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Blessed weapons and armour


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Do they have any hidden special characteristics? I've got far too many weapons and pieces of armour for my party to choose from at the moment. It seems that blessed items have a higher money value than items with similar characteristic. Yet they don't seem to have any special abilities. Why?



(And btw, wtf is a sword doing carrying a +2 in pole weapons? How useless is that?)

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Item value in this game is pretty weird. Witness how the Nephil Warblade isn't worth any more than a Blessed Shortsword despite giving a bunch of cool bonuses. As for the Discipline Blade, increasing pole weapons makes you able to use higher-level battle techniques. What I like to do is put it in a quickslot, then switch it in and out whenever I want to use a battle technique I don't have the skill for. (And yes, the battle technique still takes effect if you prepare it with the Discipline Blade, then switch to another weapon.)

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Ignore items' "value". As you've already noticed yourself, this "value" doesn't actually tell you how useful an item is most of the time. How exactly items' properties are calculated, I don't know - but I do know that in A3, a stick deals out more damage than the most expensive of super-duper weapons at later stages, thus the possibility to sell these expensive weapons.



Edit: To be more clear - items don't have any properties that don't show up on the info screen. Not since A3.

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Skills are worth buying. Everything past the first level of a spell probably isn't, since the bonus you get for increasing the spell's level is quite limited (exactly equal to one point of Spellcraft, Magery, or Mage/Priest). You're better off saving cash for those skills.


—Alorael, who still thinks all items have all of their properties labeled. Some have more cryptic information, particularly weapons and their damage types and additional effects. If there isn't a line explicitly different from regular items, though, there is no difference.

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