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Everything posted by iloverushandledzepp

  1. now im trapped inside a spiral crypt on the isle of bigale (or however you spell it) i could just use the leave town in editor however hats no fun. seems like a quest here. any hints?
  2. i forget how to enter her tower the walk-through said to do a bunch of stuff which i did i got the reward from levi and anixmander after defeating the slimes and i was supposed to go talk to berra and ask "evidence" (then after i can go talk to another person and then i can enter) but berra says i don't have any what did i do wrong? id post some of the walk-through here but its too much of a spoiler
  3. how do i delete this post? i found it in the second walkthrough
  4. i need a spoiler as im just somewhat cheating my way the first whole game to get the feel for the game and then i wont use editor much at all i tried to find this gates numbers in the walkthrough but could not find it any help?
  5. was there a surface over-world in e1 and e2? or only e3?
  6. i don't find it totally useless. it can save the day summon host is useful which is the summoning spell i use the most ATM the Deva casts curse which is useful when you want to save sp and can summon spirits too cant wait to get the other summoning spells i find summon beast and summon spirit useless weak summoning can be good for cannon fodder but i do notice that summoning can interfere with fireball, flame strike etc. as you may hit your "pets" whats your take?
  7. i noticed holly looks like mushrooms in E3 (at least the icon does)
  8. hmmm.... interesting lets see what others think too
  9. what are they for? the walk-through says they are for speed potions but it says in-game a different item is required
  10. ok i found the secret place do you know where to get that ritual spell?
  11. i found a dragon in the mountain and some kind of spell teaching runes (which was useless) was there anything i missed? i searched all over. one guy said i could find cheap weapons but i diddent.i also found a wizzard and hermits
  12. A. where can i get weak and minor summoning? B. the demon in the unicorn lair, is there any reward for killing him? C. is there any way into the mines outside of pergies? D. i beat the goblin lair in upper exile, is there any use to the altar? i tried praying but nothing happened E. is there any use for the rough dimond and uranium bar? many thanks for any help given - K. O.
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