icon = 0; it_value = 300; it_weight = 30; it_identified = 1; it_missile_anim_type = 11; begindefineitem 451; clear; it_full_name = "bullets"; it_variety = 23; it_bonus = 1; it_charges = 12; it_floor_which_sheet = 502; it_floor_which_icon = 2; it_inventory_icon = 2; it_value = 20; it_weight = 10; it_cursed = 0;
  9. Jeez.. BoA editor isn't as user-friendly as I thought. Oh well, I'm getting the hang of it. Thanks for everything guys!
  10. Ohhh, I see now... ¬_¬ you mean corescendata.txt.
  11. Scenario_namedata.txt? I only see hellholeravine.txt in the scenarios folder, and scen.txt in the BOA files folder. I used sherlock and it didn't come up with anything. So I am to assume that you mean something else that relates to Scenario_namedata.txt. Oh well, I'll check out scen.txt now. Hellholeravine.txt yielded nothing except for shop stuff.
  12. Crap.. I can't find any custom item scripts in BoA. Unless they're contained somewhere besides the scenario folders.
  13. How many K did you bring it up to? I usually try to overkill and do about 7-8000K.
  14. Aah, shnizzberries! Still ain't workin'. I'll check out some of those sheets now.
  15. Regarding the last post: no pun intended. BTW, Boots, if you're dealing with the out of memory BS, try increasing the recommended memory for the editor in its Info page.
  16. Thanks for your help guys. I'll give it a shot.
  17. One sec, does anybody have a custom items script I could look at? (preferably one that works)
  18. Gah! Quote marks? I didn't know I was supposed to put in those. As for the editor not recognising the handgun, the weapon doesn't show up in the items menu. Item # 445 is blank. I'll try the quote marks and get back to ya' on that... ...Added quotation marks to the name, didnt work. Item 445 is still blank. Maybe there's a problem with the graphics sheets?
  19. Here's the problem: the BoA Editor won't recognise my custom item and its graphic. Did I do something wrong? Here's the code, saved in the proper scenario folder and named handgun.txt: beginscendatascript begindefineitem 445; item_name = Handgun; item_full_name = Handgun; it_variety = 6; it_damage_per_level = 8; it_weapon_skill_used = 10; it_encumbrance = 0; it_floor_which_sheet = 502; it_inventory_icon = 502; it_value = 300; it_weight = 3; it_identified = 1; it_missile_anim_type = 11;
  20. Phew.. thank god.. for a second there I thought it would be relevant. =/
  21. And another question: How does BoA tell which item graphic is which, since there's 10 different icons on one sheet?
  22. Nevermind, I found an adequate missile graphic. Still working on what the icon adjustment is though. (it_icon_adjust = wtf?)
  23. Oh yeah, and I'll need to make a new missile animation... A gun shooting arrows just don't cut it.
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