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The Ripper

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Posts posted by The Ripper

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by GIFTSking:
    No, look. Here's what needs to happen. The awakened, takers, and shaper council should send representatives to negote a sort of peace, and write a "Universal Rights Charter", clearly labeling out the roles that shapers, humans, serviles, and (drakes?) shall play. Sure they all have diametrically opposed views, but if they can leran to compromise a little, the world would be a safer, less fun game to play.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Wonko The Sane:

    2. You have to be an absolute jerk to every non-shaper you meet.

    If you've never role-played the jerk, then you've never role-played.

    On an unrelated note, can we get rid of the creation limit and put some minor creations in? I wanna have an army of worms! laugh
    Answer = no. Game engines have limits. pushing those limits = lag. lag = bad.

    But, as for storyline, the more endings the better. I was disappointed with G3 a bit, having only the two sides (mind you, different combinations of endings.)

    But still, more endings = re-playability
  3. Along the lines of stealth...


    You know those unstable reptiles that follow you and bite you until they explode usually causing a deadly chain reaction?


    What if you could create an "Unstable Assasin"? you would tell it to target a servile/shper/whatever, and it would walk up to him/her and blow up... silently so no one around would notice. hopefully the damage is enough to kill them, otehrwise you'll have to send more than one. And if you fail to kill them in one shot of course, everyone becomes aware of your actions.


    I apologize if this was already posted in one of the above TLDR's

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by me the master hahaha:
    thank you laugh

    and its march third shouldn't geneforge 3 be out now ????

    EDIT: that is the version for windows i use mac and i want to use windows programs they do not give you a demo for mac only windows
    Sorry, I don't know from demos, i just bought it.

    And also, i'm hoping GF3 comes out as late as possible. very end of march would be good. Early/mid april even better. Mostly because the closer to the end of school it is for me, the less I'll fail as a result of videogame addiction.
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by me the master hahaha:
    thank you laugh

    and its march third shouldn't geneforge 3 be out now ????

    EDIT: that is the version for windows i use mac and i want to use windows programs they do not give you a demo for mac only windows
    Sorry, I don't know from demos, i just bought it.

    And also, i'm hoping GF3 comes out as late as possible. very end of march would be good. Early/mid april even better. Mostly because the closer to the end of school it is for me, the less I'll fail as a result of videogame addiction.
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Icshi:
    I'm expecting each island to have a small metal dome that is constantly rotating, and you need to make note of which eye symbol each has written on the outside in order to get the associated color from Gehn's survey room, then solve the marlbe riddle to get the power machine working, so each dome will uncover a magic linking book that will take you to a separate world where you can access individual books to link to the different islands...

    Or perhaps rusty tramcars that zoom around over the sea...

    Or maybe not.
    possibly the best post ever made in this forum
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Icshi:
    I'm expecting each island to have a small metal dome that is constantly rotating, and you need to make note of which eye symbol each has written on the outside in order to get the associated color from Gehn's survey room, then solve the marlbe riddle to get the power machine working, so each dome will uncover a magic linking book that will take you to a separate world where you can access individual books to link to the different islands...

    Or perhaps rusty tramcars that zoom around over the sea...

    Or maybe not.
    possibly the best post ever made in this forum
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