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Posts posted by Mr.TiC

  1. About the side quests:

    I've just finished Chapter 1 and had 7/8 quests, don't remember the other quest counter.

    Main problem for me is keeping track of the many quests, since for most of them you have to run around the whole area looking for clues and halfway through I forget which quest I'm supposed to be doing :D

    I don't think it's an issue, if anything it's better than having short sidequests limited to one small area and getting them done in 5 min.


    I do have one question, which bothered me from the start:

    How come the newbie scouts/adventurers are fluent in Ancient Bahsikaavan? The original scouts were the only ones who learned it via Mind Crystals in Bahssikava, yet suddenly everyone in the expedition knows it.

    Did the homeland sliths who joined the expedition bring books or teachers, or did the expedition memebers somehow re-use the mind crystals?



    ok I'm not sure which language the homeland sliths use, I assume it's ancient bahssikavan since you can understand the homeland sliths in previous scenarios because of learning the language beforehand.. or am I getting something wrong here?

  2. Spoiler

    To assure myself I tried both dialogue options, after the text bubbles you mention, both options lead to the same thing:


    Putidus speaks to Faustulus, Faustulus turns against me.

    [pop up window]

    "you had no chance against both of them, you died"  ...(to paraphrase)


    I've ran a new party through HLPM (to lvl 10), and repeated the scenario - with better results. The final scene played out as it should have and Faustulus struck Putidus before he could talk to him.


    There is one difference between my failed and my successful playthrough: talking to the vengeful vendor NPC.


    My first (failed ending) party, didn't speak to this NPC any further than "let's trade". But this time I did, and he told me to take a message to the starting town, which I did, found the ruined town and went back to him with the news.

    I don't know how this side quest could be related with the issue I had with my 1st party, though. Especially since the NPC, when talking to him in the castle dungeons after getting imprisoned myself, didn't have any different dialogue from my 1st game.


    Well, at least now I know how it ends. After reading the ending pop-up window, I still don't know if I could have done anything else, like burning documents about Putidus' plans.

    There were also some doors in the castle I couldn't open - one (difficulty 200) in the room where Faustulus can be found, and the one behind the throne room that's apparently "totally" barred.

  3. Hello, Kelandon! About the end fight:


    I've lied to him, and saved right before entering the throne room from the back passage, so I could reload if something goes wrong. But every dialogue option I choose ends with him joining Putidus.

    I've used a slightly overpowered 2-slith party, since I didn't read the readme and have ignored the pop-up warning. Could it be this could mess up the boss fight dialogue, if the 3rd or 4th party member needs to be present to say something?

    Since it's a relatively short scenario, I'll have time to replay it soon, and with a recommended party.

  4. Warriors with Assassination and Lethal Blow are most effective vs the enemies there, also since priests are necessary for heals and buffs, I'd suggest having two warrior priests as 2-pc party.

    Bigger parties are better in my opinion, because you have access to more utility skills, like Arcane/Nature Lore, Tool Use, etc..

    Anyway, I couldn't play Bahss without Blessing and Radiant Shield spells or at least one warrior using Assassination and Lethal Blow.

    I found ranged weapons pretty ineffective, since even enemy spellcasters have a ton of HP. What you need is something to protect your party while having sources of heavy damage. Also - Cloud of Blades makes priests very potent vs high HP enemies!


    Mages aren't bad, in fact summons and Arcane Shield are very useful, although damaging spells (thinking of Fireblast) do their job, they cost too much to use all the time.Can't remember how useful utility mage spells are in Bahss atm..

  5. On 8/23/2021 at 8:15 PM, Kelandon said:


    EDIT: I've still received only a few beta reports on Part 1. So anyone who has some time is encouraged to play and provide comments.

    I'd very much like to test play it, but I can't provide any insight into technical stuff. But I'm happy to look for bugs and inconsistencies and such!

    Since it's an incomplete scenario, are there any technicalities involved in making it work (be playable)? 



    Just saw there is actually a beta testing thread 🤦 


  6. Hello, it's been a while since last post here, but it seems like the only thread relevant to Lord Putidus' ending so I'll put my question here.


    I'm having trouble winning the scenario. Whatever I tried to do, I always die in the last fight.


        There is that secret passage to flank Putidus in his throne room, which goes through a bedroom and through narrow passages with 2 NPCs standing guard there, asking you if you have permission to pass. They only let me pass if I chose to lie and say that Lord Putidus gave me the permission. So far so good.

