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Posts posted by Icshi

  1. I've been hearing the delightful chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth smile for some days now, with only minor variation. Yet it's getting tiresome. We need some new orchestrations of suffering to liven things up. Hence this scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel topic. Even in the paltry space of a few hours it has fulfilled its purpose admirably! Quake and shudder in awe eek as hawk king and I draw you all deeper into the maelstrom of self- and mutually-inflicted madness! laugh


    <...Cue duet of diabolical laughter...>



  2. Litalia also brings up the image of some piece of blue-skinned female alien crumpet with glittery antennae that Captian Kirk would scrundle up next to. She's supposedly from another world, but all her alluring bits are biologically compatible.


    Oh my. You've just given me a horrible idea — Jeff may go overboard with this whole island theme: I start up Geneforge 3 and I hear Bobby Mcerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy." eek If that happens I'll get out my Ginzu knives and perform the Happy Despatch.


    And yes, Kelandon, this topic is a new low. Good Lord, I'm ashamed of myself... :rolleyes:

  3. As yet another way of feebly passing the time, I'd like to hear people's thoughts on what the startup screen and accompanying music for Geneforge 3 will be like.


    The first game had a relatively calm depiction of a Shaper creating a Fyora, with nifty strumming <DUM-DUM-DUM-DUM> music in the background.


    Geneforge 2 had a crazed Barzite creating a drakon, with brash <BRAN-NA-NA-NA-NAAAA! BRAN-NA-NA-NAAAA!> music with deep-bass thumping.


    As we can see, so far things have gotten more aggressive thematically. So do you think we're going to get something even more aggressive with GF3 — so much so that it'll make us faint from the assault — or the reversion to a more thoughtful, evocative theme? Or perhaps a mix of the two approaches, such as a pastoral setting with sheep gently grazing and a Shaper Shepherd benignly tending them, but accompanied by hard rock music heavy on the electirc guitar (Avernum 2 style)?


    Fortunately, we shouldn't have to tolerate this particular pointless topic for very long...

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by mark greenwood:
    Originally written by Drakefyre:
    [qb]I was under the impression that this topic was for us to praise Student of Trinity for his briliance, not rate books.
    Well, as seems to happen with all topics in this forum, things inevitably tend to get out of hand pretty quickly. I must carry the brunt of the blame in this instance... and, er, in a few others as well... But you can't pin them all on me!
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by buried spelunker cowry:
    Could there be a sect per Island?
    That's a very interesting idea. That would make it easier for each sect to guard their own territory. Water between islands, just like rivers and forests, make excellent natural borders.

    How many islands are there going to be? Five? So five sects maybe?

    Maybe some sects are more powerful than the others simply because they claimed the larger islands first?

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by mark greenwood:
    Wait a minute... it seems to me that all of us are already dying slowly and painfully... waiting for Geneforge 3!
    Indeed. The cruelest form of punishment for any addict is to take away his supply of the substance in question. In our case, we require massive semi-annual doses of augmentation canisters administered digitally through a phone line. Our latest dose is way overdue, and we're slowly perishing. But being Brothers in Adversity we provide temporary solace for one another through repeated, increasingly inarticulate expressions of comiseration, and mutual threats... We're on the border of the danger zone here.

    Here is a checklist issued by the FDA describing the symptoms of prolonged withdrawl, in chronological order of their occurence and rise of severity. As an example, and as a helpful indication of the general level in the community, I have checked which ones I have already fallen prey to.

    Inability to think clearly <check>

    Itchy pants <check>

    Disproportionate susceptibillity to incorrectly labeled jests regarding the potential release date of GF3 <check>

    Heart palpitations and spontaneous cardiac arrest <check>

    Uncontrollable sobbing <check>

    Hallucinations of a terrifying nature <check>

    Violent behavior and scattershot threats <check>

    Morbid discussion of mediavel (often ethnicity-specific) styles execution methods <check>

    A pinching, aching pain behind the eyeballs from staring at the computer screen too long composing posts on the software bulletin board in a desperate attempt to make time pass more quickly <check>

    Carpol-tunnel syndrome (associated with previous symptom) <check>

    Despair. Deep, deep despair.<check> frownfrown

    Uncontrollale stabbing. Anyone. Everyone. With Ginzu knives. <check!>

    And we all know what the cure is... It'd better hurry, things are getting serious. Before we all die from withdrawl and/or by tearing each other to pieces.
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by hawk king:
    (2)never EVER say anything like i hope it wont be out for a week or i will kill you or maybe just pulverize you or something i don't know just don't say it okay ? good
    Yes, I'm rather afraid my rash statement of jubilation brought a curse down on us all and caused the release date to slide forward a few days. My humblest apologies. I thoroughly recant. Still, the harm's been done, so you'd better butcher me to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

    But not until after I've played through GF3 at least twice. Please.

