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Everything posted by Sokhbep

  1. Found another issue where if it's a dialog box where there are menus nested within menus, such as in the Make Party screen with the options "Race Good/Bad Traits", it will minimise the main game window and force you to open it from your taskbar once again. To replicate this, do the following: - Open the game, click on Make New Party, click Create - Click on 'Graphic' on any one of the characters - Press Done Now the main Blades of Exile window should minimise automatically and it must be brought up from the taskbar again. (It is most annoying when it happens during stealing items. The Steal Confirm dialog box minimises the Get Item dialog box.) I suppose I should use this post to mention a few more errors I found: 1) It looks like every time a save file is loaded, Debug Mode seems to turn on automatically. 2) This is more like a suggestion, but there should be an on-screen overlay indicating that Debug Mode is turned on at a given moment, perhaps like a slight red tint over the entire screen or a little symbol in the corner. 3) If an NPC targets anything that's out of the screen with a missile or a projectile spell attack, the graphic of the projectile makes a glitchy, trailing overlay on top of the GUI to the right side of the screen along the path it took to travel toward the NPC's target. 4) The game seems to crash on me at rare times when I cast Summon Beast. 5) Another suggestion, but it would be better if in Combat mode you could scroll the screen at all times with each character and not needing to ready a missile or a spell beforehand to see what's ahead of you. (The scroll arrows are currently disabled otherwise) 6) Big enemies such as bears when hit by anything have the damage splat numbers display off-center and offset to the right of the actual graphic 7) I don't seem to be getting item rewards for winning special encounter battles??
  2. The dialog boxes for special encounters and casting spells and stuff is extremely miniscule compared to the rest of the display. It actually hurts to read the text.
  3. Hmm... so you mean to say that I can have only one set of graphics replaced withe the barehanded graphics? If I equip a wand while having a staff graphic set, will I still use the staff animations?
  4. So.. I have been playing Avadon 2: The Corruption and I have finished the game to the part where Dedrik asks for your help. I went to Blackwood with him, met his family, and this other shaman named Tibold is there with them. I noticed something about him. He did not have the graphic of a shaman barehanded, nor wielding a javelin... instead, he was wielding some sort of a pole weapon sideways. I figured that it might be a staff. And correct I was. I immediately checked the game's Graphics folder and saw that there are extra animation sets for the shaman wielding a staff or a wand. And apparently, the same thing is persistent with sorcerers. The problem is... they never appear for my PCs in-game. When I equip Dedrik with either a staff or a wand, he stays bare-handed and seems to cast magic by punching the air, the same goes for Yannick. I also tried making Shaman and Sorcerer main PC's too... but the same thing happens for them, too. I feel like I'm missing out on an immersive experience.. Is there a solution to this?
  5. Is there really any solutions to fixing this? Or do I have to downgrade my pc monitor to 800x600?
  6. When I play Blades of Avernum on my Samsung SyncMaster S22B150 Monitor, these strange black borders appear at the down and right side of the game screen. The initial resolution of this monitor is 1920x1080, but the game is resized to play at 800x600. Any solutions? Shameless self-plug: Yes, I frankensprited these PC graphics to my liking
  7. I've sent a message to the webs.com facebook page. Let's see if they can fix this problem or not.
  8. When I try to run BLADES.EXE on my Windows 7 Ultimate, this shows up. Any solutions?
  9. I have had problems trying to access my website speedofy21.webs.com (Yep. That's me), and due to that, I cannot get look at my previous graphics work I had done and uploaded on that website. I tried contacting the Support center, but they gave no reply for some reason. Similarly, I have seen that Dintiradan's website (dintiradan.webs.com) is frozen too. Is there any solution to this problem?
  10. The corruption happened both on my newer saved game and the autosave. Both happened at the same time. I had made a manual save a while ago during the 'Ogres of the Kva' main quest. Fortunately that has not been affected. *sigh* I guess I have to play from that one... EDIT: I do recall, however, when I used Cheat Engine to speed up Avernum 2: The Crystal Souls, in mid-game, all the space in my Junk Bag was filled up with Iron Daggers labelled 'Unused'. It was A PAIN to clear them all out and dump it near Tokor-Te's shop in Mancuso. Took me a dreaded hour approximately.
  11. Hi, I had recently begun my blind run of Avadon 2: The Corruption. And I was enjoying it very much. But I only had one issue, the speed of the game was too slow. So I opened up Cheat Engine and cranked up the speed to 2x and then continued playing. I had a blast. It went okay for a week or so. But when I had loaded my game from the Underground Workshop of that town in the Tawon area (of which I forgot the name), it completely glitched up and I couldn't do anything. All the floor textures were of overworld plain grass, I couldn't move my character, and enemies stayed in one place and didn't combat. But all the terrain textures remained intact (the walls, rocks, bags etc). Clicking anything interactive would open up my character's Inventory for some reason. I had to make another character and play from the beginning when I had finished almost half of the game. Say, did I make a wrong decision or something? Like, if you make a bad choice, your game gets corrupted as a manner of the consequence. Or, if the title of the game is actually true its name...
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