    Upon entering the throne room from behind, right next to Putidus, there is the "villain cutscene" where Putidus talks about his evil plans and motives. After that, the fight starts regardless of dialogue options chosen, and Putidus is completely immune to my attacks (he "takes 0 damage"). The result: my party gets killed, and the party death/loss screen pops up.

        Having a save right before initiating the final fight cutscene, I've tried reloading several times hoping to do different things before the actual fight.

    There is an NPC (forgot the name) sitting on a chair in one of the castle rooms, who says he'd help you defeat Putidus only if you convince him Putidus wants him harm; well, after finding Putidus' secret journal in one of the hidden rooms inside the castle, the party learns that Putidus absolutely doesn't want to harm the aforementioned NPC, in fact he needs him alive and well in order for his plan to succeed. After learning this, you can lie to that NPC, telling him Putidus absolutely wants him dead, which will result in the NPC turning against Putidus and giving you advice on how to flank him in the throne room, which when you do, the NPC appears there next to Putidus. Putidus then coerces said NPC into turning against you and and window pops up saying your party had no chance and was killed.

        Another thing I've tried was killing this NPC of interest before facing Putidus, thinking "if that NPC is so important to Putidus, killing him should definitely upset his plans". Turns out, my evil act or murder was noticed and Putidus mentions it during the cutscene and proceeds to kill me, as he is still invulnerable to all my attacks.

        I've also tried killing all his guards in the room before fighting Putidus himself, but to no use, he's still immune to attacks.

    I know this forum is quite inactive, but perhaps a BoA enthusiast is still lurking here now and then and could help me with this :) In the meantime, I'll explore the castle areas in hopes of finding something to break the cycle, but after already doing just that for an hour, I'm not very optimistic (which is the reason for this lengthy post).

    Also Kelandon's pink and pretty site seems to have vanished, so I can't consult it for additional information.

  7. Visuals

    Much effort seems to have been put into town design and the outdoor area, and what I particularly liked was how efficiently compact the outdoors were - no need to spend a lot of time traveling huge distances between points of interest. Nice visual effects of spells or other special actions in cutscenes were pleasant eye-candy. Custom graphics were also nice to see.

    9/10 for the looks.



    Difficult, but rewarding. Killing the uber wizard using lasers was a great feeling, and bosses having various special abilities and weaknesses made it all the more interesting.

    I did not use the item-spells overmuch as I prefer the existing system, except vs bosses where necessary. Then again, my party was overpowered to begin with.

    Omitting the item-spells and having combat work with vanilla spells/abilities would be make it more fun for me, because as it is, I needed to pick up every item-spell I stumbled upon because I didn't know what it did or if its use would be mandatory later on.

    Item-spells would be much better if they had detailed descriptions and their SP cost toned down (some, at least). Main plus about combat is that it didn't feel too tedious and boring.

    7/10 combat.


    Writing and plot

    Oh boy this is where it all goes to dirt.

    Character and location names, item-spells, dialogues; it all seemed incredibly silly to me. Several times I've re-read some lines, hoping to pierce the meaning of the sentences themselves, but failed.

    It was either the sentence structure, weird flow of the dialogue or some outright random heap of words, which made me not care in the end. So many German inspired names, and then some Japanese out of nowhere, haha!

    The plot was really bizarre, to say the least. I wasn't even surprised when the party just got randomly murdered in a cutscene. As people before have said, and what bothered me much as well, is forcing the PCs into author's own choices, opinions/ramblings like it does, which bothered me greatly.

    Riddled with plot holes and clearly unfinished, overall, writing and plot are 2/10 in my case.


    A visually pleasant scenario, technically advanced, but extremely confusing to the point of bizarre. Were it not for the effort involved into it, I'd dismiss it as author's joke. The only way to get myself to replay it would be if I wanted some of the overpowered gear for a future party.




    Rating: [rating]AVERAGE[/rating]



  8. I'd just like to add that it can be quite useful for your fighters to have a few points in magic, preferably Priest Spells. Iirc, it also increases mental resistance but you can simply check that in game. Anyway, in addition to having some emergency utility, like heals and cures, when big monsters (Mung Demons for example) use their weird dumbfounding spell, they seem to target the nearest party member who has spell points. Since their spell eats half of your spell points and fighters are usually closest to the enemy, it's a good way to save the SP of your mages and their ability to cast. There aren't any Mung Demons in the first scenario though, so it's not that important on lower levels.. :p

  9. I'm at the golem place north of the ruined slith guardpost, at the place where I've killed the Demon Golem, read stuff in his office and climbed up the ladder. Up there Phaedra fell to enemies and now I'm carrying her back to the slith guardpost. This is where I'm stuck - I've climbed down the ladder back to the Demon Golem's office, and now I can't climb back up (because of Phaedra). But also, I can't go further back because of the gates being closed and the only gate-mechanism is "too heavy/massive to use". I don't even remember which way I got here in the first place, but there are absolutely no hidden passages out, I even Far Sight-ed everything and moved to every corner if perhaps a scripted event would appear :/

    There must be a silly thing I'm missing..?