    *begins to load his rocket launcher* watch your back man
    Oh my, how unimaginative. Surely there are grislier and more creative forms of capital punishment? The Mongols had a real doozy for that one — first, imprison the victim in a pit without food or water. Keep him that way for several days until he's nice and hungry, willing to eat anything. Then prepare a nice, hot, open fire suitable for roasting food over. Then cut off his fingers and < The rest of this email has been censored. But you can probably guess the rest anyway. The process simply continues until the prisoner starves, or until he runs out of detatchable body parts and dies from blood loss and overwhelming agony.>
  8. I've been around for a few years, and never once called anyone a nOob. Ever. It may be technically accurate, but it just ain't polite.


    (However, I apparently have a very strange definition of "polite" as I seem to have, in a moment of unreasoning rage that resulted in a conscios blackout causing amnesia of the incident, sharpened my Ginzu knives at Silver Shadow mere hours ago... Maybe that's why I write this from a padded cell?)

  9. I originally played as a Shaper first time through both games, but during repeated playings as a Guardian and Agent, I've found that an Agent suits my playing style best — combat and magic, no shaping. The fact that the Agent graphic is female doesn't bother me one bit. In fact, when I play as an Agent I sort of pretend I'm a female character. And before any of you out there get any ideas, no, I don't bend both ways. If I can read an SF book, written from the point of view of an intelligent squid-like creature that reproduces via fission — and can comfortably put myself in its place throughout the story, reading it as if I were the central character and vicarious experiencing their adventure — then putting myself in the place of a female central character can't be too much of a stretch.


    I do however think that graphics for female Guardians and male Agents would be a good idea, if only to reflect the fact that such professions aren't gender-specific in Shaper society.

  10. I'm only a part-time college student now — I used to be full time, but then had health problems, had to leave early near the end of my second year, etc. (long story) — so in a way you could say that I'm always on spring break now, to a greater or lesser extent depending on what I'm involved in at any given time. Which makes the Filling of the Void of Time a high priority for me, hence etc. etc.

  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Mr.knowitall:
    Yes I back from the hospital!
    Did you get the flowers I sent you? Or did that crazy guy in the bed next to yours eat them? Oh, wait. That was me, wasn't it?

    Is GF3 coming out already?
    What no!!!!! Not next week!!!! I'll be away in Canada!!!
    I bet GF3 will come out Wednesday, because I'll be out of town Thursday through Sunday. frown It's a conspiracy, I tell you.

    And no, Silver Shadow, I'm not going to hurt anyone. All this waiting and despair has sucked the lifeforce out of me. shocked Besides, my mom won't let me use those knives for anything but slicing up blocks of spam.
  12. Quote:
    Originally written by behind stingy cactus:
    Some things you can do while waiting for GF3 to come out
    Some excellent advise there.

    Personally, while I'm waiting, I'm going to adapt the first two Geneforge games into a 5-hour interpretive dance incorporating the moves, musical styles, and authentic ethnic costumes of the Kalmyk people. It will then be followed by a special 20-minute performance by Michael Flatley showcasing the current lines of speculative thought about GF3.


    Queen's cakes and cream sodas will be sold during the intermission at exhorbitant prices. The manager will pretend that this money will go to charity. No cameras, please. All offers void except where prohibited. Reading the fine print will make you liable to a $600 fine and 10 months in prison.
  13. Quote:
    Originally written by Silver Shadow:
    since the forum apparently appeared today
    The forum was created on Tuesday. :rolleyes:

    we can probably expect GF3 to be out by Wednesday of next week.

    Kindly don't murder me if I'm wrong.

    <SHING!> <SHING!> (Icshi begins sharpening his Ginzu knives, which he ordered last week off of www.cheaptvcommericalgadgetry.com)

    Yes, my mental heatlh has already begun taking the turn for the worst. I was really expecting GF3 today. frown Now it'll be Monday at the earliest. Soon the graemlins ( laugh ) will complete their conquest of my posts, and my communiques will be rendered nothing more than bad immitations of Marcel Marceau. :p

    Doctor's note: This is Icshi's personal physician. I apologize for any ungeltmanly behavior on my pateint's part. Be assured that we have him under close observation, but recognize the good done by letting him give occasional vent to his feelings in order to prevent any unfortunate incidents here at the clinic. We're on a tight budget as it is, and any unpleasantness such as walls being punctured, matresses set on fire, etc., would adversely affect the amount of my Christmas bonus. (I'm depending on this bonus to pay off my heavy gambling debts and finance my escape to Barbados.) We all expect the situation to imrpove some time next week. Until then, just humor him and don't maintain eye contact with him for longer than 5 seconds. Thank you for your cooperation.
  14. Thanks for the advice. I'm glad to hear their fantasy output is better than their SF. Still, that wouldn't be too difficult, would it? :p But I may try to give the first 3 Dragonlance books a try when I finish with Salvatore's Cleric Quintet.


    I mainly read fantasy books in bed before I go to sleep, to ration it to a chapter a night or so because his books are so good. I'm determined to make them all really last. It takes about one month to read one of his novels, so it'll be a while before I get a chance for Dragonlance.


    Is there any connection between the Forgotten Realms world and the Dragonlance one? They seem to have advertisements for the latter in all the former books, though it may just be because they're from the same publisher.

