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Posts posted by Dahak

  1. What are elements of the psyche or symbols that represent pain, agony, anguish, suffering, torment, wounds, blood, mutilation, insanity, et cetera?



    The Temple of Pain (see BoA forum) leads to the Mindscape and you have to deal (talk/fight) with your mind and implanted suggestions and mind controls.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Mab:
    * Pixie (#65): cr_species undefined, being 0 (human) the default.
    * Centaur (#102): cr_start_item_2 & cr_start_item chance_2, both have two different values.

    * item #74 (Cursed Halberd): it_cursed = 1, then it_cursed = 0. So, it's not cursed.
    * #75 (Bronze Halberd): if the above is corrected, it will need its own "it_cursed = 0".
    * #270 (Shield Ring): imported from item #264 (Ring of Vulnerability), it keeps the it_protection value to -3, and with this every other ring except the Armor Ring (it_protection = 12) and Quicksilver Ring (it_protection = 3).
    * #353 (Bolts of Life): though magic, their assigned value is the same as for the common version (it_value = 40)
    * #354 (Arrows of Light): as with the Bolts of Life, above (here: (it_value = 20)
    * #361 (Ogrish Gauntlets): two different values for both it_ability_1 and it_ability_str_1.
    * #362 (Giantish Gauntlets), #365 (Micah's Gloves) & #441 (Archer's Bow): as with the Ogrish Gauntlets, two different values for both it_ability_1 and it_ability_str_1.
    * #390 (Rough Diamond): maybe not an error, this bauble is a missile, and more damaging than common Rocks.
    The centaur, archer's bow, ogrish gauntlets are not errors. The strength of an ability does not need to be the same as the ability ID. The chance of an item being on a monster does not need to match the item number.
  3. Floors don't have custom scripts, do they? I know that mine do not. They have a name, sheets, and icons. An import of the floor to some other number does not reproduce this effect. I think there is an error in the editors' actual code somewhere.


    Try this:


    begindefinefloor 194;

    import = 0; //Cave floor


    Do you get the problem I describe?

  4. This error occurs for both the original and the 3D editors.


    Floors 194, 195 acts as if you placed a sign on the floor. The original editor crashes, the 3D editor does not. These signs cannot be read in the game, but they can be edited in the editor.




    Does this happen to anyone else?



    OS 10.4.5

    3D Editor v1.0.2b6

    Original Editor v1.1

  5. This might need some cleaning up, but this is what I used to make 2-high doors. Can be changed for windows, cracks, or other walls. Just chage the te_which_sheet, and create a altdoor script (same as door script, but you need to add the new terrain numbers)


