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the clueless shaper

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the clueless shaper's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Nice series, I'm just curious if you hit a wall like me when moseh comes into play
  2. Well, at least you had the mech needed I had to fight both kyashakks one of the soldiers in there helped me though, i was just a little surprised.
  3. Well right now i only have enough essense for one Rotghroth, so I will just take the northern way Will try now, thanks a lot.
  4. Hey, I'm semi new to the geneforge series and I am playing as a shaper in geneforge 2 right now. I am pretty far in, but I am trying to get the upgrade of rotghroth! I bought the two points from Burham, and now i cannot get the other point. I know I need a canister to get more then 2 points, so I am trying to find them. I know there is one in Zhass uss, but the problem is I am terribly hostile with the takers right now. Actually, I'm a barzite. As i mentioned, i am a shaper, a VERY squishy shaper at that. The only way past the gates in Zhass Uss are past 2 mines, and both can oneshot me. My creations won't trigger them, and I cannot find any spore batons, so I was wondering if there is anyway at all for me to get past those mines? or do I need to put some points in endurance, put on heavy armor, and plow through? Thanks in advance The Clueless Shaper
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