  15. I just have to sit back a moment and say that the postings in this forum are absolutely hilarious and a joy to read and participate in. smile


    Student of Trinity, Mr. Knowitall, Hawk King, and Ornk of Death are real stars in this regard. Waiting has never been this much fun! I almost hope GF3 won't be out until early next week so we can enjoy a little more of all this zanny, hysterically desperate banter.


    < ...stunned silence... >


    "What?! You don't want GF3 to come out until next week? Have you lost your mind, Icshi? eek Heretic! Burn the heretic!!!" mad


    Ouch! Watch where you point that thing! You could have someone's eye out with that.


    Hey, hey! Cool it, folks! I said "almost," didn't I?


    In point of fact if GF3 doesn't come out soon, at the current rate of increase within a few days my new posts will become nothing but graemlin faces... So the maintaince of my mental health is a large factor in all this. So I do want it to come out tomorrow. Really I do! :rolleyes:

  16. Quote:
    Originally written by fallen_avatar:
    Guys...it was a joke. Hopefully you'll all recover from your heartattacks


    Too late. That was the big one. That was the last straw. I'm a goner.

    When you hear the wailing and the clanking of chains in your closet this evening, fallen_avatar, you will know who it is. <this message was typed up by my sister to whom I transmitted it via ouija board>
  17. What can I say? We're so far ahead of our time that it staggers the imagination!


    Yes, I hope we don't crash the server. That would be just awful. After all this waiting, and then just as it's downloading FOOM! The server is destroyed, along with Jeff's computer, and GF3 is lost forever. eek


    To quote Burt Gummer "What kind of Supreme Being would condone such irony?"

  18. Quote:
    Originally written by Student of Trinity:
    Dudes. The glowing green goo is for external use only.
    Oh. I thought it was Gatorade. Must've been laced with Kryptonite. Those darn cheerleaders.

    And no, Mr. Knowitall, I'm sure it'll be out next week or soon thereafter. I don't know where this "March 2006" business came from, but it should be shut up under the floorboards where it belongs before it crawls across the room any further.
  19. As a break from my normal posting pattern of late — in which I scribble pathetic, unintelligent, and unintelligible squeaks and squawks of risible desperation for GF3 — I've decided to participate in this very excellent discussion now that I've actually thought of something to say.


    Another reason why the PC may gain levels so quickly is that both games took place in a sort of "wilderness" region, either not wholly tamed (GF2), or neglected and bobby-trapped galore (GF1). These are hardly ordinary circumstances — I'm sure most Shaper populations live in more civilized areas. It's the "frontiersmen," and those sent to the frontiers to investigate matters, who gather a lot of experience through short stints of hacking out a place in this new region, then defending what they've created. The PC is such an "investigator" in both games, an ordinary person thrown into this wild circumstance. Of course, this PC must have exceptional, untapped potential to start with in order to make the story more involving — if they were just a non-"frontiersman" Joe Schmuck who wandered into a situation like this, they'd get pulverized and eaten within the first few hours. I know I would. That wouldn't make a very good game. (Skippy the Bush Kangaroo mentioned this point above, but I felt the need to reiterate it.)


    The fact that these frontiersmen themselves must be hearty folk is demonstrated by their very presence there, within cities that they built out in the middle of nowhere. So your short (either a few days or a few weeks, depending on how you interpret how time "passes" inside the game) but intense stint of action in their area may be nothing too far out of the ordinary. The fact that you're doing most of this alone — whilst they did it in large groups with the proper equipment, weapons, etc. — concentrates all this experience in the PC. In fact, this is nicely demonstrated with Shapers with lots of creations with them; the experience is spread out among you all, so less is concentrated in each. If these "frontiersmen" had likewise done such things by themselves they may also have reached such heights, and they're probably aware of this. They also took a greater amount of time to do what they did — whereas the PC rushes around like a glaahk with its stinger cut off. There's probably a "threshold" point where your brief-and-intense accumulated experience surpasses their lengthy-and-spread-out accumulated experience. If you had accompanied these "frontiersmen" when they first came to settle the area, you would probably have remained at the same level they are. Likewise, the serviles on Sucia Island already had their living areas cleared out and set up, so all they had to do was maintain it — not exactly a potent experience-building activity, especially since the rogue epidemics on the island didn't begin until a few months before your arrival (courtesy of the Sholai & Goettsch).

  20. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    It's not a unique theme; off the top of my head, sarcophagi in Stargate SG-1 heal injuries and give superhuman powers but also cause insanity in humans, and SG-1 is hardly an obscure show.
    That's probably my favorite show on television at the moment, followed closely by Monk. I used to live for Friday nights. Now that it's almost the end of the season for both Stargates and Monk, I'm feeling rather sad. Which makes my need for (yes, you guessed it) GF3 even more desperate.

    Yes, you're right about the sarcophagi — two very similar concepts, which is probably why it was all so fuzzy in my mind at two in the morning. But it was GF in particular that I was thinking of that fateful, fretful night.
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