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Posts posted by Ephesos

  1. Hunh. As I sit at this desk, I can see the books from most of my assigned reading from high school. In a rough order because I don't feel like reconstructing the exact one:


    • Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
    • The Call of the Wild - Jack London
    • Night - Elie Wiesel
    • To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
    • Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare
    • The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (blech)
    • Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
    • The Pearl - John Steinbeck
    • A Separate Peace - John Knowles
    • Lord of the Flies - William Golding
    • A general mythology primer unimaginatively called Mythology - Edith Hamilton
    • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
    • Macbeth - Shakespeare
    • Hamlet - Shakespeare
    • Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
    • To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf (bleeeeech)
    • Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie (yay!)
    • The complete stories of Flannery 'O Connor
    • The Stranger - Albert Camus
    • The House of Bernarda Alba - Federico García Lorca
    • Chronicle of a Death Foretold - Gabriel García Márquez
    • Oedipus - Sophocles
    • The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert


    I have almost certainly forgotten things, as I can't believe I somehow managed to get away without a fourth Shakespeare play my senior year.

  2. Unfortunately, the period of crunchtime at my office has extended past the 1st (our original project deadline) to the 15th (our new "soft" deadline), and I expect that it will continue on past that as well.


    So, I'm still working on my entry, just slowly. Very, very slowly.

  3. Brisk, technically sound, and a satisfying flash of story. And considering the limitations (working with Warrior's Grove is awful), it's pretty. Also an interesting approach to dialogue.


    It's not amazing, but it's not terrible, and it's over very quickly. I enjoyed it, but in the end, I have to call it [rating]Average[/rating].

  4. I personally liked Bahss a lot, though it took a while to grow on me. Let's see... I want to pick some things other people didn't pick.


    -Emerald Mountain (first scenario I remember being really impressed by, back in ye olde days)

    -Magus of Cattalon (time travel better than I was able to do it)

    -Adrift (because I had to pick something of my own)

  5. Heh. I had to dig a bit for my review of this scenario, and then I remembered just how fun it was. After all, I was a tester on the original beta, which was... interesting. Anyway.


    The plot and the outdoors shared a commonality in that they were huge but confusingly empty when you took a good look at them. Also featured were overpowered traps that took ages to cycle through a single trigger, hordes of enemies where a few would've sufficed, confusing jaunts through different planes of existence, a handful of ridiculously overpowered items hidden away in an arbitrary maze, and giant purple dragons.


    It could've been great, but instead, it merits a [rating]Poor[/rating]

  6. Confirm all of mine, including ones yet unreleased. laugh


    Also, as a general reminder to all, Tyranicus and myself just updated all of the Review threads to include, well... everything. So if you haven't reviewed things that you've played, I wholeheartedly encourage you to review them.


    Also, if anyone wants to opt a scenario of theirs out of the listings, let one of us know.

  7. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
    Originally Posted By: Handyman
    What is a "hype thread"?

    It's where promising scenarios go to die.

    Sad but true. Though I did finish at least one scenario I hyped. *looks proudly at Siege of Copperpeak*
  8. Originally Posted By: Lazarus.
    Well you could just leave blank states and nodes in between NPCs. So if you finish NPC1's dialog and you're at node 15 state 5, start NPC2 at node 20 state 10 so that you can come back to NPC1 and add nodes without things getting confusing.

    I do this as well. Generally I'll set aside 10-20 per NPC.
  9. 1. Describe your perfect sandwich.

    Roast chicken, dill havarti cheese, tomato, spinach, and champagne mustard. Awesomesauce. Literally.


    2. What is your favorite filling or condiment?

    Spicy deli mustard is definitely up there.


    3. What is your least favorite filling or condiment?

    Mayonnaise. Blech.


    4. How often do you eat sandwiches?

    A couple of times per week, depending on how frequently the folks at the office feel like doing takeout.


    5. Have you ever found something really horrible in a sandwich?

    Other than mayo where I didn't expect it, no.


    6.If you could only eat one type of sandwich for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    See #1.


    7. White or wheat?



    8. Jelly or jam?



    9. Pickles or onions?

    Onions, no doubt.


    10. Cheddar or Swiss?

    Cheddar. Moar flavor = better.


    11. Grilled or toasted?

    Depends on the sandwich. Chicken grilled, anything with lots of sauce toasted.


    12. Explain why sandwiches are better than wraps.

    Less pointless bread product to get through to reach the delectable filling that is the promised land!


    13. Explain why wraps are better than sandwiches.

    More insulation to keep that delectable filling from escaping for the floor!


    14. Is an open-face sandwich an actual sandwich? Why or why not?

    No, it is things on a piece of bread. Nothing is sandwiched between other things in an open-face sandwich. I imagine the Earl would be offended.

  10. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Because starting new projects at every opportunity and trying to release both existing and new projects has worked great for me!

    To be fair, I interpreted the original post as meaning the old one was done. Since it was part of a contest after all.
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