    //2 High Doorsbegindefineterrain 421;	clear;	te_name = "Door";	te_default_script = "altdoor";	te_which_sheet = 601;	te_ed_which_sheet = 690;	te_cutaway_which_sheet = 601;	te_which_icon = 10;	te_second_icon = 0;	te_cutaway_which_icon = 14;	te_cutaway_second_icon = 19;	te_ed_which_icon = 10;	te_move_block_n = 1;	te_look_block_n = 1;	te_blocks_view_n = 1;	te_draw_on_automap = 1;		te_swap_terrain = 425;	te_can_look_at = 1;	te_icon_offset_x = 18;	te_icon_offset_y = -12;	te_second_icon_offset_x = 18;	te_second_icon_offset_y = -47;begindefineterrain 422;	clear;	te_name = "Door";	te_default_script = "altdoor";	te_which_sheet = 601;	te_ed_which_sheet = 690;	te_cutaway_which_sheet = 601;	te_which_icon = 11;	te_second_icon = 1;	te_ed_which_icon = 11;	te_cutaway_which_icon = 15;	te_cutaway_second_icon = 19;	te_move_block_w = 1;	te_look_block_w = 1;	te_blocks_view_w = 1;	te_draw_on_automap = 1;	te_swap_terrain = 426;	te_can_look_at = 1;	te_icon_offset_x = -18;	te_icon_offset_y = -12;	te_second_icon_offset_x = -18;	te_second_icon_offset_y = -47;begindefineterrain 423;	clear;	te_name = "Door";	te_default_script = "altdoor";	te_which_sheet = 601;	te_ed_which_sheet = 690;	te_cutaway_which_sheet = 601;	te_which_icon = 10;	te_second_icon = 0;	te_ed_which_icon = 12;	te_cutaway_which_icon = 14;	te_cutaway_second_icon = 19;	te_move_block_s = 1;	te_look_block_s = 1;	te_blocks_view_s = 1;	te_draw_on_automap = 1;	te_swap_terrain = 427;	te_can_look_at = 1;	te_second_icon_offset_y = -35;begindefineterrain 424;	clear;	te_name = "Door";	te_default_script = "altdoor";	te_which_sheet = 601;	te_ed_which_sheet = 690;	te_cutaway_which_sheet = 601;	te_which_icon = 11;	te_second_icon = 1;	te_ed_which_icon = 13;	te_cutaway_which_icon = 15;	te_cutaway_second_icon = 19;	te_move_block_e = 1;	te_look_block_e = 1;	te_blocks_view_e = 1;	te_draw_on_automap = 1;	te_swap_terrain = 428;	te_can_look_at = 1;	te_second_icon_offset_y = -35;begindefineterrain 425;	clear;	import = 421;	te_which_icon = 12;	te_ed_which_icon = 14;	te_cutaway_which_icon = 16;	te_full_move_block = 0;	te_full_look_block = 0;	te_swap_terrain = 421;	te_can_look_at = 1;begindefineterrain 426;	clear;	import = 422;	te_which_icon = 13;	te_ed_which_icon = 15;	te_cutaway_which_icon = 17;	te_full_move_block = 0;	te_full_look_block = 0;	te_swap_terrain = 422;	te_can_look_at = 1;begindefineterrain 427;	clear;	import = 16;	te_swap_terrain = 423;begindefineterrain 428;	clear;	import = 17;	te_swap_terrain = 424;
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Thralni:
    I really don't know what the game does with it, as I have the demo version of BoA (I'm going to register the game in less then a week, because I'm home on sunday). I was quite amazed to see it happening, because in Avernum 3, the town walls are very high, but windows of the guarding houses next to the gates don't show up many times on top of each other. its just one time, and the rest is just normal wall.
    Use a custom terrain. Only works for 2 high walls though. Copy the data from corescendata2, add a second icon and the related data. The problem is you need it for each. So different wall sets...
  7. When ever I pick up or set down an item in my inventory, I get the current system sound played (Mac 10.2.8). I've re-installed, but no luck. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?

  8. You know, hills would probably work better.


    This is supposed to a free floating island in space.


    I decided to try and shift the cliff type. If this looks better and conveys the floating island look, then I'll probably got back to hills.




    Actually, the bridge isn't supposed to be "spooky". This is the bridge to a luxury (Very!) home of a company president. Private island!

  9. Place the fences thus:









    Instead of:









    Or create a wall template. Not too hard I'd think. <-- Easiest. Seriously. Do you want the standard BoA fence graphics?

  10. Quote:
    Originally written by Frankie Vallium:
    Oooooh!!! I love the nebula- and the pillars are fantastic. The green and purple really set one another off. The cobblestone bridge is also preferable to the shoddy-looking wooden one.


    Now finish the damn thing! ;_;
    To Do:
    Finish last town <-- Current step.
    Create creatures
    Place creatues
    Add town scripts
    Type intro
    Type dialouge
    Proof scenario
  11. I managed to get a nebula to work, but it didn't merge seamlessly with the black of the surrounding terrain. I need to edit a bit first.



    I'll get back to it in a bit, but first, I want to read the Half-Blood Prince. Toodles!



    I managed a nebula, changed the bridge, and changed the hills. Opinions?


  12. The red is a flying carpet that you arrived on. I could ditch it and add a portal, but I felt that the "portal" arrival was overdone.



    Originally written by The Almighty Doer of Stuff:

    I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. This bigger nebula simply doesn't look nearly as good as the smaller one. I'll keep trying some other time.


    EDIT: By the way, I hope you're putting as much effort into the plot of this scenario as you are into the way it looks. Have you read the articles I listed in this thread ?

    Sent you a PM with details. You tell me if I got it right.




    I'll work on an alternate bridge. Hm.

  13. Okay. Several things first.


    1) Changed rock type. Opinions?



    2) Cannot do underhanging rocks. BoA is unfriendly about it (tile coverup)


    3) Anything else?



    4) Those are the Vahnatai light, outdoors = no light emitted. Not bushes. Although, maybe I could use the big lamps... Hm.


    5) I am zipping up the files to be sent to the Louvre.



    I tried to add a nebula (Orion Nebula actually is where this takes place), but the images I have are BIG, and all my attempts to shrink to managable size (32 floors) failed. I'm trying though. Maybe others objects to fill in the void?

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