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Posts posted by Fort

  1. They give me horrible rash and ugly pimples, so I tend to avoid them and stroll down Memory Lane in the City-State of Lameness.


    The Xian Living Tool is a complete fake. The Sylak Lockpick is still a quest, though. He came with Romans and dropped it in a big well along with Timmy.

  2. Um, cr_summon_level should do the trick. It must be manually set.


    There is always something you can do to make a monster immune to certain types of attacks, but they will always affect more things that 1 and will have side effects. Giving him cr_immunities 4 = 100; should make him resist Control Mind, and similar confusion spells.


    To make him un-Simulacram-able, make him species = 12; for special type.

  3. Look at talk node 32:


    text3 = "he looks startled. _I didn't mean to tell you that. You forget that! You Forget that._"; he sighs. _Oh, yes, and there was also another secret";


    Just look after You Forget that., and you should see what's wrong.

  4. The personality thing is only useful for the action INTRO. I believe that the idea is that when you talk to a character for the first time, its personality switch is set. When a dialogue node with a corresponding personality the action INTRO in it, the action is performed.


    How about you post what you have?

  5. Well, we could live in a utilitarian society with ubiquitous values and absolute references to everything. That would be very interesting for language, though. Extremely precise and easy to understand.


    ...barcoding people is a little extreme, don't you think? I'd be all for it if 2 things would be satisfied:

    • Variable sizes for the pics.
    • More than 1 possible per dialog box.
  6. You have given personalities to the actual people, right?


    This next thing is about the states in dialogue, and it is hard to explain in words, and you probably already know this, but I'll endeavor to go ahead anyway.


    The scope (where it will have affect) of a 'state' is the entire dialogue script, not its personality. Assume that you don't have any entities that share dialogue nodes. Ent1 has been given states 1-10 for his dialogue. Ent2 will have to continue from state 11 for its dialogue, otherwise the options present in the states from Ent1 will appear in Ent2's dialogue.

  7. My feelings toward this are variable. On one hand, the dialog pictures were very good for setting the mood in BoE, and the custom creations by graphic artists were pretty good.


    But it is just an aesthetic thing. I'm sorry, but I'd prefer more functionality to be added if it had to be a choice between the two. Do not misinterpret this; I'd like the pics, too.


    But I think the main thing that is on my mind is whether or not the pics can be of variable size. A limitation to small pics might make them not noticeable to some, while big ones will force text off the screen. I hope there is some mechanism for this, rather than restricting the size.

  8. This might be expecting too much out of Jeff, but he did say he vowed to give ongoing support for BoA. I think these calls would also be very useful:


    TP 3.3

    TP 13.1

    TP 9.1


    WBN 6.4, 6.5 (for documenting item locations)

    WBN 14.1, 14.2 (Locs of waypoints)


    NL 5.1


    They are listed by:

    1) From TP to NL.

    2) My order of priority.


    If 6.4 and 6.5 are implemented, this Would Be Nice:

    short item_on_loc(short loc_x, short loc_y) - Returns the type of item found on {loc_x, loc_y}. Returns 0 (null / empty item) if nothing there.

  9. Thinking about importing the items into the new town?




    Thinking about [easily] moving the monsters back and forth between towns?




    Other than that, BoA's system actually allows a little flexibility in this respect. Say that the universes are fundamentally separate though things that happen in one can influence the other one. That way, the walls can be the same, but items and monsters can be different.

  10. If I am prodded enough, I can make a Javascript enhanced XTHML CSS page for creating spell libraries. No big problem.


    Anyway, I slightly modified the list of things in my thread of bugs. * indicate bugs, + indicate suggestions.


    I know there must be other bugs in a program as badly programmed as this one. Send 'em in!

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