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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Makes total sense. I never even made it into the room - I prefer to take things out of the open when I can. Thank you for your help.
  2. I can't beat the final Rakhasa on the Tiger's Den - they go pretty much invulnerable, even though I've long since killed off everything else. I limped out of that dungeon with one character alive and haven't been back since. I also lured them out into the hallways, so it's possible I'm missing something in the room itself?
  3. If you click on "Avernum Map" and hover over the ?'s, they will tell you what assigned quests the game still requires you to complete at certain map hot spots. Perhaps not for the fastidiously organized, but I find it very helpful in general.
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