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Posts posted by krizmn

  1. This thread is going to start out in a very very infant stage of my scenario. I will post updates on scripts, art, and maps finished.



    Currently I am working on all the terrain, sprites, floors, and items that will be included. Before I begin working on the maps themselves, I figured it would be best to have all the graphics I intend to use be added.


    My goal is to keep the "look" of the game the same, but to add enough so players feel they are not just going through the same old...


    I've gathered together almost every graphic I could find from every scenario and website linked to Blades. I have also spent a considerable amount of time adding in my own. The sprites I need to add will be my demise! :-(

  2. Is it normal though that during cut scenes if you try to click anywhere the game crashes? It happened twice during your scenario when I thought the cut scene was done, so I clicked somewhere and the game freezes and I have to restart. I don't think it is your scripting, but rather Blades issue.

  3. I am fine without the extra story in beginning. I just needed to play a little further. Yeah I use the magic non-stop. It's not horribly hard, but enough where I lose a character every so often when it is multi-targeted.


    Btw , great use of the scripts.

  4. Wow, this is a hard scenario and it is far from what I was expecting. I went in imagining a standard avernum game, but once I changed my mentality on that. It is like a side story. Now I am in the heart of the mountain....frickin hard. I love hard fights so I keep getting drawn back into it. I want to finish the story, but I need to go to work. I will attempt this again later.


    I want to find out where I am and what this island is.

  5. lol read my last post. I thought I was playing yours, but I wasn't. So ignore the golem stuff and everything else.


    Today I was playing around on your scenario(the correct one). I like how you start out in the beginning with your parents and the "sensitive" cut scenes. The descriptions of the widow to the east was really nice. It painted a picture of this woman trying to be happy, but holding back a long sadness. The siblings in the very start was fun too :-)


    Ok, so since you are starting out in your home land. Would you be willing to add a bit more to the island? Like maybe a cave where you used to hide out, no real monsters of course. When I was playing, I wanted to learn more about the history of his/her childhood.


    I actually....would have preferred some more anticipation for the "sensitive" one. It seems so mysterious in the beginning. Is it possible for it to be on like a week timer? You could go into your house and you might think to yourself, "I have three more days before I am taken.....I should cherish the moments with my family."


    You don't have to add stuff like this, I just really liked the beginning area and felt kinda rushed out.


    After work today I am going to go a bit further into the scenario.

  6. Kelandon , are you still working on this scenario? If so, I just started it. I really like it a lot. I am new to this game all together, so I wanna give an outsider's perspective. I like the story line so far. The first town, I think maybe add a few worthless items to the crates and barrels in the inn, and maybe some worthless books in the library. I was very sad when I searched around and found nothing of interest. It felt kinda neglected. On the positive note; the environment, personalities and the conversations were really nice.


    I am too low level to beat the first golems. I think I will try to use a higher level party next. lol didn't get too far before dying. Also one thing confused me. I played the first blades of avernum. I felt like I could heal my npcs that joined me. You had a little blurb of stuff about me having to heal this guy with some special power cause he was outside the realm of my party. Kinda confusing, but I am sure that was normal for others here. Anyways, I clicked too fast and I think I missed how to heal him. I am going to attempt another redo at the scenario. Why do I need a special power to heal the npc who joined? I felt like in avernum 1 I did not need a special power, and I could just pick the target or enter 5 or 6. I can't remember. Anyways :-) love the atmosphere.

  7. What if I define them differently? Could that change them? I wanna get rid of that dirt cliff lol. :-) I will test it later.


    Also does my pc "0" stay pc "0" even when I change the position of the characters? I really hope so. But anyways, if anyone knows instantly let me know. Otherwise I can test it tomorrow.


    Btw. A little about me. I am on a 3 monthish vacation in Hawaii on the big island. I actually have more time when at home in Maine. Should be back home in the next month or so.


    Oh and one last thing. The terrain, (n)pcs, items, and floors that the community have created are amazing. I have found so many useful ones. I didn't know if anyone came across a selection of dead trees? I found one or two, but barely the style I was looking for. If anyone knows any good ones :-) let me know.


    Btw this community rocks. I feel like I missed out on the best days of these forums. I've been slowly taking time to check out custom maps. Some really awesome potential that seemed to just have faded away.

  8. This is why I love having a discussion thread. Yeah I found a way to make it look like you are waist deep in water. Looks awesome. I think I will eventually make a sick looking swamp tile. :-) I adjusted the terrain height and also made it so when players step on it they drop down a few pixels. So it appears like you sink down into the water.


    I am having such a great time working on this scenario.


    I tried to do some searching. Cliff images....can I set different ones for outside? Or can I only have one official one?

