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Posts posted by Igor

  1. As a lifecrafter, stuff that boosts creation stats is great. By the end of the game, my set-up for combat ran: Transferance suit, symbiotic cloak, demon fang talisman, shaper's boon ring, blazing gauntlets, projection belt, thirsting knife, and blasted greaves. The total of +10 Cdexterity was the most noticeable effect, as enemy hit rates went way down and my creations almost never missed. However, the total -3 to my strength meant I wasn't able to equip a shield.

  2. I'm currently dealing with Alwan's quest to meet Ghaldring and receive his message. I told Ghaldring I was not ready to commit myself to the rebellion. When he send his lackey to kill me in a duel I talked him out of it by reminding him of Salassar, and now ... nothing. I can't get into his chamber to get the message, and the doorman keeps saying to come back tomorrow.

  3. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Restoration aura.

    This too. As a shaper, all I would ever do is put up buffs and regeneration aura. I would then cast daze if there was a horde, healing as necessary.

    Same for my lifecrafter playthrough so far. It's certainly one of the most efficient healing spells, essence-wise, and really helps to keep your creations alive for longer.
  4. Avernum V was the first one in the series I've actually bought the full version for. I loved the atmosphere of it. Everybody sees you as an enemy or, at best, a tool. The villain sends his agents to ambush and kill you twice in the demo alone. You're not the heroic adventurers of past games, but soldiers behind enemy lines, trying to hunt down somebody holding every advantage he could want.


    Also, the entire Howling Depths sequence was pure awesome.

  5. Okay, now it's the silly logic puzzle.


    Orb setup is:


    NW: sparkling blue

    NE: sparkling green

    SW: sparkling red

    SE: no shinies


    Conditions seem to be:


    * at least one orb to S doesn't sparkle. (SE orb is inert)

    * 2 orbs are sparkling on the diagonal (SW and NE are both sparkling)

    * no sparkles are the same color (check)

    * a sparkling orb to N is not red (check)

    * a western orb has red sparkles (SW orb)


    Ringing the gong only gives me banshees. What is Jeff going for here?

  6. So I've cleared out the rest of this irritating dungeon, including the aboveground stuff like the banshees and the Master of the Pit. What is the deal with the central chamber? There don't seem to be any wall switches or any way to get past the portcullis at the east end, and it seems no matter how long you stay in there nothing happens except a) more skeletons and B) charming one of your characters in a rotation. Is there a secret? Somebody I need to talk to?

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Student of Trinity:
    I dunno — Parry in G2 was silly enough that you could just about stroll through Gazak-Uss letting packs of Rotghroths smack themselves to death on your ripostes. And terror vlish were the blue meanies of G1, all right. But in the days when you could still move after attacking, monsters needed 5AP left to hit you, and Emerald Chestguards were still in production, hitting and running around corners with a hasted Agent really gave the rogues no chance at all. It took a lot more dashing around than the other classes, but it was pretty easy.
    Not only that, but mental magic was absurdly good in G2. I never encountered a monster that I couldn't Strong Daze, and Terror meant that they just stood in a corner while you firebolted them to death.
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Student of Trinity:
    But the disciplines that weaken or stun opponents, these might work nicely as specially shaped thorns or grenades.
    We already have submission thorns for stunning. And wands of stunning. And stun crystals. And weapon enhancements that inflict wrack or slow on a hit (although the runed onyx just stops having an effect on late-game monsters).
  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Randomizer:
    [QB]Jeff loves to include moral dilemmas, even though most of us are amoral powergamers. Kill them all seems to be the general idea.
    I thought our motto was "kill it and take its stuff!"
  10. Quote:
    Originally written by kkarski:
    [QB]The secret door system from AV 1-3 had a one major flaw - looking at the automap you could usually guess with ease which wall to molest for hidden content.
    That was the thing that made in manageable rather than sanity-wrecking. If you couldn't find a secret room by the difference between the inside and outside volume of a building, you'd never find them.
  11. 1. Miranda


    2. Ghaldring, no question. He's a manipulative ruthless bastard, and deserves to rule the drakons.


    3. Trakovites. The drakons have become worse than the Shapers, and the Shapers are no good either. It may just be that I never really see shaping causing prosperity.


    4. Mass Energize, it is a beautiful spell for a lifecrafter. Massively increases your damage output while giving healing over time.


    5. At low levels, Cryoas and Vlish. Drayk and Glaahk in mid levels, and Drayks and Wingbolts for high levels. Wingbolts are great tanks against kyshaaks and other wingbolts (and other sources of magic damage) due to their absurd magic resistance, and they do around 200 magic damage per hit.


    6. Nine. You don't have nearly as much freedom of choice as in GF 1 or 2, which was a bit disappointing.

  12. Playing GF2 as an Agent is something of an exercise in frustration. Sure, at high levels you get cheese like Strong Daze which I've never seen resisted, and Terror which paralyzes any enemy with fear. At low levels, you're really dependent on Speed. Most tough enemies you have to defeat by hitting them with a firebolt and running 4 AP away (out of reach of ranged attacks).

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