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The Shaper Camp can never be cleared out. There are a few creations that will keep spawning forever, though you can kill the guards and shapers and they will not come back.


Turabi Gate is the same way. Troops will come at you infinitly but only if they are alerted by one of the patroling guards. The patroling guards will come back when you leave the area but the shapers and creations by the gate will not, so if you sneak in and kill them that's as good as it gets. Don't feel bad if you can't do either area, if you're not cheating you may have to come back and do them later. You will want to, since there are some good items.


As for the actual Turabi Gate gate, you can't go through it, ever.. The same goes for the gates at Western Morass, which you will visit much later. They lead to Shaper lands, which are not part of this game.

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