  9. 					 // basicnpc.txt
    // A very simple, naive text. Creature attacks anything it hates nearby.
    // Once it has won, it returns to its home.
    // Memory Cells:
    // Cell 0 - How creature moves.
    //	 0 - If 0, wander randomly.
    //	 1 - Stands still until a target appears.
    //	 2 - Completely immobile, even if target appears.
    // Cell 1,2 - Stuff done flag. If both 0, nothing. Otherwise when this
    //	 is killed, set to 1. (Example: If cell 1 is 3 and cell 2 is 5, when
    //	 creature is killed, sets SDF(3,5) to 1.)
    // Cell 3 - Dialogue node to start with if talked to. if left at 0, this
    //	 character doesn't talk.
    short i,j,k,target, trgt, end_hp, start_hp, npc_x, npc_y, pc_x, pc_y,
    dest_x, dest_y, push_strength, distance, floor_nopass, second_target,
    string damage_text;
    beginstate INIT_STATE;
    if (get_memory_cell(0) == 2)
    beginstate DEAD_STATE;
    // Set the appropriate stuff done flag for this character being dead
    if ((get_memory_cell(1) != 0) || (get_memory_cell(2) != 0))
    beginstate START_STATE;
    // if I have a target for some reason, go attack it
    if (target_ok()) {
    if (dist_to_char(get_target()) <= 16)
     else set_target(ME,-1);
    // Look for a target, attack it if visible
    if (select_target(ME,8,0)) {
    // Have I been hit? Strike back!
    if (who_hit_me() >= 0) {
    // Otherwise, just peacefully move around. Go back to start, if I'm too far
    // from where I started.
    if ((my_dist_from_start() >= 6) || ((my_dist_from_start() > 0) && (get_memory_cell(0) > 0))) {
    if (get_ran(1,1,100) < 40)
    else if (get_memory_cell(0) == 0) {
    // if we're in combat and the above didn't give me anything to do, just
    // stop now. Otherwise, game will keep running script, and that eats up CPU time.
    if (am_i_doing_action() == FALSE)
    beginstate 3; // attacking
    if (target_ok() == FALSE)
     trgt = (get_target());
     second_target = -1;
     start_hp = get_health(trgt);
     pc_x = char_loc_x(trgt);
     pc_y = char_loc_y(trgt);
     npc_x = my_loc_x;
     npc_y = my_loc_y;
     push_strength = get_memory_cell(8);
     distance = 0;
     floor_nopass = 0;
     i = 1;
     j = 1;
     while (i <= push_strength) { // Memory Cell 8 will determine how many tiles pushed.
    	 k = 23; // floor number 23, Got to cycle through so many :-(
    	 dest_x = pc_x + ((pc_x - npc_x) * (i));
    	 dest_y = pc_y + ((pc_y - npc_y) * (i));
    	 while (k < 37) {
    	 if (get_floor(dest_x,dest_y) == k)
    		 floor_nopass = 1;
    		 k = k + 1 ;
    	 k = 57;
    	 while (k < 72) {
    	 if (get_floor(dest_x,dest_y) == k)
    		 floor_nopass = 1;
    		 k = k + 1 ;
    	 if (get_terrain(dest_x,dest_y) != 0)
    		 {terrain_target = get_terrain(dest_x, dest_y); floor_nopass = 2;}
    	 if (char_on_loc(dest_x, dest_y) != -1)
    		 {second_target = char_on_loc(dest_x, dest_y); floor_nopass = 3;}
    	 if (floor_nopass == 0)
    	 {distance = j; j = j + 1;}else
    	 {distance = j - 1; i = push_strength + 1;}
     i = i + 1;
     if (distance > 0){
     dest_x = pc_x + ((pc_x - npc_x) * distance);
     dest_y = pc_y + ((pc_y - npc_y) * distance);
    	 // if (is_blocked(dest_x,dest_y) == 1)
     end_hp = get_health(trgt);
     if(start_hp > end_hp)
    			 if (distance > 0)
    			 {relocate_character(trgt, dest_x, dest_y);}
    			 if (floor_nopass == 2)
    			 {damage_char(trgt, 3 * push_strength ,4);
    			 append_string(" gets slammed!");
    			 if (floor_nopass == 3)
    			 {damage_char(second_target, 3 * push_strength, 4);
    			 append_string(" gets slammed into ");
    			 clear_buffer(); }
    beginstate TALKING_STATE;
    if (get_memory_cell(3) == 0) {
    print_str("Talking: It doesn't respond.");


    Ok so this is my first script. I took a break from it to work on my scenario, then today I went back to polish it up a bit.


    What it does: This is an npc script that will bash players backward. The amount of tiles and damage is determined by memory cell 8. If player one is hit and is knocked back into another player; player 2 takes damage and player 1's damage is reduced a bit. If player 1 is bashed into a terrain(wall, rock, tree, etc) they will take heavier damage. If the player hits no object/player they instead just fly backwards. I have tested it up to 5 tiles, I worry that too many will cause it to have the loop error.


