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Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

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Everything posted by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy

  1. Thanks! So if I'm reading you correctly, there's a diminishing returns cap at 10 and 20 for skills, but no such cap for stats? One additional question: for Backstab, do the two pc's need to just be next to the monster, or actually on opposite sides? Does it only work 'behind' the monster, i.e., the squares directly behind it? Or can two adjacent pc's on the monster's front both get a backstab bonus from each other?
  2. Thanks, this is a really great guide and very useful for a new player.
  3. Haven't played any of these games before and trying to figure out how some of the basic mechanics work; I've read through most of the posted guides but they tend to assume a level of familiarity with the mechanics of prior games, and I don't have that since I'm starting fresh with this one. 1) Are there any caps to stats or to the benefits from stats? i.e., is there some point at which increasing Strength gives diminishing returns, or is there some maximum point past which there's no further need to increase Endurance, etc.? 2) Looking at the traits, if you're a melee fighter is it always better to get "improved strength" (for a +5% damage bonus and +to hit) before mighty blow/backstab? Similarly, is it always better to get "improved endurance" before getting "good health"? Any other "best order" thoughts? Some guides say "these 5 abilities are good for this type of character" but they don't really address what order they should be grabbed in. 3) Should I be assuming a "soft cap" on character level at around 25/30 before the end of the game (assuming I try to do EVERYTHING)? So does that mean I have a total of ~25/30 stat points, ~50/60 skill points, and ~12-15 traits to play with? Anything else people think I should know? I'm starting my first playthrough on Torment using the "remix" if that matters. Thanks!
  4. In what may be an ill-advised step I'm starting in on Avernum: Escape from the Pit on a first playthrough on Torment difficulty using the remix from the first post of this thread -- I've played a lot of other RPGs of this general stripe (Ultimas, fallouts, etc.) and if I don't go hardest difficulty these games tend to lose my interest, but I wanted a little more complexity to my party than the original game seemed to have (it made me sad that my polearm fighter was going to be less effective in the base game version). I've read the various posted guides etc. but since this is going to be my first playthrough I thought I'd ask and make sure my character plans were at least along the right lines -- apologies if this isn't the right thread for that, but the remix changes enough things that other advice probably won't be applicable. Is this basic party layout a good idea? 1) A tanky polearm fighter dividing stat points between Str and End. Go polearms -> hardiness --> parry. 2) A dual-wielding backup fighter, 2 for 1 str/end.. melee weapons --> hardiness --> blademaster -> quick action 3) A mage, 2 for 1 int/end, starting with 2 in tool use 4) a priest, 2 for 1 int/end, starting w/ 3 in tool use. I guess what I'm wondering is if the remix changes the various long-term party building things. Is it still a good idea to go the Sage Lore route or do more things need base Arcane Lore? Is Adrenaline Rush still worth having your casters train some weapon skills (and is itworth training bow/thrown weapons on your casters if you don't plan to give them any Dex boosts? Or should I add to their Dex instead of some of that End?) Anyway, just looking for general character-building advice for Slartibus's remix. Thanks!
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