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Posts posted by Fort

  1. Arghhh! The time machine paradigm you present is incoherent to me. If the time machine traveled through time by itself at random intervals, then it would make sense. However, if it must require an operator, then an absence of which would confound your prediction. Of course there are many ways to make it true, but nothing will necessarily happen.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
    Back before I cared to figure it out, scripts were in a totally different language and I hated looking at them. It felt like I was taking off the programs clothes, and then raping it by editing. Now, I quite enjoy raping scripts. But I can definitely sympathize with people who would rather have something like this editor rather than do the messy deeds on their own.
    Employing something else to do your raping makes it feel so much less repulsive, doesn't it?
  3. Alorael, that still does not explain why it must be in every time at once. I am sure that the DeLorean from Back to the Future only went to specific times and places. At best it would only occupy all the time between dates, which is really no better than any other normal object.


    Randomizer, that is a pretty big "theoretically". I theorize that through black holes lie the sanity that we have all left at the door.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by cubgrace:
    Thanks Guys, This is the nicest group of posters I have ever seen. A support group if you will.
    Some of us are nice, but overall we are just considerate. Just wait until you get on the bad side of a couple of staple posters. But in the meantime, welcome! I'm sure someone has already told you about the brain eating fluffy turtles, so carry on.
  5. Well, I assume you mean that you are waiting for the Windows version. It has only been a few weeks, so be patient. It usually takes Jeff a little while to port the game because it apparently is not as easy as running it through a single automated program. :rolleyes:


    If you do read Gone with the Wind, tell me how it goes.

  6. Not everything has to be power hungry. The eyebeasts and gazers retain a sense of magnanimity for seeking solitude in such troubled times. To be content with one's own power is something the Drakons need to learn.


    I would like to see a dumbed down version of the eyebeast that is just a mass of eyes, though. I can just imagine that when you step on it, the thin facets of tissue holding them together would snap, releasing disgusting slime in all directions. The eyes would roll all over the floor, and each would become a mini-anemone-eyebeast. Then the cycle would repeat itself. smile


    That's it; I'm going to bed.

  7. Quote:
    tripling their power and quadrupling their arrogance
    When I read this, I couldn't help but to imagine every new evolution of the eyebeast involving an increase in the number of eyes. By GF7 we would have just a floating mass of eyeballs without tentacles or a body. It would communicate by making sounds with its thousands of eyelids sloshing open and closed.
  8. From what I know, the Shapers still have the most resources and the most organized army, so I think they should eventually win. They've ruled the world for a while and seem to be doing a pretty good job of it.


    Drakefyre, I have no experience dealing with dyslexics who type a lot in online posts. To be honest, that last statement seems to be an oxymoron. But maybe an effect of dyslexia is extremely inconsistent spelling and grammar errors, weird word omissions, and almost poetic line breaks. Who knows?


    wutever ya know cause im not gonna ride on him w/o the info, awight

  9. In all of Jeff's previous games I know it was possible to do so. I have a Windows, so I do not know exactly what the file setup is like for Geneforge 4, but I can tell you to try to look for anything that might look like a save file or folder inside the main Geneforge 4 program folder.


    Failing that, you can just copy the program to your new computer. I'm positive that should allow you to pick up from where you left off.


    EDIT: *i, are you sure that the save files are not interchangeable between the two platforms? I always thought that since the game interprets those files with its own format, it did not depend on the operating system.

  10. Once I got Divine Warrior in A1, I was practically invincible. Grah-Hoth went down rapidly because he could not handle my 3 hit per turn mauling power. My 2 PC party was even more awesome because they were both warriors and because the mage could also cast Arcane Shield eventually. They successfully slaughtered Sulfras without breaking a sweat.


    Though I have not had the pleasure of trying out the A4 version of Divine Retribution, I am sure it simply cannot compare to Divine Warrior.


    My favorite spell from the Exile days was the ridiculously overpowered Major Blessing spell. Revive was a lifesaver as well.

  11. I thought the guardians would act more like berserkers and charge their enemies with claymores. But then again creations are more expendable, so I guess that makes sense.




    Unless you jumped inside only to discover that it was dug by and swarming with hostile clawbugs...
    I think you would rather have some good and some bad trenches rather than not having any at all. Those clawbug pits are pretty clever though.

    *Online high five*

  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
    Times of Peace: Here is where my plans might actually be undeniably flawed.
    Yay! A rhetorical battle won. Unfortunately that was a side victory. More importantly, if you, Tullegolar, were to create this faction, do you envision yourself as being the permanent, public leader throughout the whole conflict? I believe that even if your faction wins, you will be deposed somewhere in the process. Going back to a much earlier assertion of mine, I think the most effective way for you to lead your prone to strife army is to set up your generals as puppet emperors.

    Opon mars, I think it is OK to refer to Emperor Tullegolar as ET or Tully.
  13. Those are trivial flaws to his plan. Tullegolar rationally concedes the necessity of having a unified army against the hordes of his enemies, and provides canonical evidence to support why they would be able to band together and fight. The problem of course is that temporary allegiances and cohesion are not very effective for winning the whole war. During periods of relatively tranquility, which may include peacetime, many of the canister users will have to find ways to spend their time. Not being able to divert their violent tendencies toward an enemy, they will try to subvert society for their own benefit. It is just not a good long term plan.

  14. ET is right about that. But there just will not be real peace in such a kingdom, and the whole society would be based on instability. Anyway, my final contribution to this discussion will be a reiteration of a lame argument: no matter how strong the leader becomes, some PC will come and whip your ass.

  15. Good lord. Tullegolar has addressed all of these points before because this argument has spanned over multiple topics and has lasted about a month now. I have to admit that he is pretty good at finding solutions to these problems, but they all stem from the presumption that canister modified shapers would be willing to work together and obey an emperor.


    They are far too arrogant to work together to overthrown me. Besides, their loyalty has already been bought and paid for with power.
    If they are too arrogant to work together, then it really does not make sense for them to want to work with you. They will seek power by killing you. No guards will be loyal enough for you to trust them with your life, and it would be a desperate argument to say that no one could kill you.
  16. I think Safey was arguing against ET, but I am not even sure anymore.


    Alliances begrudgingly forged do not really last for very long. If each "canister enlightened" individual wants the right to use more canisters and disenfranchise creations, then they do not have to submit to a movement like you describe. The motive still does not explain it all adequately. Remember that I am not saying that the movement would fail, just that the army you envision would actually have to be much weaker and more disorganized.

  17. If the ultimate goal of the canister movement is just to get more canisters, then soon its followers will realize that every canister used by someone else is one less for them. Then civil war will ensue. Really, where is the motive?


    To Exiled Necromancer, I spent more time typing this than I did trying to decipher your message.

  18. Just because the canister shaped have a little more patience and respect for others like them does not mean that they will fully cooperate with each other. They will be unable to put the group cause in front of their own lives, and so the movement will fall apart at the seams at the first sign of hardships. I am curious though, what exactly would the canister movement fight for?


    Regarding the diluting humanity with shaping, if canister use is completely condoned, then some radical among radicals will turn themselves into some Ur-human. Hopefully it will not resemble Vahnatai.

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