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Soul of Wit

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Posts posted by Soul of Wit

  1. Originally Posted By: Triumph
    What I did: I entered the first portal. Then I kept entering the eastern portal, checking for switches each time. I think the second time I went through it, there was a switch in a different spot than I'd seen before, and it opened a path to Drath. (Hopefully I'm remembering correctly what I did.)

    It appears that you remembered correctly. Thanks. I'm not a fan of searching for switches in the dark.
  2. Originally Posted By: MissSea
    Wasn't that a complaint of A4? You had so much freedom that it became overwhelming?

    Quite the contrary. A4 is excruciatingly linear, and is considered by many to be the worst of the Avernums. Give me the wide open spaces. Just give me enough "beginner" quests to complete until I've built up my party to where I can take on the lion's share of the baddies.
  3. Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit
    And still not grasping this...

    Right portal returns me to the portal maze entry portal. Nothing appears to have changed there.
    Center portal leads to a switch that gives a soft click and nothing else.
    Left portal leads to a switch than gives grinding of stone.

    The latter opens a tunnel that leads to open water. No other switches/doors or anything useful.

    Is the order that I use the portals important?

  4. And still not grasping this...


    Right portal returns me to the portal maze entry portal. Nothing appears to have changed there.

    Center portal leads to a switch that gives a soft click and nothing else.

    Left portal leads to a switch than gives grinding of stone.


    The latter opens a tunnel that leads to open water. No other switches/doors or anything useful.


    Is the order that I use the portals important?

  5. Regarding your junk bag comments:


    The junk bag's sole purpose is to collect items for later mass sale. It is not intended for convenient viewing or retrieval. In other words, the minimalist approach is intentional and unlikely to change.


    I do agree that a reverse sort would simplify undoing an accidental placement in the bag.




    Others have mentioned the auto-routing imperfections. The boat piloting does, at least, mirror real life. It would be harder to steer a boat than to walk on dry land.

  6. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Jeff said he wouldn't change it because it's the third time he used it and figures if previous generations of players can figure it out you should.

    The portals go to the same locations each time and I spent about 15 minutes figuring them out.

    That's just it; I am one of those previous players. As soon as the lights go out, I lose all interest in stumbling about to figure out if where I am has changed. Thanks for the replies, folks.
  7. Continuing on in the crypt...


    What's the best approach to the teleporter maze? Is it a variation of the old adventure standby of dropping an object to figure out where you've been? Is it a random event thing where I'll eventually know I'm in the correct spot?


    BTW, I despise the "lights go out" gameplay. This my second request for help on this game, and they've both involved limited visibility.

  8. Originally Posted By: Master1
    I got towels and washcloths for college next year. My parents are no longer trying to be discreet about their desire to see me gone.

    Just wait until you have a homecoming and find that your bedroom has become a den, or sewing room, or home theatre or junk room.
  9. It's a family tradition that Dad (that would be me) gets beer from around the world. This year, the import is from Belgium. I haven't tried it yet, but the all-time favorite is still brew from the Czech Republic. Now, that's a Christmas present.


    Best wishes to all as the days grow longer (shorter, for our southern hemisphere friends) and the year begins anew. May your non-virtual world be as entertaining as Avernum.




    Beer speaks. People mumble. --from a pint glass

  10. Originally Posted By: Kreador
    Earlier, you can also get Cloak of the Arcane from the spring across the river and east of Formello (must get a boat in Fort Draco to get there). That one seems to be limited somehow in how often you can use it, but I'm not sure what the limiting factor is. Someone who knows might say.

    True, although the Ft.Emerald source seems more conveniently located. I don't recall boating back to the spring too many times, but I used the emerald many times.

    As for the recharge delay, I guess the spring must work the way refilling basins do. I tend to think of springs as unlimited. I suppose some springs might be able to be drunk dry and then slowly refill.
  11. • get to hit first

    • can't buff first, because it's outdoors

    • enemies have a high to-hit chance


    The overall strategy is to do two things:


    1. Always equip your best "lasting" buffs when outdoors. For example, once I hit Ft. Emerald, I would "rest" near the emerald to get Cloak of the Arcane, and I would also have the Priest cast Ward of Steel. The latter can fend off a lot of physical/acid damage.

    2. Don't wander in areas where the enemies can take out a character before you get a turn. Often, you can avoid wandering packs. Unfortunately, they sometimes chase you from the area.

  12. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    The Spiral Pit boss fight was hard for me the first time because I was at 70% to hit chance versus the boss and needed invulnerability potions to keep the lead character alive while the others destroyed everything else.

    Coming back a few levels later when I was over 90% to hit chance made a major difference.

    Is there an easy way to see your to-hit chance?
  13. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Okay getting in to the center involves finding one of two hidden switches along the long corridor east west corridor after things go dark. Then hug the east wall and there are two more hidden switches, one opens to a body with a piercing crystal and the other opens the way to the center.

    Okay, I find a long east/west corridor with two switches. Both switches open doors in the north wall that lead to the SAME maze. At the north end of the maze is a switch that leads to the piercing crystal body.

    Where is the source of the undead?
  14. I think the issue here is not game balance, but rather that the skill tree is confusing. Someone mentioned that DEX is not helpful for hit chance, yet reading the description would lead one to believe otherwise. Are any of the upper-tier skills worth an investment? Maybe Resistance?


    I've never had to worry about penalty-to-hit armor in other Spiderweb games, and here I do have to weigh the benefits. It appears that the shiny metal stuff may wind up on my Priest character. That will be a first.


    I would definitely NOT argue for a boring, linear game. Getting your butt kicked and having to go elsewhere is what adventuring is all about. Can't wait for the third game in this series. Wide open spaces, yessiree.

  15. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    3) Everybody wants to dual-wield. Dual-wielding is VERY strong and usually worth it, but it does incur that hit chance penalty at the start of the game

    I knew somebody would figure out my problem with low hit chance. I'm running two DW fighters. Apparently, I need to beeline for the top row DW booster. How many levels will it take to undo the DW penalty?
  16. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit
    He's clearly asking if the save games will work with a different operating system. Since AEftP is Mac-only at this point, it seems like an easy question to answer.

    He said "bring them onto a Mac with a different operating system", which, precisely since the game is Mac-only, I take to mean a different version of OS X. In which case it should work fine.

    You're probably correct. Since a Mac easily runs Windows, I didn't parse it that way. A different version of an OS is not a different OS.
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