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Soul of Wit

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Posts posted by Soul of Wit

  1. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    An OS X application is essentially a folder. In fact, if you look at it from Windows, it even shows up as a folder. Editing files inside the application works the same way as if those files were not inside the application bundle to begin with.

    To see the folder on a Mac, just right-click the app and choose Show Package Contents.
  2. Originally Posted By: Spidweb
    "I would describe it as confusing. Is that a good thing?"

    All changes, every single one, confuse some people when first encountered. This is neither avoidable nor a reason to avoid changing the system. I strongly suspect most people new to my games will not be confused by it and people who are familiar with past titles will get used to the new system very quickly.

    For what its worth, the zone system in Avadon is very, very close to that of Dragon Age. That was a hugely popular game, and I know of no epidemics of perplexity when people traveled from area to area.

    - Jeff Vogel

    Okay, maybe confusing is not the best description. Games, like films, require suspension of disbelief. In GF, I felt like I was walking from zone to zone. Even when I was passing through multiple green zones, it just felt like I was being fast forwarded through the tedious process of walking. In Av, I feel like I'm teleporting to any zone that I want to go to. Convenient, but not the right feel. The fact that there are also teleporters in the game just adds to the feeling of unease.
  3. Originally Posted By: Spidweb
    "Like I said before, why does Jeff give us the option of exiting zones from all four sides when most of them go nowhere? Wouldn't it be better to just block those exits with trees, etc?"

    They don't go "nowhere". They go out of the zone. I provide multiple exits to minimize the amount you have to travel when you are done in an area and want to go elsewhere. This is a good thing.

    - Jeff Vogel

    I would describe it as confusing. Is that a good thing?
  4. The lack of spontaneous exploration is a minor concern for me. I very much like the wide open spaces within regions. That, combined with the "buildings as black boxes" scheme, results in tasty gameplay. I'm experiencing a pleasant balance between linearity (go where I tell you to go) and E3/A3-style gallivanting.


    One suggestion: I would like a better clue when I click on a neighboring region and can't go there yet. Right now, it's just confusing. I go to the map and there's no there there. Huh?! Perhaps a nice message suggesting that the player talk to more people nearby? Geneforge handled this with red and green zones. Surely, there must be a way to make this less confusing in Avadon? Right now, I see a bordering region and have no idea if I can go there or not.

  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    Originally Posted By: Kelandon
    Is there some way to keep the screen centered on the character or at least have it move automatically in some way? I'm finding it really annoying to move the screen myself.
    This has been a problem since G1. I don't know if it works in Avadon too, but I took to using the mouse for movement and simultaneously using the arrow keys to keep the screen on track.

    If I'm moving over already-explored territory, I click on the map to view my destination, click on the ground and then wait for my party to show up. The ambidextrous method is pretty good for exploring.
  6. Originally Posted By: athom
    Hello, I just started playing the game, and I can't help but notice that my Shaman can't use her big damage ability, despite having three levels in it! My sorceress companion has the same problem, she can use one of her level 1 abilities (Daze), but not the other (attack skill). I looked through the help but I couldn't find anything that would clue me in as to what I'm doing wrong! Any suggestions?

    I've noticed that the Sorceress attacks with a staff or rod for the main attack. By default, the Apprentice Staff (something like that) is equipped at the beginning. Did you un-equip this weapon, by chance?

    Jeff (obviously) pays more attention to the boards when a new game is launched, but there is a specific forum for bug reports.
  7. Can't find the prisoner who won't leave the dungeon = Quinnel. There are a couple of doors to the South that say "the lock is too complicated to be picked". All other cells are empty, have a dead body or have no-name prisoners. All corpses have been searched.


    I have spoken to Eye Mamora. He says that Quinnel is in the cells to the South.

  8. Originally Posted By: Carington x2
    Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit
    I'm finding that stackable items don't stack. For example, I have one bolt of cloth in the junk bag and I add two bolts of cloth. I expect one slot with three bolts. Nope. I have two slots occupied.

    That's only true of the junk bag, and since the bag is effectively bottomless and you're presumably using it for stuff you don't care about, what difference does it make?

    —Alorael, who admits to occasionally using the junk bag as extra storage space. It's not ideal for that, especially when you forget that you left something important there and sell all your loot.

