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Movement Bug *Bad*


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Here is another bug that I find very annoying. When moving (I tend to use a combination of keypad, and mouse movement) with the keypad, and entering combat a very very bad thing happens. I click 1 keystroke, combat begins, and my 1st 2 characters auto move in the same direction as my last keystroke before entering combat so many times that it uses up ALL of their action points!!!! This happens 100% of the time (unless I am lucky enough to have a wall, or other obstruction in the characters path to stop them), and makes using the keypad to move in certain circumstances impossible. Ironically, it is in exactly the situations that I'd prefer to use keypad movement (dungeons) that I am least able to do so.


Jeff, and your spiderweb team, please fix this issue!

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I wonder if this is related to the Geneforge engine bug (also present in A4/5, I think) where if you happen to be scrolling the view as combat begins or the enemy turn begins, the view will keep scrolling at that speed + in that direction until all the enemies are done acting.

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"I wonder if this is related to the Geneforge engine bug (also present in A4/5, I think) where if you happen to be scrolling the view as combat begins or the enemy turn begins, the view will keep scrolling at that speed + in that direction until all the enemies are done acting."


This is why I always tell people to E-mail me with bugs. This issue is news to me, and it's also evaded my beta testers too. Since they're a pretty thorough and competent lot, I suspect it's a pretty rare, possibly keyboard/system specific issue.


(I've certainly never encountered in my years wandering in these games. Had I, I would have fixed it. :-) )


Anyway, I think I know why it might happen. Next time I get around to patching, I'll throw in a bit of code that might solve the problem.


- Jeff Vogel

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I looked at the code a bit. The terrain scrolling bug is a separate bug. I just put in a fix for it, which will be in the next updates.


The code for keypad movement in combat seems to have a check in it to prevent this sort of thing from happening. The extra code I put in might prevent the problem.


However, I am unable to reproduce it (and none of the beta testers reported afflicted). If you find that it is happening constantly, it might be a glitch local to your machine. An uninstall-redownload-reinstall would be a very good first step.


- Jeff Vogel

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OK, one more thing on this for now. I have created a test version for Windows to see if I can fix this problem.


So. If you are a Windows user, and you have had a problem where, when a keypad key was down when combat started your characters would move out of your control.


Download and unpack this file:




Put it in your Avernum 5 folder (where the Avernum 5.exe app is, deep within Program Files), run it, and see if it helps.


Also, if you have had this problem, please let me know. If this new version helps (or doesn't), also let me know. It will help me determine if this is in fact a general bug or a hardware incompatibility or what.




- Jeff Vogel

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