    Anyways, 2 things I need to add: check for height differences and town boundaries. Falling down heights will do extra damage :-) This will be easy to add, but I need to head to work. Peace.


    P.s. I apologize for the formatting. It has been roughly 6+ years since I have coded/scripted anything.

  10. This is a silly and easy question to answer. When I am in a town, is the ONLY way for me to go outside is to go to the edges?


    Example, I am underground and I want to climb a rope a in the middle of the map. I know how to set my outdoor location, is there a way to transport me outdoors to THAT location, or do I need to set the rope to be on the edge of the map with that red line border?

  11. Thanks for all the replies and help. This is my first week and a half even knowing about this site and game. It really needs more advertising, cause this is so AWESOME. Anyways, is there any documentation on how to set spells, powers, skills, etc? Do you have to script them with calls and such or are they like setting up an npc/item/terrain?


    I hate to ask so much, but 99% of all the links on the website referring me to other people's scripts are dead or missing. :-)

  12. //begindefinecreature 325;

    //import 86;

    //begindefinecreature 86;

    //import 325;

    //cr_name = "Louz Child";



    Alright, so I keep getting errors with the 3d editor. It won't let me define creatures with ids higher than 255? Am I missing something? I placed a bunch of creatures down, and it is not allowing me to define any of them.


    Can someone explain this?


    Edit: Nevermind, I understand how it works. You can only have truly 255 unique creatures. So it would be in theory impossible to have 300 unique npcs with 300 unique names. The only way maybe bypass this is when you enter a town to change the names of the npcs. I just tested it and that works. The character id thing kinda confused me. Is there ever a time when we need to refer to the character id?

  13. beginstate 3; // attacking
     if (target_ok() == FALSE)
      trgt = (get_target());
      start_hp = get_health(trgt);
      pc_x = char_loc_x(trgt);
      pc_y = char_loc_y(trgt);
      npc_x = my_loc_x;
      npc_y = my_loc_y;
      push_strength = 1;
      dest_blocked = 0;
      dest_x = pc_x + ((pc_x - npc_x) * push_strength);
      dest_y = pc_y + ((pc_y - npc_y) * push_strength);
      if (char_on_loc(dest_x, dest_y) > -1)
      {dest_blocked = 1;}
      if (is_blocked(dest_x,dest_y) == 1)
      {dest_blocked = 1;}
      end_hp = get_health(trgt);
      if(start_hp > end_hp)
    		   if (dest_blocked == 0)
    			    relocate_character(trgt, dest_x, dest_y);


    Alright, having a tough time trying to find a way to detect if a floor/terrain is blocked or not. The only thing I can find is to loop through all the coded tiles that are blocked. Anyone have any ideas?

  14. Ha :-) Thanks for the responses. I wasn't sure if the forums were kinda dead or not. Glad to see they are alive. I will try to get something to work. The avernum script seems to be a lot of trial by error at first to see what works.


    And ya, I want to have it so the npc will do something to the pc.


    I am trying to make combat be a little more strategic and fun.



    if (target_ok() == FALSE)
     trgt = (get_target());
     start_hp = get_health(trgt);
     pc_x = char_loc_x(trgt);
     pc_y = char_loc_y(trgt);
     npc_x = my_loc_x;
     npc_y = my_loc_y;
     dest_x =npc_x + ((pc_x - npc_x) * 3);
     dest_y =npc_y + ((pc_y - npc_y) * 3);
     end_hp = get_health(trgt);
     if(start_hp > end_hp)
                    relocate_character(trgt, dest_x, dest_y);



    Bam :-) It works. So when the monster hits a player it pushes them back 3 tiles. I have a bad feeling that when it casts magic it will do the same, so for now this can only be used for melee monsters.


    Next step is to make sure that if it is a blocked tile or someone is on the tile, you won't land on top. :-)

  15. My first official question is about combat and hitting a target

    Is there any calls through npc scripts or item scripts to check if you hit a target? Pretty much I want an NPC to "do something" to a PC when it strikes them.


    I am was checking wiki, an didn't see much. I found something where you can check if the NPC got hit.


    Example: When it is the wyvern's turn to attack, it chooses to pick up a player and moves them to a location.


    Example: When a whip hits an enemy, it takes away X amount of AP.

  16. So I will introduce myself. This will be simple and short. I am in my early thirties now and I want to work on a project. I have past experiences with programming, game design, and psuedo-stuff to put it.


    I am probably one of the many who have attempted to come on board these forums and try to start an epic scenario. If I fail great, if I succeed great. I just want to work on something. So anyways, I will post more in the future about the scenario I am working on.


    I am new to the Avernum script and it's frustrating that most links and examples on this website are shutdown, abandoned, or forgotten. So if anyone is bored or wants to help, I will be posting simple questions and discussions about the script. :-)



    Feel free to reply!

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