    The junk bag is bottomless?! I just assumed that I had that tiny amount of room that I could see.
  9. I'm finding that stackable items don't stack. For example, I have one bolt of cloth in the junk bag and I add two bolts of cloth. I expect one slot with three bolts. Nope. I have two slots occupied.

  10. Originally Posted By: Tcheedchee
    Concerning the original topic of spiderweb products being offered on the app store: Spiderweb games are being offered on apple's download recommendation site for quite some time already. I'd say that's quite adequate, wouldn't you. I can't get, why someone should want to play a real RPG as an app on the iphone. ...

    You may have confused the iTunes App Store with the new Mac App Store. This thread (was originally) about distribution and not about porting Spiderweb games to new hardware.
  11. Originally Posted By: llmercll
    How would you experienced guys rate avernum 6 compared to the older ones? If I were to play another one which would you recommend, 5?

    AV6 is a fine conclusion to the series. It is the favorite of many players. I'm also a big fan of AV3. It is bigger on exploration and has a time-is-valuable element. Be aware that the first three are very different (engine-wise) from the latter three. Many here are fans of AV5. It has a nice uptick in difficulty about half-way through. Personally, I found it far too linear. IMHO, AV4 is the worst of the series. It is also very linear. Of course, you can't go wrong by starting from AV1 and playing through.
  12. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    I think we're all missing the point here. If Jeff puts his games on Steam, then there's a chance that they'll be a dark horse smash hit that takes the video game world by storm. If that happens, then someone IRL might ask us if we knew about this cool new Avadon series, and we'd be forced to reply that we liked Jeff's games better when they were still underground, and that he's a sellout for making them so popular with Steam.

    And then we'd all look like such hipsters. tongue

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

    "I'm too hip for my shirt, too hip for my shirt, so hip it hurts."
  13. Before this thread dies, I'll chip in here. To understand the Republican party in the US, you have to realize that it has been eaten from inside by neoconservatives. Republicans are associated with being fiscally conservative; neocons spend more than any political party. Republicans believe that a conservative government can effectively lead; neocons believe that the government that governs least governs best. If that sounds like a do-nothing party then you are catching on. Part of the neocon philosophy is that you can flat-out lie to the voters and get away with it. I submit their success with the voters as my proof of that concept. For example, a neocon will crow that the 2010 elections were an indictment of Democratic policies and an endorsement of Republican policies. Neither of those things is remotely true. The 2010 elections were--to even the most casual observer--a desperate plea for employment and (to a lesser extent) an end to reckless spending. The electorate loathes both parties almost equally.


    As for tax breaks for the rich? They don't stimulate the economy near as much as tax breaks for the other classes. It's not even close. People buying necessities pour their money towards middle class small businesses. The cash reverberates around the economy and has an effect many times greater that the original input from the government. That is true under normal circumstances. Add in a banking system unwilling to loan money to small business--and that is the current economic climate--and tax breaks for the rich do almost nothing.

  14. The main advantages of Steam, as I see it:


    1. You can play on either Windows or Mac. That's handy if you use both and might game on either. It preserves your investment if you switch your primary (or only) computer from one OS to the other.

    2. No media in the optical drive to play. That's huge for those games that use a CD/DVD as their method of DRM enforcement. There's a reason that no-CD hacks are popular with legitimate purchasers of games. I game on a desktop and take very good care of my optical discs. I still absolutely despise CD-based DRM. For example, I will play Civ V if and when it becomes playable--through Steam--on a Mac that I own. The (true) system requirements are too steep for me, right now. The fact that I can also play it on a Windows box is irrelevant--for me. Others may appreciate the flexibility of firing up Windows for the express purpose of playing a game.


    As others have stated, the negatives for Steam are more pronounced for Mac users. One example is higher system requirements to achieve the same quality.

  15. Expectation of grinding is a big part of this discussion. I ran into some huge HP sliths in A6 and ran for the hills. Others said, "Hey, I wonder what will happen if I kill off a few of these guys?" When the answer was "not much," they kept right on grinding. Huh?


    My advice is to adjust your gaming style to the game.


    As for difficulty with mandatory bosses? The lower difficulty level is for people who haven't figured out the tricks that Jeff tosses into his games. Optimizing your party is not for (most) beginners.


    Again, adjust your gaming style to the game.

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