    EDIT: Ok, I've just loaded the save litteraly a minute after posting the above, and clicked on a mechanism and it worked *glorious facepalm* (there was a wall with a window between the party and the mechanish so I thought I couldn't use it at all)

  10. thanks for the answer, yeah I like doing what I'm not supposed to do :p I guess I'll restart the scenario.



    Just finished it and it's quite mind-twisting, love it! 

    btw.. aaaa! know who the little sister is!


  11. It was in his laboratory, close to the telleporter he's been building. Wgen you kill him, his body is renewed and he fights again, because you need to pull out the plug on the Magic first.

    At first he was hostile, but after resurrecting a few times, he resurrected as friendly.

  12. Hello, I've encountered a possible bug:


    After killing Machrone, all friendly towns switched to hostile. Going to an outdoor area, saving, loading in Character Editor, using Reset Towns option, saving and loading the game does not fix it.

    One thing that was weird however is when I killed Machrone a few times, he then appeared as "friendly" (greed health bar; warning message before attacking). I did attack him despite the message. I suppose this switched all the good towns to hostile, but Character Editor is supposed to fix such accidents?


  13. I have tried to find an alternative ending, but gave up after a few times... I still have no idea why that dervish arrested me. The party members are not wanted criminals, because the dervish didn't react when I had a (brief) conversation with him before entering the church; so it is probably something you do during your investigation that makes the law enforcers mad? Well I forgot alot about the scenario since almost two months passed from playing it :)

  14. Well this is an interesting scenario.

    I liked the concept and the atmospfere on the ship. Also, the ship really looked like one, so, respect for the design. The dialogue with the Helmsman was interesting too.

    The amount of detail was lovely (though dead corpses, blood and other disguisting stuff is all but pretty, one cannot simply place colouful plants on a ghost ship haha).

    I found enough useful items only because I like to browse every possible container and there were plenty; The items from important enemies were nice as well, with magic abilities and such.


    I hated the part with passing trough constantly spawning undead-until I figured I just need to escape..I probably spent more than 20 rounds there, partly because I love bashing skeletons, hah!


    Would be nice to get a fancy sword (or two) from the boss, since ghosts bearing weapons dropped theirs, but oh well, there are still enough rewards so I don't mind.



  15. I replayed this scenario a few times, but unfortunatelly, I have never found a way to reach Chelsea, the imprisoned villager.

    All I know is that she trying to make the workers' life better and was imprisoned for doing so.

    I was unable to come any further than that...

    Does anyone remember how to finish this quest?

  16. The name of the scenario perfectly describes your party members.

    Eager to explore the world, battle evil and helping people while getting rich and famous is all your party dreams of.

    Needless to say, same as in the real world, those of high dreams often get brought down to earth day after day. It saddens me that out enthusiastic party didn't accomplish anything, but it's good that they aren't demoralized enough to give up on adventuring, but eagerly look forward to more opportunities to get fame and glory! Huzzahhh!


    About the scenario itself - the humour hits us from the very beginning. The particulary hilarious encountets for me were: the ultimate, economically advanced fortress defense, the dialogue with the lich at the start, the super mysterious wizard with bad attitude towards your party and many more.

    The way the party never gets any experience or reward whatsoever from the quests, but not being discouraged by it, was funny and sad as well. In the end I almost felt sorry for the poor things.


    If you seek some time away from epic serious scenarios, I would certanly recommend to relax with Nobody's Heroes.



  17. What I liked:

    - town design; it was interesting to walk trough pretty towns, seeing some contents of houses trough the windows and such.. there were plenty of traps too, so Tool Use was quite useful to have.

    - The idea of having an arena was quite interesting.


    What I disliked:

    - Outdoors; why..why so big? It felt like walking trough a green wasteland... I think, for this size of outdoor area, the plot could have been tripple the current size. Walking from town to town felt like a journey.

    - No idea why the Succubus wants her toy and, while we learn a bit about her, it still felt like something is missing.

    - Plot; except it was too short, weirdness stroke me when for example: I saw a beggar build himself a house and owning a portal to the endboss, with only a few coins I gave him; Some random guy having the most important special item just lying there... just made no sense to me.

