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Avernum II Major Quest Order

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There is no forced order; they can all be done and everything will make sense in any order as far as I know. Probably the most usual order is to recover the crystal souls, destroy the portal, then kill Garzahd, as this ordering roughly goes from least to most difficult. The game also expects you to take this order to a very slight degree, the "You have completed a Major quest" screens include numbers as I recall. However, my brother just finished a game doing crystal souls, Garzahd, then the portal, without messing anything up.

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I played through in a rather differant order...


I found a crystal soul almost by accident, took off on the kill Garzahd and did just that. With my new super-powered party finding the last two crytal souls and defeating their defenders was easy. Then I spent about a month mulling over the Portal quest then found out the riddles and turned it to scrap.

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Originally written by DanielJacksonMPC:
So, basically, Crystal Souls, then Portal, then Garzahd?
That's pretty much how I do it. My preferred order is get a crystal or two, do a bunch of minor quests to boost my XP, get the remaining crystal(s), take out the portal, and kill Garzahd.

Then again, as others have pointed out, the order doesn't matter in the slightest.
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