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Before heading to Gull Island...

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I have one more thing to do before I head to Gull Island (again). I had to restart after losing my hard drive and video card. mad


I only have Krya's Refuge to complete on the first 3 islands and want to finish that before I head out while I still have Greta *AND* Alwan.


But my real question is, what is the best armor, cloak, weapon etc. to have before heading over. I have 3 rather messy piles of stuff, jewelry, enhancements and armor/weapons in Dhonal's Keep. My favorite enhancement so far is the acid infusion but don't think it will do much for the oozing blade. On my last trip to GI, I didn't get too far without losing Alwan then got killed myself. So apparently I didn't have good enough "clothes". Any help without too many spoilers would be greatly appreciated.

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Doesn't one of the item enhancements drain hp from your enemy? I haven't played as mellee but I think that is considered the way to go. Also, there is no real consensus on what the best equipment is at any given point as it in part depends on what character you are using and what skills you are depending on. Just look at the stats on all the equipment you can find to decide what to wear, and if you are having trouble no matter what you wear you may have made poor choices in stat placement perhaps or are using poor strategies.

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Thanks for the replies. I made it past Gull Island but think I must have missed some recipes for enhancements somewhere. frown


SupaNik.. that really didn't say what the best armor is.. but no matter, I am on to Spears now. laugh


Walter... I don't know about the enhancements. I know there is the rotting flesh thing in the oozing blade. I am on Spears now and think fire enhancements would be beneficial. smile


Indeterminatus...Since you strongly advise against rescripting, I think I'll pass. wink I'm not a big one for cheats or rescripting anyway.

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That rotting touch ability on the oozing blade means it will do acid instead of physical damage and slows the target. I checked and a reviving crystal (I think it has the same graphic as a tiny orb of mist) makes a weapon drain hp when you hit, and making your attacks heal yourself seems somewhat more useful than a slight damage increase like most enhancements give. (you can also add slow, curse, or slight accuracy bonus). As for armor enhancements, the best choice is golden crystals for 5% resistance to all effects except physical damage (they are rare but there are just about enough to enchant a full set of armor in the game). Other than that you could add steel spines to damage attackers, or blessing crystals for armor. Other armor enhancements are either of marginal benefit or only useful against a fraction of enemies (ones that use a certain damage type), and otherwise useless.

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