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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Really? Wow. Now that I think about it, my testing, which was years ago, mostly just used the displayed hit bonuses as its data point. Maybe those cap off before the defensive bonuses do. But I'm almost sure they never went above 40% and +8, even with multiple spells involved. Sheesh.
  2. Additional blessing spells only multiply the effect if you cast it at relatively low Intelligence. At high Int a single bless spell can get you up to a high level of blessing. (Not sure if this is true of Bless Party and Major Blessing but I think it is.) (Also not sure if further blesses will increase the duration or not. I think not, but not sure.) Blessing can go up to 8 levels in Exile. Each level confers a +5% bonus to hit, a +1 damage bonus, and I think (but don't quite recall) a +5% bonus to dodge and +1 bonus to armor. That armor bonus is extremely powerful.
  3. I had no idea that was you, Waylander. That said: Salmon, don't make me change my PDN to Nutritious Vlish.
  4. Quote: Originally written by Morior: Apropos of nothing, (always wanted to use that phrase): Where does it say that shaping was created on Sucia Island? I've played through all of G1, and I didn't notice anything about shaping starting on Sucia. It just reached the height of its art on Sucia. Thanks. Then you didn't play through quite all of G1. Or if you did, you forgot what you learned in the Spirit City.
  5. "Not hard" might still not be easy enough to justify putting effort into it ahead of working on a new game that will generate many orders of magnitude more profit.
  6. You can never be in more than one sect at the same time, in G1 or G2, regardless of conditions needed to join.
  7. There are doomguards in Exile 2, too. The keys to defeating them are: 1) Damage per turn doesn't matter nearly so much as damage per strike, since each attack will make it split. That makes this one of the few situations in Exile where halberds and greatswords are better than dual-wielded wave blades. 2) Because it is going to take a long time no matter what you do, and because making lots of attacks every turn just guarantees you'll have lots of guys attacking you back, having a strong defense is more important than having a strong offense. If your fighters (or ideally, your whole party) are wearing lots of armor, and you keep everyone heavily blessed, all you really need is patience. Doomguards don't have any special attacks to worry about. Another strategy is to summon overpowered creatures with Simulacrum. This didn't work well in 3 as I recall, but in Exile 2, you could make Simulacrums of the dragons. Their really high HP and high damage breath attack makes them useful in this scenario.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Spokesman of the Dead: Why is it so horribly impossible that Shaping spread peacefully? Because, in the Spirit City in G1, you learn quite specifically how shaping spread, and it wasn't peaceful at all. The first shapers used shaping "as a weapon" and tried to build up an empire with it.
  9. I haven't been able to find a single line from any of the games suggesting that Terrestia is the less settled Shaper land. G4 makes it clear that Eastern Terrestia is the less settled part of Terrestia, but there's nothing to suggest it's the Shaper equivalent of Valorim.
  10. I don't suppose you can just use the dog graphic for me, as Dikiyoba did in her screenshot? This is an ambitious, but potentially spectacular project. I wish you good luck in completing it.
  11. I think we can safely say that there is one, and only one, Shaper Council. There are hundreds of references to it throughout the games and not one of them is plural.
  12. The original version of Exile II had music. The original version of Exile I did not; it was added in the v2.0 upgrade that gave Exile I the bright, Exile III style graphics several years after its release. That's all Mac versions. I don't know the history for PC versions.
  13. In G3, Akhari Blaze implies that the Council is on Terrestia: "It is time for you to go to Terrestia. It is time for our forces there to know what we have done. And for the Shaper Council to know that their cause is lost... Return to the mainland. Find Ghaldring. Find the Council. Tell them of the Geneforge." G2 is more conclusive: "You stand on the road leading out of these mountains. It is but a three days' walk to the next city and a quick, easy journey from there to the Shaper Council." A boat might be involved, but changing continents could hardly be a "quick, easy journey". The PC, on Mouawad: "The members of the Council rule the Shapers, and thus all Terrestia."
  14. Do you mean Man-O-War's, Synergy? Wikipedia tells me jellyfish are individuals, but some related animals are colonies.
  15. Oh my god. I can't believe this topic is still going. Is it possible that we have a new contender for the auspicious Nephils vs. Sliths role?
  16. Unfortunately, that just isn't true, Lord Sylak. Jeff has said that Nethergate's sales were extremely disappointing.
  17. Technically, they aren't immune to either. The poison/acid "immunity" is at 80%, so they should still take some damage. Plus, it's a BUG -- ancillary poison and acid resistance is calculated with the magic resistance stat instead of the appropriate ones. Their mental resistance starts at 90%, so it's unlikely anything will ever affect them. However, that's true of all the other 4th- and 5th-tier creations as well.
  18. Whoever posted it wrote just like you, and use the graemlins just like you...
  19. Jeff has implied five recently.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Quote: Originally written by Hawkwind: In G3 the way status effects were implemented was changed somewhat, and Glaahks cause slowing rather than stunning. The same is true of G4. It's not true of G4 -- Glaahks have definitely gone back to stunning. (Of course, because of the new AP system they're questionably useful in G4 as well.) Hmm, you're right. Whoops. I have to say, I'm not sure why even bother with the Stun mechanic the way it's implemented in G4. It just doesn't do much of anything.
  21. That's not true at all. You CAN have the skill set, but it requires sinking a BUTTLOAD of points into useless skills first. Dexterity isn't very useful if you are going the Resistance route, as you will never have the skill points you need to pump your dodge rate up significantly. I guess you can use it for bows, but it still costs 42 points. The Hardiness is good, obviously. But buying 6 points of Endurance is a retarded waste for any build. It costs 36 skill points and returns practically nothing once you consider the 2 free (therefore not applicable for Resistance) points of Endurance you can get and the HP bonuses from Augmentation and Essence Armor. After all that, Resistance then costs a huge number of skill points to buy. Those start to add up. Even buying 2 from Thompson, which means you are going a long long time with no Resistance, it will be hard to get over 10 in the score without neglecting everything else. I'm not sure if 10 Reistance actually reduces elemental damage by 40%, or if the individual 4%s multiply and it reduces it by ~30%. Either way, that effect is useful, but not really worth the total lack of effective offences you are left with after such a huge investment.
  22. Yeah, the all caps font is horrid. Not only is it hard to read, it's spaced so oddly that it just doesn't look professional.
  23. It is somewhat problematic that attacks with melee weapons and attacks with pole weapons are both called melee attacks. There is no difference between them other than the Melee and Pole Weapons skills, though.
  24. Reapers have no "reaping" effect. They just do a lot of damage with a nice sound effect. As SoT mentioned, stunning is somewhat random. However, it should be noted that Glaahks only have extra stunning power in G1 and G2. In G3 the way status effects were implemented was changed somewhat, and Glaahks cause slowing rather than stunning. The same is true of G4. This is a very unfortunate change, as they can no longer debilitate a creature even if they can't damage it much. In G3 in particular it makes all their attacks inferior to a Vlish.
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