    - Sexual references: turning my partty into sex maniacs was outrageous, while almost every female character was seen as a potential pornstar was really distasteful, in my opinion.

    - I also didn't like the rewards from the arena, probably because I got..none! I mean cmon you can't make me pay to fight and spend my consumable items without compensation at least...


    Well, I might have become picky from playing better scenarios, but I really did not enjoy this one. I'm sorry I have to rate it so low, though I'll play your other scenarios to see what you actually can do. Seems like I'm not as open-minded as someone playing this scenario should be and I hope it brings more pleasure to others than it brought to me.


    I'd rate it [rating]SUBSTANDARD[/rating].

  18. Considering there are quite a few references to Bahssikava since this continues its story, I would recommend playing Bahss at least twice or once but in detail.

    This way a player can follow the plot and connect deeper with the scenario, which of couse, means more fun playing. Exodus is enormous, so going in just to get uber-items and levels is not recommended..


    What I personally liked here: story, combat, exploring the numerous towns and outdoor areas


    What I didn't like as much: lack of objects around towns, outdoor (classic grey cave outdoor ground) spacing of trees rocks and such "decorative" objects.



    This is the best part of the scenaro, for me at least. Playing Exodus made me feel like reading a good fantasy book.

    There are some parts of the Old Testament (we could probably say the whole Exodus is in way based on it; remember the 40 year long exodus in search for homeland). Also, since the Slith religion bases on a number of gods rather than one, it remind me of greek mythology as well.

    Adding a lyrics to it makes it even more interesting and deeper.

    I have played several good scenarios but none by far match this kind of plot complexity; I noticed Kelandon site even offers insight into Slith grammar...that made me speechless.


    For reasons as: too much HP on enemies, too many of them in a fight or too resistant creatures, many will find the combat pretty hard. But, after acquiring some special spells, one must rely on them and this makes the issue of mages being useless on high levels turn by 180°. Overall, I enjoyed the combat even with some reloads.

    My favorite enemy was by far The Presence; intriguing, mysterious, unpredictable, creepy.. Maybe I am missing something, but I never learned anything about its motives or its creation..



    I've never learned if the whole area/cavern has a name, I know only it is somewhere on the same level as Avernum or maybe deeper.. oor I'm completely wrong, hah!

    Anyway, there are just too many areas to mention even half, but my favorites were indoors. While outdoors were not bad, I didn't think the bright coloured caves are very believable and while the yellow was ok, other colours slightly irritated me, but it was refreshing not to constantly stare at that monotonous gray. I can't say much about the design cause I was more focused on the quests and the plot than on decor; can't remember anything exceedingly good or bad about it.



    Ok then, since I place a lot more value on the plot, I was satisfied with design and combat. In my opinion the scenario needs to be intriguing enough to motivate the player and for me the plot was more than enough to do to this.

    Oh and one more thing: the scene about who's the father of the baby was hilarious!



    Maybe other things keep me interested in a scenario than most people, so I won't judge the bad reviews.


    I would like to rate Exodus as [rating]BEST[/rating]!

  19. I still have no idea how to beat that freak called Wicked Mage! I saved right before entering but I gave up on this fight after a couple of hours... I even used the dark arts of the Character Editor to boost my 1000+ HP singleton's Riposte to 75 but to no use.. I stood there like forever while that lunatic was biting me to death every time.. I had some ring which damages the atacker for 20 upon recieving a hit, but in vain..

    EDIT: I noticed priests can buff the party with Radiance shield (if I remember the name correctly) which, on higher spell levels, also provides a damage-return component! Alright, please excuse me, I have to replay Exodus now..

  20. Playing BoA for a few months now, I just recently noticed there is more to the named spell than only the magic damage component. Since then I was testing in on various opponents, but, while some might get enfeebled (sorry if I spell it wrong), none were terrified so far.. Can anyone offer some insight on how it works or if it even does work properly? As Divine retribution's damage/SP ratio is horrible (I don't see any use except damage) I don't bother buying or leveling it at all.

  21. I'm still playing BoA with intention to win all or at least most of the third-party scenarios, but I have also felt the need to at least try to create a little scenario. Though being greatly inspired by other designers here, I'm afraid it coud (or does) require significant programing/coding/other skills which I don't have.


    I wonder if there is something I need to learn before I even start doing anything with the editor... if someone can point me to a topic similar to this which I might have missed, please do;

    I'm simply unsure if I should go down this road without knowing the basics...

    Any advice is appreciated!



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